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Ellen's visitor

Posted: Tue Sep 24, 2013 1:21 am
by ritzcritz
This story is actually a RP from messages relayed between me and another person, forgive any grammatical errors and enjoy! :)

Me: I knocked on the door in three awkward bursts and stepped back a couple of steps, looking down at my shoes and shunning this dull, uneventful day. I always hated these stupid fundraisers, it was usually just grown ups ACTING like they cared about whatever stupid fundraiser my school was putting on and I did it mainly out of sheer boredom, summer was only a month away..just one long month away.

them: Ellen hadn't been expecting company. She put down her crossword puzzle and leisurely approached the door. "Hold your horses," she called out, unlocking the latch and opening the door, looking out and down at a young boy carrying some supplies and his own frowning face. "Well, hello there, how may I help you?"

me: In a snap I came back to reality, startled by the door's sudden burst of life and the figure standing in it's frame, "Oh, h- hi er hello miss, I'm doing a fundraiser for my uh school, would you want err I mean would you like to see?". I kicked myself mentally due to my awkward explaining of why I was at this lady's door step, but after a short minute of small talk about how the summer weather was coming along and my introductory, she ushered me inside her house and into her kitchen. Along the way, my eyes wandered around all the strange trinkets and old family photos, it was exactly like my grandmother's house except not quite as familiar of course.

them:"Come in, come in," she uttered, waving him into the house towards the kitchen. "You're right about that summer weather coming along. It's pretty warm today and I bet you've been doing this all afternoon, haven't you? Why not have a snack and something to drink to refresh yourself." she offered, fixing him a plate of cookies and a big glass of milk.

me: After twenty minutes passed, it was almost impossible for me to get a word in for Mrs.Ellen was almost conversing with herself, letting out many "ooos" with each flip of the page, talking to me as if I couldn't comprehend what she was saying..I took the time to just enjoy the free food and milk, gazing around her kitchen some more, soaking in the quirkiness of the decor. Out of nowhere, I felt a sensation I can't remember ever feeling before in my life or at least for a long time, I felt a surge of pee at the end of my bladder and before I could process what was happening I felt it slowly come out and spread onto the front of my jeans, I could feel the weight of my heart hitting my stomach with immense force and the cold sweat of my brow., how could I have...without much thought, I reacted as best as possible and tried moving a piece of paper of my crotch area to cover up the huge wet spot that was so obviously done from a potty accident, the word echoed in my head and made me feel even worse. How on earth could I have peed my pants? I had to finally get over the how and simply try to move past it, I needed to think of a reason why I needed to leave without causing an awkward situation..

them: "Is something the matter, hon?" Ellen said, noticing the boy blushing as she put the fundraising materials to the side. "What are you holding?" she said as she noticed the boy's blush grow and the paper slowly absorbing the wet spot around his jeans. "Oh dear!" she exclaimed, holding her hand over her chest in surprise as she rose. "Oh, sweetie, you should have told me if you had to go so badly. There there, it's okay, Ellie's gonna take good care of this little man." she smiled, sweeping him up off the chair into her arms. She was sure she caught the young boy off-guard but from her own grandchildren who had moved across the country a few years ago, she knew that when boys had their little accidents, the best thing that can be done is to give them lots of tender loving care so they don't feel so bad, and she knew exactly how to do that. "Come on, hon," she cooed to him, cradling as she went back to the door before making a sharp turn up the staircase. "Let's get you all cleaned up."

me: In felt a certain shock go down my spine as I felt her soft yet strong grip as we walked down the hallway, I was so scared I couldn't even bring myself to fight or plead. That was until we started walking up the stairs, I tried grabbling a stair railing but my hand slid right up as Ellen shushed me and patted my back. "P- please ma'am, just let me g- go, pleaseeee!" I begged as we stopped. I tried turing my head to the best of my ability while I was over her sholder to to see what she was doing, amongst my panic I was able to see her reaching above the door frame to look for what I think was a key. I felt my face beat red combined with warmness coming from my jeans, what has happening?

them: "Here we are," Ellen smiled as she put the key to the lock and opened the door that hadn't been opened for more than a few years. The first thing that hit the boy was the smell. An intoxicating and nostalgic aroma that hearkened him back to days he could only vaguely remember. It wasn't until the door opened that he could see what awaited him. "Let's go in and get you nice and clean," she cooed as she carried the boy in. His eyes were wide at the sights before him; a fully-stocked nursery.

