Defining Diaper Moments (for both ABs and DLs)

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Defining Diaper Moments (for both ABs and DLs)

Post by Diapers4Ever »

Updated: October 3rd, 2012

I saw this topic on the DailyDiapers forum and thought it might be fun to do here. :)

Basically the list is as follows:

There are circumstances and experiences that define us as Diaper Lovers. I thought it would be interesting if we shared some of these moments in our lives to help us understand ourselves and also each other in our community.

Here are some things that might be considered defining moments:

1. Earliest diaper memory

2. The first time you realized you liked diapers

3. Unique or memorable diapers sightings

4. Times you have been caught or exposed

5. When you have told or confessed to someone else

6. The first time you wore

7. The first time you bought

8. Discovering that there are others like you

9. Being ridiculed
I'll give you guys mine first [as well as adding a few other moments I didn't have in my DailyDiapers post]. :)

(New information posted)

1. Earliest diaper memory

I have no actual memories of being changed [though, later in life, I do remember my mom mentioning to someone (I'm thinking a doctor or psychiatrist) that I never cried while she was changing my diapers], but one memory that sticks out is when I was around 6 or 7. I was at my babysitter's and she was babysitting a girl (I'm not sure of her age, but I do remember her first name). She wanted to play "House" with me and I started to say "no", but she begged. I, true to form (i.e. never being able to say no to a, gave in and asked her what she wanted to do. She told me I was the baby and that she would change me. I lied on the couch and she began miming the actions of a diaper change. I didn't think anything of it at the time, but that moment is, I believe, the single defining moment of this aspect of my personality.

2. The first time you realized you liked diapers

I couldn't tell you the age [probably 6 or 7 {definitely between 6 and 8 'cause I know I was attending the school across the street}], but I know that the defining moment was definitely when I was young. (read above. hehe)

3. Unique or memorable diapers sightings

Over the years, I've actually had quite a few.

Two moments that I just remembered was I was in school [not sure what grade, definitely before high school] was when the class was watching some instructional video [not sure what it was for, possibly babysitting] and there was a scene where actress playing the babysitter had just finished changing the diaper of the baby in the film, saying, and I quote, "Okay, Carrie, you're all nice and dry now." [even years later, I can still remember that line verbatim]

One reason I probably can is because my best friend's sister has the same name. lol

Another moment I can remember is, in about Grade 7, there were three particular classes that we alternated through the three years of middle school: one year you'd take Visual Arts, the next Family Studies and the last was Wood Shop. If you started Grade 6 in Family Studies, then you'd take Wood Shop, then finish the middle school chunk with Visual Arts. Anyway, I knew it eventually had to happen, but I was in the Family Studies class. Thankfully, though, it was me and a lot of other guys plus some girls [it wasn't one of those courses where you sign up] so that made me feel a little better.

But there was a childcare quiz [like a crossword puzzle] that we were given and we had to write down the answers. The teacher asked the question on the crossword, "To learn how to...what...a child, practice on a life-size doll." This beautiful girl raises her hand and simply says "diaper". I couldn't tell you how uncomfortable I got hearing that. [I can even remember her first and last name...that's how much of an impact that moment had on me. lol]

Another moment was when I was in high school; it was the 11th grade, I'm thinking. There was this guy in my class who was prone to serious fits of anger [he had Asperger's Syndrome] and I seemed to be the only one who could calm him down. My teacher noticed this and changed my course selection without telling me...putting me in the "Child Development" class (citing how great I am at calming down the person I'd mentioned previously). I figured, "Okay, I'll give it a shot."

Big mistake. lol

Not only was I literally the only guy in the class [for anyone else, it'd be Heaven, I'll admit, but, with the way my brain was wired, I couldn't do it], to make matters worse, we didn't start at the beginning of the textbook.

No, for some strange reason, the teacher has us open the book to the chapter probably guessed it before I'm gonna say it.


