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Praises for Mommy Sara!

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2010 12:21 am
by naughtyboyutah
Hi there I just had a wonderful phone call with mommy Sara. I had such a fun time with her. Mommy Sara has such a great imagination and a wonderful sense of humor. I think that is where I get my humor from, her and Alf of course too! Mommy Sara has a way of making me feel so much at ease while calling her and makes me feel like her little one. She took me to the fair and showed me around. We played on the bumper cars, we tried to win a prize. I was wanting a stuffed animal this other kid had so I took it from him. Mommy Sara saw the whole thing and before I knew it I was over mommy sara's knee for a good hard spanking, she gave me twenty spanks with her hand and my bottom was oh so sore after that. Alf didn't make it easier as he was laughing at me and Mommy Sara threatened to spank Alf but for some reason Alf never got a spanking. Mommy then had to change my diaper as I was stinking up the place. All during this time, Mommy Rachel, Mommy Ava, Mommy Lauren and Sitter Stacie were helping her change me and scold me too. Thanks Mommy Sara for making baby cammie feel so wonderful being taken care of by you. How about others? Use this link to share some good experiences had with mommy sara. Let's hear it!

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2010 2:46 am
by DommyMommyAva
I have to agree with you camcam Mommy Sara is hysterical and always makes me laugh. Shes a good listener too, just being around her makes people feel good :)

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2010 3:18 pm
by MommieSara
Thank you both ever so much. You both know how much I love you! BabyCam is our precious baby that phone a mommy would be lost without! You are our universal Baby! And of course, Mommy Ava is my BFF! Love you both and thanks again for your kind words.

Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2010 8:13 pm
by Little Stinky Britches
Sara is an amazing mommy! :D

Just knowing that she was praying for me, made me feel so much better. 8)

One of the things that is a huge turn on for me, is her empathy. Sara doesn't fake or "act" the role of mommy: she IS a mommy. After calling phone mommies for some 15 years now, I can tell from the person's voice and how they respond to my fantasy, (what they say, or don't say, and how they say it) if they are REAL mommies, or just phone sex operators "acting" as mommies.

Since my fantasy is so narrow, so centered around poopy diapers, I can tell if the person on the phone has ever even changed a poopy diaper. I knew from the first call that Sara has changed a LOT of poopy diapers.

For lack of a better phraise, her "motherly empathy" really showed itself from the very start. That, is why she is such a wonderful mommy.

What draws me to Sara, is the knowledge that if I were a "real" baby, pooping my pants in front of her, she would respond the same way as in my fantasies. The smiles, cooing, baby-talking: it would all be there. Why? Because she has done it all before. Poopy diaper, after poopy diaper, Sara has been a REAL mommmy to REAL babies. It's not acting for Sara, she understands the need we have to mess our pants and be praised for it; because that's what REAL MOMMIES DO. :wink:

Real mommies like Sara, praise their babies when they fill their pants. They coo and smile at the baby for doing such a "big job" for mommy.
Yes, Sara has done that many times with real babies, it really comes through in the calls with her.

It is a blessing and a joy to have Sara for a mommy, even if it's only for a few minutes on the phone.

Thank you Sara, we all love you! :D

Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2010 8:53 pm
by TheSitterStacie
YAY Mommy Sara! Doesn't make you feel awesome when people tell you how much they appreciate you?


Mommy Sara rocks!

Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2010 8:02 pm
by naughtyboyutah
Mommy Sara, you are one amazing mommy! Thanks for taking such good care of me and always making our phone calls so creative and everytime I talk to you, I know I am being taken care of by a real mommy and I always feel so loved even when mommy has to put me over her lap for a much deserved spanking. I know mommy does it because she loves me. Thanks!