Roleplay stories here?

Here is a place that you can write and submit any stories, peoms, thoughts or anything else that comes to your mind. We all love to read stories and thoughts so please share them with all of us!
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Roleplay stories here?

Post by phoneamommysbabycam »

I was just curious if it would be fun to start a roleplay mommy story here.

I will start, whoever wants to, feel free to jump in.

It was a beautiful morning, the sun was shining outside but one thing was missing from Cameron's life, as he grew up, he never did have a mommy to take care of him. He was orphaned at a young age and as he grew up, he found himself in and out of jail getting into fights and causing trouble. He had gotten a lot of speeding tickets and his room was always messy.
He felt like something was missing in his life, something that can only be fulfilled with a trip down childhood lane. That evening, he looked up sites about mommies. He felt like what was missing was a loving mommy to help take care of him. He was so lonely and needed someone to love on him again. He finally came across this website called phone a mommy. He started to read the site and came across a number.
I pick up the phone and here a lovely female voice on the other end pick up.
Alright who wants to jump in here? I am looking for one of the mommies to jump in here to help start up the roleplay. Feel free to go in any direction on this roleplay story.
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Nanny Rachel
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Oh Cammie

Post by Nanny Rachel »

Oh yes the story can take so many twist and turns here...but remember it is your story and only your behave yourself or else you know what will happen to bad little there is your twist dear...Rachel.... :wink:
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Nanny Rachel
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Post by Nanny Rachel »

Would it not be a real twist if little one was to be good and do all that mommy has told him to do without saying a word...mommy would be so porud of go and do what you have to do or else..Rachel... :wink:
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