His eyes struggled to take in every last detail as he was carried over the threshold. In the corner, he could see a large white crib with sheets speckled with pictures of trains. The baby blue walls were decorated with large cutout hangings of baby blocks and teddy bears a The nostaglic fragrance became immediately recognizable and stronger as he spotted the changing table, stocked underneath with many unopened packages of Pampers, Huggies, and the source of the telltale sent, Luvs, and they were all the same plastic-backed kinds that had been sold the last time he ever wore them. Up on the table was a pastel yellow plastic changing mat, several tubs of scented Pampers and Huggies baby wipes, bottles of Johnson's baby power and lotion, and a full tube of Balmex diaper rash ointment. The table looked like it had been waiting all this time behind the door for a baby to be laid down upon it. "Here we are," Ellen announced as she laid the boy down atop the mat as it crinkled under his weight, and the boy realized the table had been waiting for him.

me: Upon the slow feeling of being lowered onto the mat with hands on both of my hips, the fear and panic finally started to set in and I realized what it was that was happening. This was literally the most embarrassed I had ever felt in my entire life, it was more embarrassment on another level for I couldn't believe what was going to happen. I tried to find the words to say amongst my shaking, as I leaned my head up I could see my shoes swiftly being untied with ease; "P-please d- don't do this, I'm begging you m- ma'am."

them: "Honey, we can't just leave you in your wet pants and I can't have you making any more accidents," Ellen chided James as she took his shoes off one by one and then his socks, tossing them in a nearby trashbin as she went for his shirt next. "Trust me, you'll feel so much better when you're clean and dry. Grandma's got lots of experience with little ones like you, and she'll do a real good job."

She removed his shirt in one quick swoop, pulling up his arms and then doing the same with his jeans in the same firm swift pull, leaving him in nothing but his underwear. "Just you wait, hon, by the time we're done here you'll be smiling from ear to ear," and then off came the white garments stained yellow as his underplaces were exposed to the cool fragrant nursery air.

She hummed as she held James down with one hand. Despite her age, James soon found out she was much stronger than she looked. Humming a nursery rhyme, she opened a tub of Pampers Baby Fresh wipes, and pulled out a handful. James shivered and surpressed any noise of surprise as she began to run the cool refreshing wipes all over his front and backside, making sure to get in all the little nooks and crannies his body held. When she was done, she ripped open the mint green and purple package of Luvs diapers. The scent escaped from the plastic wrapping strongly as James caught another whiff. This time, a small coo came out of his lips. "Oh my," Ellen noticed. "Does this little hon like that smell?" she said with a smile as she unfolded it and slid it under his bottom. "If you're a good boy, there will be more where these came from," she chuckled, reaching for the Johnson's Baby Powder, twisting the cap, and pouring a generous amount of the silky magical dust all over his diaper area before pulling up the front. James winced as he heard the plastic outer material crinkle as Barney's smiling face covered his most personal place. With a smile, she patted James's front and helped him off. "There you go, hon, now how about we get you into some nice warm jammies? You look like you could use a nap."

me: A wave of emotions came over me that to Ellen appeared pleasant but were ANYTHING but. The sheer embarrassment and overwhelming babyish feeling that overcame me was like nothing I had ever felt before. It felt as is there was a cloud around the lower portion of my body that only let in the slight sense of a hand supporting my bottom. As I was picked up, I could feel the soft yet wrinkled hand of Ellen on my back, her long red nails giving me a sense of safety that I was trying to block out of my mind completely. I felt a sense of doom like nothing I had ever felt when I saw my clothes tossed in the trashbin, the question circling my head if I would ever see them again. I didn't see the clothing hamper anywhere and with the fear of what happens when boys misbehave also waving over my head, it shut off any willingness to kick and scream.

