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My story with a real Mommy

Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2010 5:59 pm
by baby becky
Hi all!

Its been a very long time since I posted in this forum, but I think there's no more appropriate place than here to share this little tidbit. As likely most of you know, PhoneAMommy has some of the more authentically wonderful Mommies anywhere, able to cater to just about every fetish imagineable...except one. A real, live, hands on, sissification session. For those in want or need of direct babying, its not so easy (here in the US, anyway). I've spent (wasted, really) lots of money in a vain attempt to meet someone who truly understood my needs as a sissy baby girl. I started with dominatrixes...rarely did I meet one with a true flavor for this fetish.

Until I met Miss Eva Marie.

Friends, in my whole fetish having life, I've never met anyone like her. When I first sent her an email, she responded with such enthusiasm, and said "Are you familiar with I love that site!"

Am I familiar?? Its only a site I visit constantly! It was the site that made me know my deepest needs to be a sissy baby girl were not unique, and there were others with needs like mine. The idea that I'd found someone who, on her own, knew about sites like that made me know I'd found a rare gem.

We made an appointment to meet, and she was everything I could have hoped. She wanted to dress me up. She wanted to feed me, clothe me, talk to me like the baby I'd always wanted to be. She was in charge from the moment we met, but not in a harsh dommy kind of way. She made her authority known in an unspoken way that mothers do. They don't need to directly assert themselves. You just know, and you submit because you know you're supposed to. And the rewards are... wonderful.

I want everyone to know what its like to be so cared for, so mothered, so sissified.

She's open minded. She's SUPER friendly. She wants to please. And most importantly of all, she gets it. She understands us.

Contact her.

You won't be sorry. :D

Posted: Tue Dec 21, 2010 7:08 pm
by MommyLauren
Thank you for sharring that Becky, I am glad you were able to have a real life session! Others are always looking now they have a reference.

Posted: Tue Dec 21, 2010 11:39 pm
by DaddyPaul
I am glad you had such a great time. Don't stay away so long next time

Posted: Tue Dec 21, 2010 11:44 pm
by baby becky
Its my pleasure, Mommy Lauren.

I posted this same thing on another AB forum, and was immediately attacked for having posted an advertisement...a SPAM post. The claim being that I was not simply a person sharing an experience, but rather someone with something to gain...or perhaps even Eva Marie herself attempting to drum up business. I was depressed by the cynicism I encountered.

I'm neither of those things. I've been a member of this forum and website for a lot of years. Granted I don't post much anymore. But I'm nonetheless a member of the AB community, and I know how hard it can be to find someone in real life with whom you can be the person you really want to be. So I'm glad you see me as being on the up and up. I know, first hand, how truly legitimate and special all of you wonderful Mommys are. While I don't have the chance to call in anymore the way I'd like, just knowing this site is here is a great comfort to me. :-)

Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2010 5:12 am
by DommyMommyAva
I hope its not rude of me to ask but what did she charge and how long was your session?


Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2010 9:28 am
by baby becky
Its not rude at all Mommy Ava...happy to share. I guess the disclaimer should be that her prices are her own, and since I'm not speaking for her, don't take the numbers as gospel.

$400 for 2 hours...which actually stretched to well over 2 and a half. She wasn't watching any clocks, to put it mildly. In fact if I recall, I was being bottle fed at the 2 hour mark.

Well worth it, and I cant wait to do it again! :D

Posted: Sun Dec 26, 2010 12:07 am
by MommyGina
Aww! Sweetie I'm so happy for you! It is something that all little ones should experience at least once, and the fact that you have found your perfect mommy is absolutely wonderful!


Posted: Sun Dec 26, 2010 9:19 am
by baby becky
Thank you, Mommy Gina!

To be honest, if you read Mommy Shirley's page, that's been my dream. Someone to turn me into the sissy girl I am inside. But Mommy Shirley isn't available to dress me up in person (don't I wish!!!). You're absolutely right...everyone should be able to live a matter what it person at least once.

Of course, some fetishes aren't safe, and some aren't even physically possible! But thankfully, not only is my fetish safe, there are a ton of wonderful seamstresses out there who make GORGEOUS clothes for sissies like me to dress up in.

I love being a sissy baby girl! :D

Posted: Sun Dec 26, 2010 12:06 pm
by Little Stinky Britches
This is a really interesting topic...

Actually, I have "lived out this fantasy" with a "real" person, IN-PERSON.

And...... I hated it! :(

Of course you have to understand that my fantasy is NOT to be an adult who is treated like a baby. (That could be done with a "real" person in person.)
My fantasy is to BE a baby: an infant or younger toddler just learning to walk. :wink:

And I didn't just try this once in person with a "real" person, but I gave it sevral trys: 3 times with a "pay-to-play" "professional mommy" and then in my last long-trem relationship with my now ex-girlfriend. In all those times, it just didn't work, because there is no way to shrink, or regress me to an actual real baby.

That's where Phone-A-Mommy comes in! It is such a blessing to be able to live out your fantasies over the phone. With the soft, sweet voice of a mommy on the phone talking to you, it is easy to let your mind go back to that special place you remember with diapers and baby powder and the soft voice of a loving mommy. :D

I will take a session with a phone mommy over an in-person session every time. :wink:

Posted: Sun Dec 26, 2010 2:45 pm
by baby becky
I couldn't agree more, LSB. There are fantasies that aren't possible in any way to act out in real life. And I'm the first to admit that the Mommies here deliver a service often unmatched.

My fantasy is much easier to live out with another person. I fantasize about being forcibly sissified...made into a sissy girl for the enjoyment of a dominant woman...a very liveable fetish.

I won't ever forget my first call to was with Mommy Sue. She and I talked it out a bit in the chat room before I called. When I did actually call, she had prepared by having a plastic bag by the phone so she could provide the rustling noise you'd get from opening a package containing a dress she'd bought for me at the store that day. It was an inspired piece of fantasy she put together. I knew right then that I'd found a great outlet for my fetish. But like with many addictions, I needed more and more.

That's where Miss Eva came in. Like Mommy Sue, Eva and I worked it out ahead of time so there were no surprises (well, there were still a few but they were all good ones... Eva wore a nursing bra, which was unexpected...when she released the clasp on the strap, I thought I was going to melt right there in my gingham baby dress!!). Did she ever deliver.

LSB, I can tell you this... if I were to ever be bitten by something radioactive so that I get special powers, and if that special power is the power to transform anything into anything, I would (without hesitation) transform you into the baby you so desperately wish to be, being careful to maintain your adult self awareness to ensure that you feel and understand everything happening to you. It would be my gift to you.

Now if only I can arrange to get bitten...............

Posted: Mon Dec 27, 2010 2:31 am
by DommyMommyScarlet
Baby Becky,
Thanks for sharing about your experience. It makes me happy to know that a baby has found someone to share the experience with and really enjoy. :)

Posted: Mon Dec 27, 2010 9:25 am
by baby becky
Thank you for your kind words, Mommy Scarlet. Honestly, though, my purpose was not just to share a good experience. Miss Eva isn't my girlfriend or my wife. She's wants to be available to any baby who seeks care. So I wanted to spread the word so other babies can find themselves as lucky as I am. I'm not a jealous little long as Miss Eva has time for me. ;-)