time to toss the binky

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time to toss the binky

Post by fiestysusan »

its time to toss that nasty old binky, will you let mommy throw it away? if not how come, why do you get so upset and mad?
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Re: time to toss the binky

Post by Jenna2 »

i will have to agree but my little sissy looks cute with it in her mouth
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Re: time to toss the binky

Post by Hard_PP_DiaperBaby »

No mommy pwease dont throw my binky away. Little boy wuvs his binky. Pwease mommy let me keep it
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Re: time to toss the binky

Post by MommyTammy3 »

What if mommy gave you a new binky and a new toy??
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Re: time to toss the binky

Post by MommyJackie13 »

If you want to keep it so badly you must really be a helpless little baby, no more of this "I'm a big boy" nonsense, then!
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Re: time to toss the binky

Post by sweetmommyJaney »

i just got done tossing the old and nasty ones earlier today and my big baby is still throwing a fit
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Re: time to toss the binky

Post by MommyTammy3 »

My baby needs to leave the paci behind before it ruins his teeth. But, he'll always have mommy's big breasts to suck on when he needs some comfort.
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Re: time to toss the binky

Post by BittyBaby »

Not my binky!! I'll have a tantrum, mommy, I really will.
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Re: time to toss the binky

Post by Baby-Erica »

I need a binky Mommy. I always want something in my mouth that I can suck on to relax myself.
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