them:"Such a good boy you are!" Ellen cooed as she went to the closet and pulled out the last thing James would have expected; a fuzzy baby blue sleeper with designs of brown teddy bears. She sauntered back with the infantile piece of clothing, no doubt sparking in James's mind how she could possibly have such a babyish piece of clothing in a size large enough for him. "Okay, honey bunny, let's get your little feetsies and toesies all snug and warm," she said in a loving affectionate tone as she took James's left leg and slipped it inside the left footy. James was taken aback immediately at how snug and comfortable it was, sparking distant memories of his own days in such clothing before today. Then came the right leg.

"Okay, sweetie, now upsy-daisy," she giggled lifting James's thick padded bottom up off the changing table just enough to slip the rest of the sleeper underneath and with a little more wiggling and giggling, he was all zipped up and snug. "Nice and comfy?" she asked, the question obviously rhetorical as she pulled out a big yellow pacifier and plopped it in his mouth before he could answer. "Now don't you worry about a thing. I'll call your momma and tell her you're just taking a bit of a break from the sun over here. You get a good nap and Miss Ellie will check on you when you wake up. Nightie nite, baby boy."

me: For hours I felt myself in a cold sweat, from the embarrassment of the cloud like diaper that was so tightly snug around my behind, trapping me in so many ways. I searched for a way to get it off but in no way did I have any luck even getting the sleeper, it's soft fur against my skin giving me the deepest red blush that I could feel on my face. Hours, HOURS passed and I could feel the true nightmare on the horizon, the true fear of my scenario..the need to use the bathroom. WHY did it have to happen now? It couldn't have happened any other time? A time at least when I had a fair chance of escaping and possibly making it home before I was faced with this dilemma?

Hours passed and my stomach pains only got worse, my voice was horse from trying to call out; "Hello?!" or any plead that I needed to use the restroom. Any rational thought I had left assumed that Mrs. Ellen couldn't hear me because of her age, but in now way did it help to ease my nerves or make me any happier. A sudden epitaph came over me finally, as with all of my weight, the thick diaper making it very difficult, I managed to stand up again. WIth butterflies in my stomach and well, other things as well, it was very difficult to reach the "mind over matter" status of what I was about to to. Finally, I started to push and with absolutely no effort, I could feel it weighing down heavily on me. Amongst it, I could feel my self peeing as well, voluntarily. I can't believe that I had just pooped in my diaper, the mere words in my head sent a chill down my spine almost worse than what would happen next, I butted my head against a crib bar and instantly heard a *click*. I stood there, my head in a swirl of fire, not realizing one of the crib bars activated the latch..(Haha I love that my character got himself in a deeper hole just by not realizing the latch was in front of him the whole time). As time passed I realized I had to get over this immense feeling of anger and with much diligence, I hopped down and made sure to land flat on my feet, I couldn't allow myself to feel stupider by allowing my mess to spread around, ugh! With stealth and waddling motion that I couldn't help to to my attire and what I was carrying, I went to to the door and cracked it open, barely being able to reach the doorknob..*I hate being short* I raged to myself, but maybe it could help me in my escape? In an unfamiliar house, and the fear of Mrs.Ellen coming around any corner, I walked into the first room I found to which I was greeted by a large set of stairs. Into the darkness I waddled, step by step just knowing there HAD to be a backdoor out of this basement. Instead, I found no such thing, I was greeted with boxes among boxes of old unused things, some old couches and furniture with old stuffed animals and photos. My heart finally sunk deeper than anything I could ever imagine when I started to hear the ceiling above me creak from what sounded like footsteps and chatter. In a panic, I waddled to the large couch and crouched behind it, making sure not to allow my mess to spread, something that would wear my knees out in not much time..

them: "He's right upstairs, ladies," Ellen said, leading her two best friends Susan and Nancy upstairs to the nursery. "Now you two have to be quiet, no matter how cute he is. He needs his nap." They climbed the stairs as the three grandmothers chatted about their favorite kinds of diapers to use, the best ways to soothe a fussy charge, and so on. As they opened the door to the nursery there was a large gasp. Some clattering could be heard in the basement as the flurry of footsteps made their way to the first floor. James could hear it all.

