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Unpotty Trained - Yay or Nay?

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2013 10:42 pm
by MommyMaggy
I've been chatting with a few or my ABies/sissies about unpotty training them. I personally think it is an important threshold that they need to cross to fully embrace their true selves. But some have been...let's just say...a little apprehensive about the process.

I was wondering what everyone else's thoughts were on the subject?


Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2013 7:33 am
by MommyJosie
This is a conversation I have been having with a few ABies myself.

I think it really depends on the AB, their lives, and whether being an AB boy is just playtime or lifestyle.

As we all know here, some ABies just use adult baby play time to release stress, take a break from the world and just feel a mommy/ab connection for awhile. But it is nothing they are looking to do full time.

And then on the other side, we have the abies who are looking for it to be a lifestyle. But they have to consider their life, their family, their work, among other things. All of these things need to be taken into consideration before taking this step. Because for some they cannot re-potty train later if they decide they no longer want to wear full time.

It is fun to think about and fantasize about but the realities of it can bring unexpected problems. So IMHO I think alot of research and forethought should be put into such a huge decision.

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 1:55 pm
by SweetMommyCandy
I think its important to remember that it takes months and years to do this NOT a 10 min call....its a process and a 24-7 commitment. It's much harder to un learn something then to learn it from scratch.

Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2013 7:56 pm
by MommyGina
Oh I agree Candy. The subject if one should take that big leap into the unpotty training phase can only be considered when, and only when the baby has committed to wearing 24/7, and has done so for an extended length of time already.

Also you are correct that, as an adult, to try and potty train afterwards is usually not feasible, so it has to be considered most seriously.

The bottom line is that everyone is different, and what is right for one, is not a good fit for another.


Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2013 8:54 pm
by Little Stinky Britches
OK, I'll put my 2 cents in.... :roll:

This has been a topic in the AB community for at least the 25 years that I have been a party to it. Some babies.... A FEW.... want to be babies 27/7 and frankly they don't really know what they are asking for.

First, you need to win the super lotto or have an independent source of income because you can forget about keeping your job if you are in diapers 24/7 and peeing and pooping your pants at work. Co-workers and supervisors take a dim view of smelling pee and poop all day at work. (Yes, daycare workers and nursing home workers smell pee and poop all day but that's different because they take it to be part of the job: Your co-workers will not.)

Second, the only thing you really have in this world is your mental health, and without it, you are really screwed. If you blur the line between fantasy and reality, your judgment and mental health are at risk, and if it gets to the point where you really do think and believe that you are a baby, then all bets are off for your future.

Look, I firmly believe in CONSENT. If you want to wear diapers and poop your pants around other people, then they MUST CONSENT to this, otherwise, you are forcing this fantasy/lifestyle on people who are not consenting to this. If you want to hire (as I once did) an "escort" who agreed (for a fee) to watch me poop my diapers in a hotel room, then fine, she is consenting. But co-workers, people on the bus/train/plane, the checkout lady at the store: they did not consent to smell the poop in your diaper, or watch you dress up in baby clothes.

All I'm saying is, let's be considerate of other people who don't want to be a party to our AB fantasy. And when someone "Un-Potty-Trains" themselves, then that is what they are doing.

I'm just saying. :roll:

By the way, great comments Mommies! 8)

Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2013 8:28 pm
by MommyMaggy
I wonder Marty, what of all those that are in fact incontinent and have no choice but to wear diapers 24/7? Would you say the same to them?

I'm just sayin...we have more then a few in our community that have come to embrace their situation and have come to enjoy diapers. Do these people have to get CONSENT from their co-workers as well?

Just my 2-cents...