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Job Interviews...

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2007 2:58 am
by Glen
Ok I am not exactly Mad or really even all that upset.. just feeling a little flat after a Job interview and feel the need to vent some of my feelings out.

I am usually pretty good at job interviews and havent actually found them all that nerve wracking.

But alas i had a job interview today.. and for some reason I found myself very nervous and for once I dont feel all that confident about how it went. Normally I find once I have an interview I can safely say I have the hard stuff done and it is an easy thing from there to get the job. But NOT this time.

I left my last job for some R&R and to nurse myself back to health after a rather spectacular melt down (anxiety attack) and have currently just been keeping myself in the working force with one day a week (working in a burger joint/cafe). I am not sure if it is this big step that has made me somewhat nervous, but I found I was a mass of nerves this morning and as the interview progressed (it was a 4 hour long, group interview of 9 hopefuls) the more I became unsettled.

During the interview I had to give a speech to the group on a topic that was up to me. Usually i wouldnt have a problem with that at all, since most of my jobs in the past have involved me having to give speeches of some sort or another, but this time round my hands were shaking and I found my thoughts wandering all over the place while trying to talk about the subject i chose. I still really have no idea what i blabbered on about but I do know I said umm about a dozen or more time in a short few minutes.

After I finished my speech I felt like I had totally blown the interview, but I was lucky enough to get a glance at one of the sheets that a interviewer was writing notes on and next to my name it said a good clear strong voice. So there may be hope for me yet?

By the way the interview was for a job as a tour guide.
Anyway fingers crossed.. i wont find out until next week sometime as to if i have made it to the second round interviews. Thank god that interview wont be group orientated.

Cheers and thanks for phoneamommy for providing a place for me to vent emotions and to help me organise my thoughts.

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2007 8:38 pm
by DommyMommyScarlet
I am sorry that you got so nervous but I can understand. I think Interviewers expect that and take it into consideration. I hope that you find out some good news about the tour guide position.If not then just learn from the mistakes this time around and something better will come along. Big hugs to you sweeite. :wink:

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2007 2:10 pm
by TheSitterStacie
Awwww Glen, I bet you did a wonderful job, it's hard to speak in front of people when you know you are being somewhat graded for it. It's much different then just talking at ease without any type of pressure upon you. I really hope you get the job. Let us know as soon as you find out.



Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2007 9:53 am
by MommyShirley
Glen I bet I would have had the same problem hun.As Stacie says it is more difficult when you are graded on it. I hope the next post we read is that you got your job.

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2007 4:19 pm
by MommyJosie
Wow, you did something I definetly can't do. Public speaking. I wish you luck hun. And considering you just had a rather bad sounding anxiety attack, that proably is still affecting you. If you don't get it this time you will have more time to get stronger and better and you will be ready next time.

Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2007 8:24 pm
by Glen
ok.. well an update..
I had another two interviews after that one.. and a health assessment test.
and I am glad to say I got the job ...well so far.

I have a 6 week training course.. and i have to reach certain bench marks during that time or I am fired.. lol. I feel like I am being trained as an astronaut instead of a tour guide for a brewery.

it has been the most thorough employment process I have ever undertaken.
Not to mention the most unorganised and problem involved.

I had the health assesment done by a contract company two days ago.. where I was told I was totally deaf in one ear which i found to be totally silly.. so I ended up having to go get a professinal hearing test done by a specialist (at my own cost) and they told me my hearing was fine.

The Human resources lady fell sick half way through the interviewing process so for a week i didnt hear anything and wondered what was going on.

One of the interviews I was told was just a short meet and greet of the marketing people and turned out to be a full on interview for over an hour

It has been just a strange experience all in all. I am wondering if I really want this job now.. lol but after all that I am not about to turn my back on it. I feel like I have just ran a mile through a landmine site LOL.
and it all started with what i felt was a bad interview.. thankfully they didnt feel that way and my following interviews turned out to be great in their minds too.

anyway will keep you updated on how i go with my training.

Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2007 6:35 am
by Glen
lol.. ok another update.. I was suppose to start work this past monday.. but.. you guessed it, another delay. This time it was because of a suprise takeover of the company and all (pre)employment programs were to cease until the contract was finalised.

So I had to wait until wednesday to hear what was happening and now I start this monday. Seriously, I have never heard of anyone having so many hiccups and hurdles before even having the job.. lets hope it is all smooth sailing from here *fingers crossed*

Ohwell, looking on the brightside I had one extra week of sunshine and freedom before jumping back into the daily grind of a working week.

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2007 11:24 am
by Janey
Geez, you have had a time with all this. Well good luck. I really hope this job works out for you and you like it.

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2007 11:20 am
by babybrendan
i know what you're going thru. i hate job interviews as well. i get so nervous. the only job interview i didn't get nervous in was when i went in with a don't care if i get the jon attitude. that was only becasue i still had my current job, which at the time i was unhappy with, to fall back on. I think i exuded confidence that the guy like. I got that job but turned it down because i was persuaded to stay be an Asst. manager, who knew that he was going to become the next boss of the store

Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2007 12:16 pm
by MommyJosie
Good luck hun, I hope you enjoy your new job.

Job Interview

Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2008 10:30 am
by granny joan
Hi Glen.I was just wondering how the job was going ,and if you are still having problems with it.Good Luck. Joan

Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2008 9:03 pm
by Glen
Um.. oh yeah i forgot about this post.. um i left that job.. seems i have some unresolved issues from my previous job.. and um had a bit of a melt down. I could go into the details but .. will leave it at I am seeing a psychologist weekly.

Thanks for the well wishes though. The job should have been perfect for me but alas was not.

Posted: Sat Apr 12, 2008 12:18 am
by DommyMommyScarlet
:( I'm sorry Glen. I hope that everything gets better for you soon sweetie.