"Well, he couldn't have gotten far."
"Susan, search up here. Nancy and I will look downstairs."

James's heart skipped a beat as he curled in the fetal position behind the couch, wanting nothing more than to melt into it and be impossible to find, but fantasy gave way to logic as the two older ladies made their way down the rickety basement steps. He curled closer to the couch as they stopped at the bottom.

"Ellen," Nancy said, making an exaggerated sniffing sound. "Ellen, do you smell what I do?"

Ellen took a whiff as well and replied in a sweet and knowing voice. "Oh dear, I think our little mister ran away with a surprise for us."

They let their noses lead the way as they searched the basement. It didn't take long until James looked right into the face of a woman who wasn't Ellen. This must be Nancy, he thought with fear as he backed away into Ellen's waiting arms. "There you are, Mr. Stinky Pants!" Ellen cooed as she lifted James up by his armpits, holding the back of his diaper against her nose and taking a heavy whiff of its contents. "Peeuuu! Someone needs a diapie change!" she announced as she cradled him like an infant up the staircase, one hand firmly planted on his warm seat, every step causing him to bounce against the palm of her hand and squish and smear his poopy mess all over the inside of his Luvs. "Let's get you back to the nursery and Nancy, Susan and I will take are of all that big yucky poopy in your pants."

me: With every step, I felt my poop run up against the backside of my diaper and it make the diaper stick to my rear end. I felt so embarrassed as Nancy walked behind us, her smiling at me the whole way and occasionally rubbing her nose against mine to what my grandmother called "eskimo" kisses". This couldn't possibly get any worse..

them: "Susan," Nancy called as they made it back to the ground floor. "We found the little stinker, and oh is he darling!"

Susan rushed over and took James right out of Ellen's arms, swinging him around. "Oh, hims is just adorable! Yes hims is!" she cooed baby talk to him as James was again too shocked and surprised to speak. "And hims made a big uhoh for grandma! Oh dear, what a messy smelly baby boy you are! Mr. Stinky Pants made a lovey in his Luvs, didn't he? Yes hims did! We gotta get you cleaned up, yes we does!"

"Now Susan, he's all of ours to take care of," Ellen chided her taking him back. "Of course, the first diaper change is always special for grandma, especially a big poopy one, so why don't we all do it together?"

"Oh what a wonderful idea, Ellie!" Nancy clapped her hands together, taking James and holding him over her shoulder, patting his diaper firmly. "We'll change your boo boo pants with lots and lots of baby wipes and baby powder. Your grandmas are very very good at changing poopy diapers, baby boy. You'll be cooing and giggling all over for us before you know it."

"Then it's settled," Ellie announced with a grin. "Nancy, you'll undress him and take his Luvs off. Then I'll use the baby wipes and get him squeaky clean, then Susan, you can powder his little tush and put him in a new diaper!"

With that, they climbed the stairs back to the nursery, Nancy squeezing and mashing his soft warm mess all over his bottom until they got inside the nursery, the powdery fragrance of the room blending with the odor of his ruined Luvs diaper into a scent that simultaneous intoxicated and repulsed James. "Okay, sweetie bee, let's get your diapie changed!"

me: In an intense waddling maneuver, I managed to wriggle free of Nancy's grip and landed on both feet, the weight of my diaper swaying back and forth. With this, I quickly began to waddle to the door hearing snickers behind me and an "oh my" amongst the laughter. With nothing but escape on my mind, I waddled down the steps and made a run at the front door which was cracked to an almost contrived connivence. Feeling the sun rays of freedom upon my face, I continued my quick stride across the front yard and saw a mail truck approach to which a brilliant idea came to my mind, I tell the mail man what had happened and he's happily give me a ride back home! Without thought I quickly waddled as fast as possible to the side but upon reaching the non existant door, I was greeted with a heavy set woman who wore a name tag that spelled "Melanie". "Um, m- Melanie I.."

them: "Mel, how are you doing today?" James froze as he heard Ellen's amicable voice, sounding off as if there was nothing out of the ordinary about the situation outside her house. "Let me guess, bills bills and more bills?"