I knew there was no way I could sustain myself in that class so I went to the office [literally on the first day of class] and asked if I could take something else. She said it was no problem.

I remember one time (I was young, but I'm not sure how young...before I was a teenager, I'm thinking) where my mom and I were swimming in my apartment's outdoor pool and we were getting ready to race from the deep end to the shallow end. Just before we started, I heard a diaper tape rip. I looked over for a split-second and saw a mother changing her baby. I looked back, shook my head [to try to avoid thinking about it] and kept going as I would had I never seen it.

Another time I was at my great-grandmother's birthday party (I think it was her 80th; definitely a milestone 'cause they had a lot of people there to celebrate it) and there were many people there including one mother with her baby. I was outside in the hall [probably just due to boredom] and the woman came out with her baby and laid him on the couch, beginning to change his diaper. I grabbed a book and was trying to make it look like I wasn't interested in what she was doing; thankfully that worked.

When my cousin came over to visit with her daughter (about 10 and a half years ago), I remember being in the living room while I could hear her daughter screaming and crying in my bedroom. Late at night, I'd asked my cousin, casually, why her daughter was so upset. She'd told me that her daughter hated it when she got her diaper changed; she thought it was a game and was trying to run. I'll admit, it's kinda funny to have that memory in my head and then see how her daughter's grown and matured.

There was also another moment where I was in the kitchen with my mom and had walked out of the other entrance to see my cousin changing her daughter's diaper on the floor (she was either changing her diaper or getting her ready for bed; I'm not sure of the time of day that it happened).

A third, more recent, moment involving my cousin, her daughter (now about 11 years old) and my cousin's other daughter (who was about 1 and a half). My mom and I were at my other cousin's house for a barbecue and the 1 and a half year old needed a diaper change. Her mother [the cousin mentioned first in this moment, just to be clear on which cousin I'm referring to. lol] offered to change her, but another cousin of mine was there with his wife [who had a baby of her own] and she offered. She took the 1 and a half year old downstairs to change her diaper and I saw my cousin's 11 year old had followed. It was kinda funny 'cause, during that scene, all I could think was saying to the 11 year old, "I remember when your mom used to change your diapers!" (but I didn't say anytihng 'cause I didn't wanna be "that guy"...y'know, that purposely embarrasses family just to embarrass them. lol)

Another time I remember is when my mom and I were shopping and she'd gone into the bathroom. Before she came out, there was a young woman having a conversation with her daughter (she might've been around 2; I'm no good at guessing kids' ages. lol). She was asking her if they should change her diaper, but the daughter didn't want to. Eventually the mother took her into the family room for a diaper change, though.

In August of 2011, my girlfriend was visiting from the U.S. and her and I went to the movie on Wednesday. Ordinarily the day wouldn't matter to me, but I'd found out that Wednesday was their "Stars & Strollers" day. When we came out of the first film [at around 3 PM], there were three (that's right, I said three) different diaper changes going on (simultaneously). Thankfully all the children being changed seemed to be well-behaved, though. When we walked all the way to the end of the theatre, I'd realized that we'd gone the wrong way, so we walked back. As we were walking back, I could smell the aroma of baby powder and I heard diaper tapes rip open real fast, so I'm thinking a fourth diaper change was about to begin; by then, though, we'd found the theatre and gone inside.

Since then I've deliberately tried to avoid attending the theatre on a Wednesday because of that. (thankfully the theatre is cheaper on Tuesday so any other time she comes up from now on, we're gonna go on Tuesday. As I said, I'm glad it's cheaper 'cause I'd hate to have told her the reason I avoid the theatre on Wednesday is because it makes me uncomfortable seeing all those mothers with their babies. hehe)

Most recently [it was this year, but I'm not sure when], my mom and I were at IKEA and were in line to pay for our items. As the woman in front of us was paying, I'd heard crying. I looked around and saw that a woman was beginning a diaper change on her daughter (I'm assuming it was her daughter given the fact that she was dressed in a pink jacket). Apparently she really didn't like to be changed because the mother hadn't even taken the jacket and the daughter was crying very hard [though not screaming or anything like that]. One thing I thought was interesting (though unhygenic) was that the changing table was practically two or three feet away from the tables where people eat. I can totally get that, after a meal, a parent has to change their child in a hurry, but it's one thing to be in a rush, but it's another thing to deliberately put the changing table near where people have their lunch.

