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my personal diaper fantasy

Posted: Sat Jun 19, 2010 11:32 pm
by ritzcritz
My diaper fantasy is for me to be forced into diapers by a complete stranger, but instead of a young girl I would prefer a much older woman in her late 50's early 60's. I'm very tiny for my age (size of a average sized toddler maybe) and i'm going from house to house selling things for a school fundraiser. Once she opens the door she invites me in her house and makes me some tea that I enjoy very much. What I don't realize is that i've soaked my pants, i had to use the bathroom all day and since I was so focused on the fundraiser I never thought to stop and use a bathroom. Embarrassed of course, I go to leave so I can go home and change and forget this ever even happened. Before I can get very far however, i'm stopped in my tracks because the old woman grabs me by the waistband and throws me over her shoulder, and begins to carry me upstairs. Stunned and confused as to whats happening, I don't even think to kick or scream or put up a fight. She takes me into a room with sesame street characters all over the walls with a strong scent of baby powder, in the corner lies a changing table fully stocked with thick disposable diapers, baby lotion, wipes, powder, ect. She then begins to say "big boys don't make messes in their pants, i'm gonna get you all cleaned up and into a nice fresh diapee where you belong young man. I really miss having my grandson over since he's a lot older now so this can be fun for the both of us". I'm of course very nervous but don't really think of anything to say as she strips me completely naked and straps me to the changing table. With one hand she grabs my ankles and lifts my legs off the table, I can feel the soft detail of wrinkles in her fragile hands as she uses a baby wipe to clean up my crotch area that was soaked from my pee. In a way i'm actually enjoying this feeling of being pampered like a baby again, with no responsibility at all. It also brings back memories of when I was a baby and my grandmother would change me with love and care. Snapping back into reality, the scent of baby powder hits my nose which is a scent I find very pleasing and relaxing too. Finally she unfolds a thick disposable diaper, with all kinds of different sesame street characters and slowly lowers my now fresh and clean smelling behind onto the soft cushioning of the disposable diaper and tightly pulls the front of the diaper through my legs, giving it a tight and snug feel. She goes into the closet and pulls out a small white t-shirt that she puts on me that actually fits me perfectly. She swings me over her shoulder and gives my thickly padded butt a couple of nice swats. "There we go, now wittle boy is nice in comfy in his diapee, he can poopie and pee pee now without making a mess". She carries me into the living room and sets me on the floor and asks what my home telephone number is and in complete bliss of the feeling of sitting in my diaper, I tell her without hesitation. She calls my mother and tells her what had happened, my mother likes thats she gets to know what it feels like to take care of a baby/toddler again and lets her keep me at her house for a couple of days, who knows whats in store for me.

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2010 11:54 pm
by DaddyPaul
Sounds like you put a lot of thought into this one. It sure makes for some great reading and fantasy adventures.