"We'll you'd win the million dollar prize," Melanie said, looking at James with a smile. "Is this little guy one of yours?"
"You betcha," Ellen smiled, picking James up and popping a pacifier in his mouth before he could protest. "Little Mr. Stinker here doesn't want to get a diaper change. Thanks for blocking his escape," she said jokingly, but only James knew it wasn't a joke. Ellen kindly took the mail and carried James back inside. "C'mon, mister, let's leave Ellen's good friend Melanie to her work," she said, letting him know that she was not going to be on his side of things, and as the mail truck drove off, the door locked and latched, and with its click it signaled the end of James's attempts at escape. The soft mess in his diaper had begun to cool and get slightly irritating as Ellen squeezed it going up the stairs. "You're gonna feel a lot better after we change you, hon."

At the top of the stairs, Ellen handed James over to Nancy, who cuddled the boy close in her soft gentle hands. "Time to get our little boy all clean and fresh," Nancy cooed as she carried him back into the nursery where Susan was also waiting. Knowing they had a squirmer on their hands, she immediately strapped the table's built-in restraining belt around him as soon as she laid him down. It would make getting his sleeper off, but she didn't mind. She nuzzled her button nose against James's. "Hims is just gonna be so happy to get his diapee changed. Yes hims is!" she cooed as she slowly unzipped the sleeper. The aroma of warm mess wafted on from inside of it as Nancy fanned her nose and winced. "Oh me oh my, hims a little stinky pants!"

Nancy gently helped his arms and legs out of the sleeper, revealing the size 6 luvs now turned light brown in the seat with a noticeable bulge. "Yep yep, hims needs a diapee change. Mr. Stinky Pants made a big poopie from his grammies. Yes hims did."

James blushied, mortified, as Nancy slowly, as if to savor the moment of his defeat, peeled back the first tape. The ripping sound of the plastic adhesive tab rang out through the nursery like a chorus, announcing his first poopy diaper change in god knew how many years was happening. Nancy then moved to the second tab, removing that one even slower, wanting James to hear every sticky snap of his diaper being peeled off. James turned bright red as she slowly pulled down the front and the first traces of messy BM were revealed.

"Oh hims made a BIG poopoo for his grammies!" Nancy squealed. "Oh yes, Grammy Ellie's gonna need a whole box of baby wipes to clean up this tushie. Ellie dear, he's all yours."

me: Feeling absolutely defeated, I let out a final plea after spitting out my pacifier..""Please..." I whined, "please don't change me!"

them: "Mmm..." Ellie sounded, pretending to think about it. "But then what would your mother say about you coming home in a soiled diaper? We can't have that," she cooed, tickling James's tummy, not even giving the slightest notion of being able to smell the rich heavy odor wafting from between his legs. She knelt down under the changing table and came back up, producing a tub of scented Pampers baby wipes. Deftly, she grabbed James's ankles firmly, more than James thought she could grip them given the soft frail quality of her hands, but nonetheless James found his legs being lifted into the air and his muddy bottom being exposed to all three ladies to his complete humiliation.

Ellie begin to hum a nursery rhyme as she popped upon the tub and began to pull out wipe after wipe, laying them in a small pile next to the dirty diaper for easy access. She must have drawn out 20 wipes by the time she felt ready to tackle the mess on her hands. Gently, she took a wipe and began to clean James off. He shuddered at the coldness and the embarassment of watching Nancy and Susan fan their noses and make comments over his predicament. He winced as he heard the phrases "smelly baby" and "what a little stinker" come off their lips and roll into his ears.

