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AB on TV

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2011 12:07 am
by larbear
Hi everyone thought I would post the time and channel. On the National Geographic Channel, Monday May 2 at 10 est. there will be a segment on the show called Taboo. It is going to show a man in California who plays out the role of an Adult Baby, you can also Google the show and go to the web site for it and see a small description about it. It is a show about fantasies and how they interact with real life.


"keep those diapers dry and tight"

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2011 8:11 pm
by MommyLauren
Awesome, i enjoy watching these shows. There are already a few I watch, Strange Sex, Weird Sex, Private lives of women, and a few others that have discussed many fetishes including Adult Babies.

But thanks for letting us know!!!!

Nat'l Geo

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 10:22 am
by dommymommylexus
Yes I saw the preview for this show and I didn't catch the time so it's a good thing I found that info out here. I watch the show "Taboo" from time to time and this time I get really excited seeing an Aby on the show! :)


Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2011 7:08 am
by Mommy Josie
Thanks for posting this info on the site...these National Geographic shows are always a hit with me...thanks again...Josie.. :)

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2011 3:19 pm
by DommyMommyAva
I just watched the preview and it looks really good ... s/10113_00 that should take you to the preview or pretty close to it. Thanx Larbear for sharing :)

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2011 2:57 am
by SweetMommyCandy
This looks really good hes very lucky to have his Mommy. Cant wait to see the whole thing

Posted: Sat Apr 30, 2011 9:25 pm
by MommyShirley
Thank you for posting this. I can't wait to see it next week.

Posted: Sun May 01, 2011 1:05 am
by PhoneMomSue
Oh wow! Thanks for giving us a heads up there Larbear. I'll be sure to check it out

Posted: Tue May 03, 2011 8:06 pm
by Jenna
That was awesome I just blogged about it over at DS. I love those taboo shows and I am so glad we were well represented!!!

Posted: Mon May 09, 2011 3:15 am
by Craig
Pretty amazing. Makes me wonder what people think, how they react. Sort of like when they do a search for diapers on ebay and tons of ab/dl stuff comes up. That ought to give the uninitiated a quick education!

I wish I had cable

Posted: Sun May 15, 2011 5:46 am
by pinkluvs
I remember reading a story about the "Baby Man". I probably shouldn't name names, but he inherited quite a bit of money, and he just went all-out. He lived the lifestyle of his choosing. Even with all of his money, that is quite brave to go out in public like he did.

I admire him. It's not what I'm into from his perspective, but I have to give credit to him.

Posted: Sun May 15, 2011 3:52 pm
by Little Stinky Britches

He lives down the street from me in Phoenix..... Or at least, he used to. :?

A few years ago we met by accident in a Best Buy store near my house. I heard some people talking about this weird guy in the store and there he was, in the CD music section looking at CDs, dressed as a baby girl and turning everybody's heads.

He had this woman with him, a creepy street hooker, who was a poster child for a crack-head. He introduced her as his "Mommy", and she creeped me out from the very begining. She ended up robbing him a few months later. (Suprise!) I think she's in Prison.

(Note to all ABs, don't pick up a crack-head, street hooker to be your "mommy". She's not going to be very nurturing, and you are going to get robbed.)

Anyway, I tried to befriend him, but he had his own "issues" and one day he stopped returning my calls. I'm not even sure he even lives in Phoenix anymore, because I last saw him in 2005, so it's been a while.

If you look up "Phoenix New Times" newspaper/website, and search for "baby Man" you may find the article they wrote about him back in 2002, or 2003. (I can't remember excatly when that article came out.)

But yes, it's ALL TRUE! 8)

It's definitley a small world

Posted: Sun May 15, 2011 6:42 pm
by pinkluvs
Wow Little Stinky Britches!

So you definitely know to whom I'm referring. I know he passed on a few years back.

That you actually knew him even a little is quite amazing. Your story is very sad though. In the various articles I've read, I knew he had some relationship problems (that's normal), but what you described made me cry.

Us AB/DL types have it rough enough in life, and we're darn lucky to have any support. Kudos to Phoneamommy by the way :D :D

Aside from that, I don't know what to say except thank you for your story on this matter. It makes sense from what I know, but I wish he had a better time of it in the end.

Best to you. You're a good friend even though we have never met



Posted: Mon May 16, 2011 12:05 am
by Little Stinky Britches
MY GOD! HE IS DEAD!! :cry:


When you posted that last post, it got me to thinking about why I haven't heard from him in years. and why I never see him at our nieghborhood market anymore. (Sprouts, at 28th St. and Indian School Rd. Everyone there knew him because he dressed EXCATLY like a BABY GIRL.)

So I did some research...

Yes, sadly, he is dead. I miss him. :cry:

Here is the link to the Phoenix Newtimes article/obit. But brace yourselves, the article, and the comments are mean and nasty and insensitive. The world really hates us. :cry:

Here, read for yourself: ... _found.php

Posted: Mon May 16, 2011 12:31 am
by Little Stinky Britches
Just read the autospy. :cry:

It will make you throw up. :cry:

It was horrable, he died all alone, and his body was in an advanced state of decompostion. :cry:

I am sooooo sad. :cry:

Here is the link to the autospy. ... iam_wi.php

Yes Marty, I know

Posted: Thu May 19, 2011 3:05 am
by pinkluvs
Hi Little Stinky,

I read the story a while back, and it wasn't a nice story. I wish he could have been surrounded by many friends. Sadly, this was not the case.

I'm very happy you befriended him even just a little.

He was one of a kind, and very brave.


Very detailed ang graphic

Posted: Thu May 19, 2011 10:19 am
by pinkluvs
Little Stinky,

I can't say enough how it must have meant to him for you to befriend him. That was worth so much. Maybe you didn't know it, but this is what I figure.
He was a person unto his own. He lived by his own rules, and can't we all wish for that?

I read the article you referred to, and it was truly sad. And why the heck shouldn't he be accepted? I just wish the article didn't demean him with such graphic details. He had dignity. Shouldn't he be respected as a human being with dignity in death? Leave it to the news I suppose. :?

I'm glad you knew him, and you were a friend. I don't really know how well you knew him, but you accepted him. I think that's what he wanted in life, and you did that at least.

You're a good guy, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise.


So sad

Posted: Sat May 21, 2011 5:49 am
by Nanny Rachel
What a sad story to read here little stinky britches...thanks for the link...Rachel.

Posted: Tue May 24, 2011 3:26 am
by SweetMommyCandy
Very sad everyone deserves to be loved for exactly who they are. God rest his soul.