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my first mommy call

Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2010 2:04 pm
by gordo
Hello mommies; Thank you for allowing me to outline my first mommy call. You are phoning to say goodnite to me after I've been put to bed by your mother who is baby sitting me.
"Hi sweetie. Are you all tucked into bed?"
"Yes Mommie". I answer.
"Were you a good boy for Nana?" you ask.
"Yes Mommie, I was a good boy!"
Then you might go on to ask me if Nana read me a story and gave me a tubby, etc. Then I ask,
"Mommie when are you coming home?"
You explain that you wont be home till much later and when I ask why, you tell me you are out with a friend and you're going to his house later.
"No, Mommie, no!" I plead "please come home!"
"Now be quiet and listen to Mommie." you reply matter-of-factly. "You're my little boy now and I'll always love you, but I am still a woman and sometimes a woman needs to be with a real man."
"no Mommie please!" I beg "I can still be a man!"
You reply amused and somewhat mockingly,
"Don't be silly. Of course you can't."
You go on to ask me things like,
"Does a real man beg for titty man and suck like a baby? Does a real man wear a diaper beacause he wets the bed? Does a real man get a bare bum spanking when he's bad?"
I answer meekly between your questions "No."
"No you're not a real man, you're my little titty-boy." you answer teasingly. "And even when you used to try to be a man you could'nt do it. Your penis is too small baby, mommie could hardly feel it. Now its time to say good-nite and go to sleep."
"But Mommie, what about my suckies for nite-nites? I beg
"Mommie will give you a nipple to suck tomorrow, now go to sleep"
"But Mommie, what about my little penis, it's so hard!"
"Ok you can have a creamie in your diaper. Give your penis a good rub and tell mommie when you're creaming."
"Oh thank you Mommie! I'm going number 3 now!"
"Oh good boy! Mommies good boy!" you praise me like you would a 4 year old.
And thats it. Hope its not too long and, of course, it doesn't have to be word for word. In fact, the element of surprise is what makes it fun. This fantasy covers mommie, little boy, breast fetish, cuckolding, small penis teasing. I've got lots more but thats for another time. Thanks for reading and caring. xoxo Gordo

Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2010 5:44 pm
by MommyMaggy
My goodness gordo, that is some roleplay you have there!! I absolutely adore it! I like the fact that you have it set up like a real call from mommy, and the subtle ways you bring in all the elements is wonderful. I'm sure that whomever you choose to have your first call with will exceed you expectations and the two of you will have a wonderful time! Let us know how it goes, won't you?

Posted: Sun Jun 06, 2010 12:31 pm
by Jenna
Let us know how the call went gordo! kisses and hugs,


Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 3:59 am
by Candy
I love the way mommy teases and humiliates baby very hot scenario.

Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2010 6:55 pm
by MommieSara
Great outline, no it was not too long, but yes its nice when we are given an outline but are allowed to also improv during the call it gives the caller what they want and keeps it alive spontainious and fun!

Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2010 8:43 pm
by Mommy Star
wow gordo your very talantd my dear I love it

Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2010 9:16 pm
by MommieSara
How did you first call go sweety?

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2010 8:39 pm
by Nurse Betty
gordo, I just love your role play scenario! I wanna be your Mommy!! :) I love how open you were, and how much thought you put into your play time. If you haven't had your first call yet, I hope you enjoy every minute of it, hun!