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School Accidents are the worst

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2014 1:18 pm
by poopypottypants
So for a while I had this dream scenario in school,the teacher takes all of us boys to potty during potty time. I run in and lock myself in stall,I know I need to go but I can't myself to pull my pants down to make poopy and pee in the potty.After a while,I fill up my pants and wet myself,when the teacher calls out all the boys I don't come out because I'm scared to be discover that I had an accident.Minutes later,the teacher comes in looking for me and finds me in a stall,she orders me to open the door.As I open the door,the pugnant smell of my pants filled the sir,the teacher say Shoooweee!!Did someboy go potty in their pants?The teacher grabs my shorts undos the button and drops them to my ankles.She marched me out of the bathroom with bulging poopy and wet tighty white.All the boys and girls in the line are laughing and looking at me as the teacher marched me in the front of the line.I waddle slowly with my exposed undies as my teacher held my hand.The teacher stopped in classroom with bathroom inside as she handed me to teacher,the other teacher said
"Brandon,another potty accident?I guess you need potty supervision and training pants.She lead me inside and start taking my clothes and preparing me for my new phase of my life.

Is this good scenario Mommies?

Posted: Sat Nov 01, 2014 8:07 pm
by MommyMaggy
That is a fantastic scenario sweetie!!


Posted: Sun Jan 18, 2015 6:47 pm
by MommyGina
I love it!!! Such naughty naughty times, hehehe


Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2015 1:49 am
by Nanny Rachel
Couldn't agree more...naughty, great scenario!