Since those moments definitely make me uncomfortable, you guys can definitely imagine how it makes me feel to watch a movie or a TV show with someone and then, all of a sudden..."someone needs a diaper change".

When I had my old hard drive, I actually had a bunch of different clips taken from different episodes of TV shows where a beautiful girl changed a diaper ("Party of Five", "Degrassi: The Next Generation", "Edgemont", "The Invisible Man" [the remake], "Dexter"), not to mention having made a compilation video with many different beautiful girls (from both TV shows and movies) saying the word "diaper". Most of the time, to be honest, that's enough to get me going. lol

Because of that, I dread watching Season 4 of "Dexter" with my girlfriend (we plan to eventually do a marathon of the series) 'cause I know there's a scene in one episode where Rita (played by the gorgeous Julie Benz) changes her son's diaper. [it's a full change, too; diaper untaped, wipes, powder, new diaper. You don't actually see the baby as he's being changed, but you can tell Julie's really changing his diaper, despite that.]

5. When you have told or confessed to someone else

I told my best friend (who was also into the same thing as me so he was totally cool with it) and I told two of my ex girlfriends and my current girlfriend.

My first ex was a little taken aback by it, my second ex thought it was cute and my current girlfriend told me that, not only did she understand, but she told me that she's known guys that used to do the same thing. [though I confessed to her that I found it to be "adorable"; she doesn't know that I can get turned on by it]

She was eleven or twelve and she would be changing the diapers of her father's girlfriend's children and they wouldn't stop staring at her which, as she put it, drove her nuts. lol They told her that they were just watching. She knew better, though. lol

I remember one other moment when my girlfriend was visiting for the very first time (if I remember right, the year was 2005). We'd seen the Vin Diesel movie "The Pacifier" in the theatre. I distinctly remember that, during the movie, there was a scene where the nanny (played by Carol Kane of "Taxi" fame and, I'm sure, other roles) was changing the toddler as Faith Ford's character was talking to Vin Diesel's character. My girlfriend actually nudged me with her elbow and pointed it out to me [since it was happening in the background of the current scene]. I was so tempted to ask her if I was imagining things and that she really did, but I didn't really want to discuss it in public. lol

When my girlfriend and I first met, she'd told me that she was stuck at home babysitting her cousin (who was about 2 years old at the time [2002]). I remember one of the first phone conversations we had. She'd told me that she'd be right back. I waited a little and she came back and apologized, saying that she had to change her cousin's diaper and thought I wouldn't wanna hear that. :) (kinda amusing now that she knows my secret. lol)

There was another moment where she was babysititng him with a good friend of hers and the two girls were trying to catch him so they could change his diaper, but he was giving them a hard time...meanwhile, she must've forgot she was on the phone with me or just got preoccupied with dealing with him 'cause I was listening to the entire thing. (though, once she finally caught him, we ended the conversation so the two girls could go change his diaper).

I've also seen quite a few diaper changes done in feature films. :) Besides the above one I mentioned of "The Pacifier", I've seen them done in the films "Save the Last Dance" (Kerry Washington did the diaper change while Julia Stiles watched and talked with her), ""Short Cuts" (Jennifer Jason Leigh changed her daughter's diaper), "Baby Geniuses" (Kathleen Turner changed her daughter's diaper while Peter MacNicol changed his son), "Marley & Me" (Owen Wilson begins to change his son's diaper, but Jennifer Aniston takes over and finishes the change) and "Riding In Cars with Boys" (Drew Barrymore changes her son's diaper).

