When was the first time?

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Post by kiram »

babymarty wrote:Thank you all for your insightful answers. :D

I find it very interesting how people found out that there were other ab/dl's out there, yet nobody except me mentioned DPF. :roll:

Very interesting. :?

My how the world has changed! :shock:

Most of us spent most of our lives thinking that we were all alone, and now,......

....with the internet, cell phones, 24 hour cable news,.......

who hasn't heard of abdl????? :lol:

20 years ago, no one ever heard of us, and now, we are everywhere! 8)
Resurrecting an old thread...

I have known I was fascinated with diapers my whole life. I can distinctly remember finding my dads stash of magazines and finding a Penthouse Variations mag that had a letter about infantilism. I nearly dropped it right then and there. Wow. I would have been around 13 or so.

Later on when I was 22 or so, I found an adult bookstore that had a contact magazine for all sorts of various kinks, and there were several ads from ABDL's. So, I sort of knew there were others out there. Then in 1993, I found another mag with an ad from DPF in the back, offering a free catalog, which I sent away for. One of the best days of my life was the day the catalog arrived. To say I was blown away would be an understatement.

Kids today have it so great with the internet etc LOL.
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Post by Craig »

It was in the early 90's ... on a usenet newsgroup. Then there was the "resource list" of suppliers of diapers and plastic pants and etc. that was hosted at an ftp site if I recall correctly. This would be just before the www. Sheesh...
and I hate to think of all the fun I would have missed if I actually had stopped wetting the bed - like hanging out at fun sites like this one!
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Post by xtrepaid »

Oddly, I remember this well...I was in sixth grade and randomly searched the word "diaper" on google. After spending a little while browsing pull-up sites and such (for whatever reason), I found Diapergal. So, yeah...I was probably around 11 or so when I first learned about it. And here I am, almost ten years later. :P
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Penthouse Forum Mag 1979?

Post by pinkluvs »

Hello all, Merry Christmas, and Happy December,

One thing I forgot about, but loved reading was "Penthouse Forum" mags when I was 15 or 16 (I had permissive parents). I recall a story about a couple that liked diaper-play. I don't recall much since it has been a while, but they used it in dom/sub fantasy.
I think that story is about the first time I actually read anything about it, and from then on, I didn't think I was all that alone. Definitely different, but not alone.

As to when I first ever had these feelings, I'd say always. I didn't want to be potty-trained I recall, and I always loved diapers and plastic pants.
We can change the world...even if it's just one diaper at a time!
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Re: When was the first time?

Post by BabyGirl_Jessica »

babymarty wrote:Hello mommies and babies, I was wondering about something.... :roll:

When was the very first time, that you heard of infantilism, or adults wearing diapers and baby clothes for pleasure? :?:

Do you remember where you were, and what you were doing at the time?

For me, having lived with these babyish feelings all of my life, and thinking that I was ALL ALONE, the day I first found out that there were others out there like me, is seared into my memory.

It was a warm summer day in 1993, I was living in Columbus, Ohio, having just finished my first year at a community college, and getting ready to move to Athens, Ohio, so I could attend Ohio University.

It was almost 10 am, and I had just turned on our TV, and the Phil Donugh show was just ending.... and there.... in the closing 2 minutes.... I SAW OTHER ADULTS WEARING DIAPERS!!!! :shock:


So, do you remember the first time you found out that you were not the only one with these feelings?

Or, do you recall when you first heard of adult babies?

I look foward to hearing everyone's memories. :D
Ohmygodd... Hi Baby Marty. I believe it was actually that same show. I remember it was Phil Donahue Show for sure and it was in the early 1990's. So it could be. I don't truthfully remember much more than that. If it was the same one, they did mention DPF on the show I saw. So, I immediately checked out the website.

I think it took me about a month before ordering anything from the site though. i ordered Super baby Love diapers, plastic pants, onesies, I think a baby sleeper, hypnosis tapes, etc.

Before, then I really did believe I was the only person in the world who wanted to be a baby and I was ove 30 years old. I know I have been this way sincxe I was 5 anyway. that was a long time to be weird and alone. What a secet to keep.

But, I do believe it was the same show...
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