Ellie continued to wipe James down over and over again, making sure to be thorough and not to miss any nook or cranny in his diaper area. James just kept hoping for it to be over as Ellie circled his bumhole with the final wipe before deeming the job complete. "Upsy-daisy, cutie patootie," she coaxed as she helped him lift his bottom up off the used Luvs so she could roll it up and dispose of it in the diaper genie. "Now that you're all clean, it's Susan's turn.

Posted: Thu Sep 26, 2013 8:27 am
by Little Stinky Britches
You are a great writer ritzcritz! :D

What I really found interesting about this story, is the part when they, "Fan their noses."

The "fanning of the nose" (a mommy waving her hand back and forth under her nose to shoo-away the smell of a poopy diaper) has always had a profound effect on me. :D

When I was growing up, I watched lots of mommies change poopy diapers, and I always loved to see the mommy playfully fanning her nose and talking to the baby about how stinky they were. I remember some moms were really dramatic and playful: rolling their eyes, wrinkling their nose, acting like they were going to pass out from the smell, and constantly fanning their noses to playfully shoo-away the odor.

The fact that we both like this aspect of mothering a baby with a poopy diaper, suggest that as children you and I experienced similar things that affected our brains and lead us in the direction of enjoying a mommy fanning her nose when changing a poopy diaper.

Great story, thanks for sharing! :D

Posted: Sun Oct 13, 2013 10:48 pm
by ritzcritz
I'm hoping someone will continue my story :)

Posted: Tue Oct 22, 2013 9:06 pm
by ritzcritz
anyone? :(

Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2013 12:39 am
by ritzcritz
(to reduce confusion before reading this continuation, I still kept the logs from the RP except got rid of the "them" and "me" parts, so if you sense it jump around a bit then thats why. If anyone wishes to continue, you can feel free to do so in this new format I've established or any way that you'd like! Thanks! :) )

"He so stinky! Yes hims is!", those words giving my face the reddest color imaginable from Ellen she came back up from under the table now holding a tub of wipes, a tool for the task she was about to take on. Upon my legs swiftly being lifted up off the table before I could even process it, I looked up to see Ellen's fluffy grey hair silhouetted from the light on the ceiling above us. Turning my head to the side in utter shame and despair, I could could see Nancy making little claps with her palms already connected, to which my head turned the opposite side to see a big bird decal on the way, this reaction causing much laughter amongst the ladies.
The changing process started with the use of the Luvs to wipe off some of the excess poop from my bottom, something I couldn't even feel from the warmth of it all and how mammoth of a mess it was, this was something Ellen must have picked up in order to save on how many baby wipes she would have to use. Each wipe made me wince so hard it would send a shock up my spine, my face still red I turned my head from side to side with each wipe trying to hide how uncomfortable it was, and her humming only make me want to punch her THAT much more. Eventually, the coldness stopped affecting me seeing that Ellen was practically bathing me in the wipes, making sure to get every nook and cranny and to clean any mess unnoticed at first glance, even turning me on my side to wipe a little of my back. By this point, I could clearly detect the scent of the baby wipes over any other diaper related thing in the nursery. A second hestiatated as she was going to lean me on my back before noticing someting..then, I winced like never before from the feeling of her finger nail in the circumference blanketed in a baby wipe, one last round to make sure nothing icky was still there and one last straw that realllly make me want to punch her..holding back the tears. A ray of hope shined through though, with the ""But then what would your mother say about you coming home in a soiled diaper?" giving me hope that this was the last round of babying, maybe she just wanted to take care of me for a bit to relive her days as a nanny/grandmother while also making sure I didn't go home..messy, a word I struggled to even say out loud in my head..

Susan took over as she pinched James's bottom with a knowing smile, looking down with a sense of condescension at his glowing red face. "Okay, baby boy," she emphasized intentionally, seemingly more aware than Ellie and Nancy were of what they were doing to him. "Lets get you all nice and cozy in a fresh new diapie." She held James down as he began to struggle, amused that he thought his ordeal was somehow over.

