Did you have any girlfriends or boyfriends that...

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Did you have any girlfriends or boyfriends that...

Post by pinkluvs »

Did you ever have any girlfriends or boyfriends that dumped you upon discovering you were either an AB or DL or both?

I certainly had THAT experience. Everything was going fine for a couple of years, and then she found my "stash". She asked what this was all about, and it really deteriorated from there.

I suppose I should have been up front at the beginning, but I was afraid of being "outed". It turned out that that didn't happen. She just left me.
I was thankful for her discretion on this matter.

Oddly enough, we're still friends, and this happened many years ago.
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Post by MommyLauren »

Well that's nice that she and you are still friends. It is hard to find people with open minds. I fortunately was someone with an open mind. My bf told me he was an abdl about 3 months into us dating. I thought it was odd at first, but he was just such a good guy and we all know its hard to find someone you click with, so I went with it.
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Post by Mommy Star »

Its so sad that something like a diaper would cause someone to leave a relationship. but I did read somewhere that male aby's out number female aby's by a huge margin so the odds of finding a female are very small. My heart goes out to all my little aby's who want to find true love in a diaper! tehehehe muahhhh at least you still have Mommy Star here to make you feel better.
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Post by mommystella »

oh honey I'm so sorry to hear that. It just breaks my heart when I hear about couples breaking up over diapers, such a shame :(
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Thanks Mommystella

Post by pinkluvs »

I'm over it now, but thank you.
You're right, it's just diapers. What's the harm in wanting to be diapered and babied by someone you love?

It' was not like diapers were the main thing that's for sure. I just figured why not some fun. I had to do the fun in secret though. That was the hard part. :(
On a better note, I can indulge myself without fear or shame. That is great :)
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Getting dumped by former GF

Post by pinkluvs »

I have to admit, there was a time when we first started dating, and I didn't know just how "experienced" she was. I remember one time when she was let into the house by my room mates, and she surprised me when I was playing with some plastic pants.

I think she caught a glimpse of me quickly stashing them under the bed. She asked what I was doing, and I of course said "nothing". I was still afraid of being "outed" then.

She knew what was going on. After all, she used to diaper her little brother as I was informed by her later.

When this happened I had to use the bathroom, and she coyly asked me if I wanted to be diapered! I couldn't believe it, and I sort of stammered, "no!".
She knew about the plastic pants under the bed I figured, but I played it down.

Now, I ask myself why? She was indeed experienced for a 23 year old guy like me. Even though she was three years younger, I learned about many things. She was used to diapers and apparently, guys who liked them. She had a younger brother she would diaper, and I guess a few of her boyfriends in the past years as well.

Looking back, I should have been honest with her. Not much harm would have come to it especially in the long run of time. We could have played some diapering games, and we might be together to this day if I was honest at that point in time.

I was so afraid though, and from then on I used to keep my diaper fetish to myself. I'm certain that when I went off to work, she found my "stash".

Nothing was said of it, and over three years, our sex life deteriorated. :(
I would play with diapers, and she would wonder why I wasn't all thaty interested in sex, but I was. I just had this barrier I formed long ago by not being honest.

I wish I could have said "yes" when she first offered to diaper me.

I'm very sorry about this sad story. But the moral is: be up front. If they don't like it, it wasn't meant to be. That's cold consolation for us DLs, but I think good advice. Just be careful and sure whom you tell.

That, and if you have a wonderful girlfriend who will diaper you, go for it! :)
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Oh yeah

Post by pinkluvs »

I really blew it there, didn't I?
Learn from this.
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Post by TheSitterStacie »

This happened to me a few years back, was with someone for four years, decided it was time to buck up and just tell them about my DL ways and it was the worst thing ever. After all the yelling, and name calling that they did they just picked up their hoodie and walked out. My heart just simply splintered into little itty bits.

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Post by larbear »

I was dating a lady and I told her about being a DL, she was very open and said we could have a fun time with them sometime. I froget how it happend but we made a bet with each other for something and I lost. She asked if I would mind being diapered for a weekend, she said this would be the payment for the bet we had. I told her it had to be cloth diapers and she agreed, she was a proffesser at a local college here in town and had to do some reasearch on using them. She went on the net and found all she could on folding and how to clean them. The weekend came and we did have fun. It did take her some practice on using cloth, she only used disposables on her kids. She would not let me sleep with her that weekend she noted "moms do not sleep with their kids in diapers". It started out with just me in diapers, by Sunday afternoon she was feeding me at the table and giving me a bottle.

We dated for around two years, and then she took a teaching position at a college out of state and it was the end of our relationship. I remember my birthday came around and she gave me a regular gift. Later that night she gave me another gift which was a diaper bag full of diapering supplies that I needed, and bottles and pacifiers and a bib. I would always where a diaper when we were together, when I would pick her up to go do something she would always want to know if I was dry or not. If I told her dry she would always want to check to make sure.

I will always miss Sue and I know she enjoyed our time together and if ever she would return to the state I would sure like to get it back together.


"keep those diapers dry and tight"

Post by MommieSara »

That is wonderful you were able to have the experience, I am happy for you for that. What a fun experiment, we need more of those! Very cool, how she saved the best gift for last *giggles* That is a shame she had to move away, had you considered moving with her? Im so sorry to hear that, that is very sad not to often do we find people that we are able to share with and have that connection and closeness. I hope you will find someone again soon larebear you deserve it!
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