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Did you suffer from bedwetting while growing up?

Yes .. I still am.
No but one of my family members did
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Post by Glen »

How many people were bedwetters when they were younger? How do you think it changed your life if any?

I ask this because I was a bedwetter until the age of 14 and this had quite an impact on my life and I am sure also helped trigger my interest in diapers. Strangely enough i ws never made to wear diapers for my bedwetting; looking back i now wish i got to.. LOL.

My parents were very caring and supportive and tried not to make a big deal out of it, but it still affected my personal life then since I felt like the only kid in the world who was a bedwetter since it was something that no one spoke about back then. It also affected my social life as a child; I didnt go to sleep-overs and as a result became rather isolated socially (even though i am much more sociable now I still tend to keep myself apart from most people since I enjoy spending time bymyself now).

I suppose the mix of going through puberty and bedwetting at the same time naturally led to my curiousity in diapers and the fixation that followed. I still havent really figured that part out yet, although i do remember being drawn to them at an early age too.

I still remmber all the different things my parents and I tried to stop my bedwetting.. from limiting drinks before bed (btw this is pointless and only tends to dehydrate kids) to those alarms pads that if they sense moisture emite a large siren like noise. These were most annoying and also useless in my opinion. Since I was a heavy sleeper and also slept very warm, the smallest bit of persperation would set it off. the result being no one got any sleep due to the siren always going off... LOL. The last thing we tried which may have worked (or it could have be I had just finally reached an age that i grew out of it) happened to be medication prescribed by a doctor. I remeber the pills were a bright blue and tiny. I cant remeber the name of them but in my opinion again.. I wouldn't use them; I still wonder what other side effects they have/had on me.

well that is a bit of background on me.. so anyone else suffered from bedwetting.. or have a sibling who did? Just curious.

Baby Glen
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Post by TheSitterStacie »

I didn't wet my bed, but my one brother did. It was bad for him. My parents were not so loving, instead of trying to figure out why he did this my mom would punish him severely for doing so. I used to feel so bad for him, it got to the point where I (with everyone else in the house actually) would tense up every morning waiting for my mom to check his bed. A couple of my sisters and I decided that we would set our alarms for a very early time and get my brother up, and if he had wet the bed we would quickly change the sheets and change him, have him go to the bathroom and flip his mattress over so my mom wouldn't punish him. So for a period of about a year we did this (he was eight) until he finally stopped. Okay, TMI eh? Sorry about the rambling on and on.

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Post by babymarty »

Great topic, great poll! :D

I have to answer "No", I was never a bedwetter, and didn't know anyone who was. However, for the past 12 years of corsponding with AB's all over the U.S., I say that at least, 50% or more AB's got "into" diapers through bedwetting: Either their parents puting them into diapers for bedwetting, or like you, geting into them on your own. So it is VERY common to have bedwetting as your "gateway" into a lifelong passion for wearing diapers and regression fantasies.

By the way, have you ever thought that maybe, just maybe, you were wetting the bed on a sub-concious level, because you had an inner desire to be diapered at a young age?

Oh and here is an interesting fact, like Stacie's brother, most bedwetters are boys, something like 80% boys, and 20% girls.

And, I got "into" diapers through my mother at a very young age, due to pooping in my pants, not wetting the bed my pants. My mother first tried to potty train me at the age of 13 months, right after I learned to walk.

Since that didn't work, because at 13 months, a baby has NO CONTROL over his bowels: When he feels his tummy cramp, he just fills his pants without another thought, and goes back to playing.
So, my mom tried again when I was 2 years old, but I would stop pooping my training pants, so she put me back into diapers (cloth diapers and plastic pants since it was 1961) and kept me in diapers untill I was almost 5 years old. :shock:

After that, from the age of 6 all way to now, I have wanted to be regressed back to infancy or toddlerhood, where I can fill my diapers with poop, and my mommy will love me for it. (Which is why all of my fantasies involve me being a diapered baby, "filling my britches" in front of a loving, pretty mommy who smiles and "Baby-Talks" to me.)
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Post by DommyMommyScarlet »

A very good poll and thread Glen. I can only speak for my abie. He was not a bedwetter. I am guessing he is one of the small percentage that didn't try diapers until adulthood and only after trying other things ab related.
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Post by Mommy Sophia »

This is a GREAT subject. A lot of guys and girls wonder why they regress into being an ABDL and if they sit back and think about it usually it has something to do with something that happened or didn't happen in childhood.. Just like it is mentioned that your mommy loved you and baby talked to you when you filled your diaper full. It made you feel good because she showed that she cared and loved you when you did it. I am a single child and never had a problem with bed wetting personally but I have a niece that has a daughter that is 9 yrs old now and she still wets the bed. But she is very mean to her about it and it makes me want to knock my Niece out when she jumps on her about it. I don't think that getting on to a child and punishing them is going to help them stop wetting the bed. I think the only thing that is going to help her is she will either grow out of it on her own or maybe if you show a little love and care about it she would get out of it a lot easier.

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Vote "no" on bedwetting

Post by Demon »

I had an occasional wet bed as a kid but a couple times in a year wouldn't put me in the catagory of a "bedwetter." When it did happen it was treated as a non-issue, of course there are 9 kids in my family so it took a lot to get a rise out of my parents.

I have no clue as to what developed/created my love of diapers. No abuse, no traumatic events, my parents were very good at making sure you had the attention you needed, when you needed it.

I remember thinking early on that girls wanted to put boys in diapers for some reason and so I was afraid of girls, or rather pretended to be afraid because I was a big boy and didn't need diapers however on the inside I wanted that more than anything. I'm not sure what planted that seed but I am more scared of girls than ever. ::wink:: :wink:
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Post by Glen »

I am surprised I would have thought there would be more bedwetters that visit here or atleast those who used to wet the bed? Anyone else want to volunteer their experiences?

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Re: Bedwetters..?

Post by Dommy Scarlet »

Not all adult baby diaper lovers wet the bed when they were younger, but I do believe that with age regression automatically brings the action of diaper wearing and the feeling to let go and release themselves in the diapers.
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