"Now, now, no fussies," she cooed in a sickeningly sweet voice. "Baby be good and I'll even let you pick what kind of diapie you were?" she began to rifle through the packages. "Baby want Pampers? Huggies? Luvies?"

Ellie spoke up, having watched James as Susan was going through the diapers. "Susan, he blushed a little more when you came to the Luvs," James winced as he heard loud crinkling and the familiar sweet scent that tickled his nose just so. "Oh baby does wuv his Wuvies," Susan said, placing the fresh clean diaper under his bottom. James might have shown elation if he was doing this himself, but not as this was being done to him by these women. Susan smirked as she pulled back the crinkly white plastic and took out a large bottle of Johnson's Baby Powder. "Time for the magic fairy dust," she cooed as she turned the bottle upside down, sprinkling him generously until his entire diaper area was covered in the sweet-smelling snow. Humming a nursery rhyme, she pulled the diaper up snug as James squirmed against the pressure of being taped into yet another diaper with the horrifying sensation he would be expected to use this one as well.

He thought he was going to be released from the table when out came the baby lotion. Susan continued to hum as poured a large dollop into her hands and began to knead and massage it into James's chest, arms and legs. He began to kick, overwhelmed by the softness of Susan's hands and the smell of the lotion. I'm not a baby, he kept telling himself as he struggled, desperate to let any of this make him feel happy in any way. Ellie smiled, knowing his inner battle was futile. After all, the moment he came into the house, Ellie knew this was exactly what he wanted.

"Hims smells so good!" Susan cooed in the same overly-sweet voice as her face hovered just a hair's breadth from James's tummy. He lay there, not sure what to expect, before falling into a mess of involuntary giggles and laughter as Susan blew a big wet raspberry on his freshly moisturized skin. "Oh hims likes that!" Susan noticed, looking up at James with a devilish grin before going back in and doing it again and again. James squealed and squirmed, unable to contain himself as her warm breath hissed out over his bellybutton and the vibration of her full red lips sent tremors through every nerve ending they touched. "Oh hims a ticklish baby! Grammy Susan is going to remember this for sure!"

Ellie looked with gentle exasperation at Susan and pulled her away. "Now now, we don't want to get our baby boy too excited. He's all fresh and snug in his new diaper and has a big afternoon ahead of him."

"That's right," Nancy chirped, unbuckling James and lifting him with ease into the air as she carried him to the closet to pick out a new outfit for him to wear. "Hims is gonna be his grammies' date to the book club where hims is gonna get to meet all of his grammies' friends. Oh hims is gonna be the center of attention. Evewyone's gonna love you, baby waby!"
With each blow, my face and body deceived me in the WORST way possibly. Each raspberry sent me into a uncontrollable laughter, smile on my face and legs kicking that gave the appearance of happiness and joy but contradicted how i was actually feeling..any amount of work I put in to show my discomfort and anger was all for nothing, I had just shown so much glee beyond my will. Upon being lifted, I couldn't even feel Nancy's hand on my bottom from the combination of the thick disposable diaper and the unbelievably silky smooth skin that was underneath it all. I again felt like a cloud was around my lower body area, something I hated to admit would possibly make me happy in another median, by myself at home with all the time in the world to dispose of it. I can't believe I was reaching this didn't matter because what was happening needed to end. I needed to find a way out, but it seemed that this physical prison around my butt was about to reach around my whole body as we approached the closet. Now, knowing we were heading on our way out the house into public..whatever I was dressed in would surely only amplify my embarrassment and regressed state.

The minivan door slid open loudly, announcing to James that they had arrived at the mall. At first, he thought he might be so lucky to walk through the store, being able to shuffle on his own feet and hide behind his captors as best he could. "Oh, hold on Nancy," Ellie told her as she began to unbuckle James. "I need to get the stroller ready."