That's all I can think of at the moment for films, but I'm sure somethin' else will come up sometime. hehe :D

8. Discovering that there are others like you

Well, I knew my best friend was into this, so that was a load off my mind, but knowing that there are other people out there who get aroused by women changing diapers makes me feel happy that I'm not so alone and such a sick freak. lol :)
Last edited by Diapers4Ever on Wed Oct 03, 2012 11:59 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by ritzcritz »

OMG! I totally remember that scene of Rita changing the diaper and I really want to see the scent of Carol Kane changing the diaper! There must be some place where I can find that clip!

In terms of your list, one really stands out in mind which would be #3. We;; actually, this is a mix of #2 and #3. It was when I was kid at my friend's house, his Grandma was babysitting his little brother and changing his diaper. His little brother was kicking and screaming, not wanting to be changed but she ignored his fussing and continued on with ease. Right at that moment, I wanted her to put me in a diaper sooooo badly haha.
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Post by MommyJosie »

ritz, I can totally understand what you mean about seeing an experienced mom, grandmom, babysitter, etc doing a difficult diaper change with ease. For me, it makes me want to be on the other end doing the changing,lol.

As far as the subject at hand...I want to address numbers 6 and 7, sort of. It was actually the second time I wore as an adult after I rediscovered diapers. And the first time I bought them.

What happened was this, I had an "adult" slumber party with my sister and some of our girlfriends. It was my sisters first night away from her kids in over a year so we decided to have some fun and have a margarita slumber party,lol. I was a bed wetter as a kid and had to wear diapers at night til I was about 11 or so. So we had a few drinks and my sister was teasing me about how our mom used to diaper me long before bed time and I would run around in a diaper and shirt. So she had the bright idea to put one of her kids diapers on me and take pictures. it was all in good fun and we were all laughing. I am in no way ashamed of the fact that I wet the bed and had to wear diapers so long, my mom made sure of that.
So back to our drunken night,lol, when I put that diaper on it brought back all the memories of going to bed in a diaper and how safe and soft my diapers felt.. I ended up holding onto that diaper and wearing it the next day when I was alone. Finally after a week or so, I decided to bite the bullet and go out and buy some that actually fit,lol! My sister had put a size 5 kids diaper on me that night but it was still a little on the small side. So I went to the store and got some depends. I had no adult diaper experience at the time so I just got the only brand I had heard of. I took them home and slipped into one and it was absolute heaven. I could not believe that I had forgotten all about how they felt. And how they made me feel. Just putting one on and slipping into bed, under the covers and sitting back is so relaxing. And of course now I have discovered the "adult" benefits of diaper wearing too.

So that's my contribution to this great post. Thank you Diaper4Ever! Really good idea, can't wait to see everyone else's contributions.
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Post by Diapers4Ever »

MommyJosie wrote:I can totally understand what you mean about seeing an experienced mom, grandmom, babysitter, etc doing a difficult diaper change with ease. For me, it makes me want to be on the other end doing the changing,lol.
Then, once I'm finished it, I think you'll really enjoy parts of Chapter 26 of my "Buffy" story, Mommy Josie. :) Some of it takes place in a daycare centre primarily catered to ABs, TBs and DLs, but it's also catered to those who are being punished for various infractions (e.g. one character couldn't be placed in jail on account of his age, so the police department [in conjunction with his parent] signed him up at the daycare centre.

My ratio is one staff member for one daycare centre charge, all female, all beautiful, all experienced with diapering [and other aspects of childcare].

A lot of the charges admitted are passive, but, once in a while, there's a few that put up a fight. :D
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Post by MommyJosie »

haahaa, that's awesome, is it up yet? I am going to go check right after I am finished here. Sometimes it can be very fun when a little one gives me a bit of a problem getting his bottom changed :wink: . I cannot wait to see where the story leads...
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Post by Diapers4Ever »

MommyJosie wrote:haahaa, that's awesome, is it up yet? I am going to go check right after I am finished here.

