What makes phone a mommy unique?

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What makes phone a mommy unique?

Post by phoneamommysbabycam »

Thanksgiving is just around the corner and this time of year we take time to give thanks to God and thanks to others for the difference they have made in our lives. Living in America we have a lot to be thankful for and one thing that comes to my mind is the wonderful Phone a Mommy family that I have. Thinking back, my first phone call with phone a mommy was december 31, 2006 and got to call Babysitter Stacie. Over the last six years, I have had the privilege of calling over half of the ladies here at phone a mommy.
So what is unique about phone a mommy? They actually are real mommies who really do care about all their callers. I have been blessed to get to chat with many mommies here and get to know how sweet and caring they are. I have been to other mommy sites and they don't even compare. I remember on one call, I asked one mommy if she ever gave a spanking to an abdl and said she never gave a spanking. That is when I knew I was being naughty and needed to call phone a mommy right now because those mommies know what they are doing.
When I come into this chatroom, they aren't rushing me to call but when I go to other sites, I am rushed to call once I get in and if I don't they tell me to leave. Now what mommy do you know out there will welcome you into her house but then rush you to leave? Heck no, these mommies at phone a mommy have hearts of gold and each one of them holds a special place in my heart.
Sure, it costs money to call the phone a mommies but the phone a mommies need to make a living too and what I have found out that they just love to get to know each of their callers. Many of these mommies have become like family to me as they don't judge me or anything but are always there with an open ear to hear how my day is going. That's very rare and that is why I love phone a mommy!
Also I have come to really appreciate Mommy Madison so very much, she truly loves her job and loves her babies. Thanks so much Mommy Madison for caring about me so much, you mean a lot to me.
So if you are thinking is phone a mommy worth it or on the fence deciding whether to call, call and find out just how sweet and caring each of these mommies are at phone a mommy. They are the real thing.
I pray each of my mommies have a Happy Thanksgiving and thanks for being such a blessing to me. I have so many wonderful memories here and they aren't all over the knee spankings from you mommies but a lot them are, lol.

Hugs and kisses,

Baby Cam

My sweet cammers!!

Post by Crissy »

Thank you so much for wishing us all happy turkey day I hope u have awesome holidays. You are an absolute precious gift to us and big huggies and kissies Cam keep rocking me in your diapers & I will keep showering you with care XXXXXXXXXXx000000
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Post by MommyJosie »

Aww Camster my hamster,heehee, you are so very sweet AB boy. and you are very right, we do love to get to know each and every caller and form a bond with all out ABies and DL friends. How could we not when we have so many sweet AB boys like you and Marty. :D
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Little Stinky Britches
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Post by Little Stinky Britches »

Thank you so much Josie!
You have always been one of my favorite mommies. :D

And Cam, you hit the nail on the head. 8)

Thankful, really sums it up. :D

I am sooooooo thankful to PAM and all the wonderful mommies who work here. :D

Has it really been 6 years? :shock:

You and I joined PAM about the same time, and like you, I have called about half of the mommies here and I have ALWAYS had good calls with all of them. (Hummm.... time to start calling the other half. :lol: )

Thanks for a great post Cam, and I agree 100%. :wink:

Phew! Somebody needs a changing.
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Post by MommyJosie »

6 years! Wow times flies. I went on a little hiatus and when I came back one thing I noticed is that alot of the same ABies and DL's that I have talked to for years were still here. That made me feel so good. And it really says alot about phoneamommy. I wonder how many other services can boast a family like ours?
"Out of 2 evils, I always go with the one I haven't tried" ~Mae west
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Little Stinky Britches
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Post by Little Stinky Britches »

Yes, 6 years Josie.... hard to believe. :shock:

I agree with you: how many other phone services can boast about a loyal family like ours? 8)

Yes, there is a small group of us who have never left because we know a good thing when we experience it. We are still here because of YOU Josie and Lily, and Sara, and Lizabeth, and Maggy, all the other wonderful mommies here. :D

We are always calling you, because YOU make this service great! Without all you wonderful Mommies, there would be NO Phone-A-Mommy. :D

For me, it always starts with a craving to wear diapers and to hear the soothing voice of a mommy. The next thing I know, I am powdering and diapering myself in preparation for a call with mommy. (It's always hard to chose a mommy, because of so many awesome mommies here. :lol: )

Then, after I have powdered and diapered myself, I dress myself in adult-sized baby clothes (footed PJ's, rompers, nursery-print baby panties, etc.) and I call 1-888-430-2010.

There, in the privacy of my own "nursery", wearing cloth diapers, baby panties, and baby clothes, and smelling like baby powder, I wait to hear the soothing, comforting voice of a pretty mommy.
My heart is pounding, as I wait for my mommy to say,
"Hi Marty.... Shoooo-wee..... I think I smell something."

It is in that moment, in the twilight between reality and fantasy, when I hear my Mommy's soothing, comforting, playful voice say, "Shoooo-wee." that I know that everything is alright in the world again. The pain and stress of the "big-boy world" melts away, and all that is left is the pure love of a mommy for her stinky baby.

Yes, Phone-A-Mommy is a blessing. 8)

Phew! Somebody needs a changing.
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Post by DommyMommyAva »

aww cammie I'm sorry I'm so late seeing this sweet post from you. We love you CamCam ♥
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Post by Lexus »

Aww, Cameron, such sweet sentiments, thank you! You are a beloved member of our little home here. Might I wish you a Happy Easter as well? (just don't eat all your Easter candy at once - you'll get a tummy ache!)

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