James felt his heart twinge with fear at the word "stroller". Turning around best he could, he could see some semblance of a large baby-blue stroller being unfolded and rolled over to his side of the van. With an impish smile, Nancy picked him up and patted his bottom as she sat him in the stroller, buckling it tight around him. "Oh hims did so good staying dry on the way to the mall. Now lets go inside and you can meet all of your grammies' friend

Upon being lowered into the stroller, I could feel the soft cushoiny material of the kashmir like seat around me. It's almost as if I was beginning to feel myself being placed in a box within a another box..or better yet, one soft cushion like prison into another. At this point, I literally felt as if my whole body was in a cloud, all I could do was look down at my sailor overalls in complete disgust. Turning my head around, I could then see Nancy the largest of the three ladies lifting a huge diaper bag from the back of the car, I could spot sesame street designs (go figure) and a bit of age to it, it had obviously been used years prior to today.

For a moment amongst their chatter, I contemplated the idea of simply acting a baby, to hide in plain-sight. This thought only put in my head the idea of surrender however and I knew that it wouldn't work it making me feel any better, and instead would only anger me. Reality then smacked me in the face once I felt the momentum of the stroller begin to push and the three ladies continue their conversation, glancing ahead the mall for the first time in my life looked more like a castle than a mall...*gulp*

Ellie looked at the thin watch around her neck. "Oh dear, we got here a little too fast," she noted to Nancy and Susan. "The book club doesn't start for another half-hour."

"That's okay," Susan replied. "I'm sure our little baby boy is very hungry after emptying himself out. Let's get him something yummy for his tummy!"

They carted James off to the food court and began to look at their choices. Normally, they weren't big fans of fast food themselves, but like all good grandmothers, they could not resist an opportunity to spoil the baby. "What's baby hungwy for?" Nancy cooed to him as they carted James through the crowd, paying no mind whatsoever to the abundance of stares they were receiving.

After every moment I felt the need to speak up amongst my humiliation and suggest something, my voice was cut out by the ladie's chatter to eachother about how much the mall had changed over the years and whatever else it was they were talking about..this only turned my embarrassment into frustration. Finally, they seemed to have had their heart set on taking me to the Panera bread on the other side of the mall since it was closer to bookstore.

It wasn't fun or easy, but after so much baby talk and teasing I finally was able to finish my food. A kid's turkey sandwich with a side of macaroni and cheese, I can't forget the loaf slice of bread. Of course during all of this I made a pretty decent mess, so Nancy my least favroite of the three used a baby wipe to clean up the excess food that was on my face still, the wipe's cold feeling was a reminder of what exactly that cloud like feeling around my butt was...something I worked hard to forget until just now. Ellen even got me a small strawberry smoothie for me on our way to club meeting, I imagined this would be the last good thing for a while..

Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2013 7:32 am
by Little Stinky Britches
In reading this latest installment of your story, I was reminded of how good of a writer you are: You are a very good writer ritzcritz. :D

I enjoy many aspects of your stories,
we are similar in many things,
however, we are VERY different in many things too.

For example,

When you mention being "angry" and wanting to "punch" Ellen, I really had to part company with you. For me, having a loving mom or grandma lovingly wipe my poopy bottom is a wonderful thing. :D

Far from wanting to "punch" my caregiver, or being "angry" with her for wiping my poopy bottom and diapering me, I am grateful to her for her loving kindness and mothering. In my fantasies, when I am being wiped, powdered, and diapered, I am smiling and cooing to my caregiver, as she smiles, coos, and "Baby-Talks to me.

The wiping of my poopy bottom is a loving experience for both of us: My caregiver and myself. :D

I firmly believe in, "to each his own", I just wanted to say that we are similar in our fantasies, but we are VERY different too. :wink:

Thanks for writing it. :D

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2014 6:05 pm
by ritzcritz
The ladies and I were greeted with gasps as we entered the book club meeting, slurping on the last of my strawberry smoothie brought me back to the reality that I was going to be meeting more people who would be witnessing the predicament I was in. To my hopes I figured they may have just thought I was of their grandchildren, this didn't make me want to be here any less than I was. I sank deep into the seat of my stroller as I began to see them crowd around me talking to Ellen and her friends..*here we go again* I thought to myself.