I'm still working on that portion of it. The thing about this chapter is that it's actually the biggest one yet because I've got Buffy and her group crossing over with many...many...many different shows and movies and almost all of the characters they meet happen to come back to Sunnydale. :D

The first instance of the ABDL daycare centre being mentioned is when I've got the group going to Miami, Florida. One of the group gets kidnapped so they go to Walter Sherman for help (giving us a crossover with the short-lived FOX series "The Finder"; however, out of respect to Michael Clarke Duncan's passing, his character isn't part of the story).

I'm not sure if you're familiar with the show, Mommy Josie, but there's a girl on it that's basically being watched 24/7 by her parole officer. If she screws up, she'll go back to juvie, so, after they rescue the character who had been kidnapped, Buffy and Faith approach her about the idea they had for starting up a daycare centre for Adult Babies, Diaper Lovers and people who, like her, are being punished and need somewhere to serve their time in lieu of jail (think of it as "community service" only she'd be serving the community in a different way).

MommyJosie wrote:I cannot wait to see where the story leads...

I've got it pretty well planned out, but new series and new characters keep popping up. :lol: I've tried to cap the crossovers at 300 [and the cast at 2600], but I just can't seem to do that because, one way or another, a cast member or a new show [or a new movie] is gonna get added. :D

But, nonetheless, whenever I finish the 26th chapter, I'll gladly send you a copy! :)
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Post by MommyJosie »

@Diapers4Ever~ I am seriously enjoying your stories!! Keep up the good work. ;D
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Post by Diapers4Ever »

MommyJosie wrote:@Diapers4Ever~ I am seriously enjoying your stories!! Keep up the good work. ;D
Thank you for the high compliment, Mommy Josie! :D If you want, I'll be happy to message you privately with the list of employees and charges for the first day of the daycare centre [since I'm kinda trying to keep it spoiler-free for other readers, though I'll gladly make an exception for you. :)]

If you want, I'll also let you know what their attitude will be when they're changed throughout the day and how the employees plan to handle it. :)
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Post by Little Stinky Britches »

There are sooooo many "Defineing Diaper Moments", I'm not sure I can list them all, but I will start with my "Earliest Diaper Memory".

My mother first tried to potty-train me when I started walking at the age of 13 months. I don't remember it, but my mother and grandmother have told me about it. The effort failed, because 13 month-old babies do NOT have bowel/bladder control.

My mother however, blamed me! She said that I peed and pooped my "big-boy training pants" to get back at her for being a bad mother. To this day, my mother swears that when I was 13 months-old, I pooped my pants to "get back at her" for being a bad mother.

This is probably where the seeds of my baby fantasy were planted. I was born to a mother who believes that 13 month-old babies can be potty-trained, and when they don't comply with going in a potty, then they are pooping their pants to "get back" at their mothers.

Anyway, my first actual memory of being in diapers and pooping my pants came later when I was around 2 and a half years old. My mother put me in training pants, and I remember hiding behind a door and pooping my pants. My mother was enraged, and forcefully took me back to her bedroom where she had cloth diapers, plastic baby pants, baby powder and diaper pins all ready for my next accident. My mother wiped my bottom and put me back in diapers telling me what a "baby" I was for going to the bathroom in my pants.

She kept me in diapers and plastic baby pants until I was almost 5.

Phew! Somebody needs a changing.
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Post by Veronika »

I was very entertained by your tale britches keep on posting

insert sexy witch amused laughter here

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Post by MommyJosie »

oooh ty Diaper4Ever :) that is very sweet
"Out of 2 evils, I always go with the one I haven't tried" ~Mae west
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Post by Diapers4Ever »

MommyJosie wrote:oooh ty Diaper4Ever :) that is very sweet
No problem, Mommy Josie! :) Though the PM feature seems to be disabled at the moment. Is there another way I could covertly send you the information? :)
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