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Best places for a public diaper change?

Posted: Wed May 04, 2011 10:14 am
by naughtyboyutah
Hey mommies,

What would be the most fun place for mommy to change baby cammie in a public place? I think it would be fun if mommy were at the Miss America contest and had to change my diaper right in middle of all the ladies from the Miss America pageant. That would be fun to play out. What ideas do you mommies have?

Posted: Thu May 05, 2011 12:10 am
by Little Stinky Britches
I actually enjoy the baby fantasies that come close to real life, like what I saw and experenced growing in the 1960s.

My favorite real-life/fantasy public diaper changes are....

The Family Living Room
Some would say that this isn't very "public", but if you have 4 or 5 moms with their kids visiting you, then your living room becomes a VERY PUBLIC diaper changing area, espeically when the diaper is POOPY. I remember many times at our house there would be 4 or 5 moms visiting my mom with their kids, and usualy one of the babies would mess their pants. Let me tell you, a baby with a poopy diaper being changed in a living room with 4 or 5 moms all watching is VERY public. And there is no getting away from the smell: all the moms can smell it. :lol:

The Church Nursery
This is one of my favorite public places to have your diaper changed. Lot's of pretty mommies, all dressed up for Church, watching you get your poopy bottom cleaned and powdered right there in front of them. :D

And ANYONE can walk into the Church Nursery! There you are, your Mother is holding you by your anlkes, wiping your poopy bottom when a pretty teenage girl comes in. She giggles at you and holds her nose, saying "Shooo-wee!"

Then the Pastor's Wife walks in. She had heard that "somebody" had pooped their pants in the Nursery and came in to see who it was. And there you are! Naked from the waist down, your mother holding you by the ankles, your messy bottom sticking up in the air, as your Mother wipes all the poop off. The Pastor's Wife smiles a motherly smile at you: She can SEE and SMELL what you just did in your pants. :D

You can't get any more "public" then that. :lol:

Posted: Tue May 10, 2011 3:13 pm
by MommyLauren
A beauty pagent, oh my I bet your cheeks would be so red LOL

The church is always a good place too!

In the ladies room

Posted: Sun May 15, 2011 5:24 am
by pinkluvs
I've always fantasized, and I even remember when I was but a wee lad, being changed in the ladies restroom. All of those other women seeing me having my diaper changed! :)

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2012 2:44 am
by Diapers4Ever
I haven't been inside one since I was a kid, but I think that a daycare centre would be one of the most public places to change a diaper.

Most of the daycare centres tend to have changing tables off to the side in another room, but there are others that have them out in the open...where anyone can see baby getting a diaper change.

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 4:32 am
by Jenna
In the back of a truck or suv with the doors or hatch open. A van with the side door open is fun too :)

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2013 5:44 pm
by Little Stinky Britches
Jenna, it's funny you should post that, because I just saw a VERY public diaper change out of the back of a minivan with the hatch raised up. :D

I was walking through the parking lot of "Sprouts", (which is a health food chain store here in Phoenix) when I see this mom changing a toddler's poopy diaper out of the back of a minivan. :oops:

There he was: laying down, his mom holding his ankles together, wiping his poopy bottom, a box of baby wipes next to her, and the smell of poop wafting out of the minivan as we all walked by. :oops:

And the baby/toddler was watching us walk by him, as his mom wiped his poopy bottom: I wonder what he was thinking?

This was a VERY public diaper change! :oops:

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2013 9:30 pm
by DommyMommyAva
the park

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2013 2:28 am
by SweetMommyCandy
I love the idea of going to the hair salon and changing you in front of all the ladies :)

Favorite places for public diaper changes

Posted: Wed May 01, 2013 1:58 am
by mommysara
Two of my favorite places have been in the middle of the Dallas International Airport, and a bench in the middle of Times Square! :D Both of those places are crowded 24 hours a day! Great places to be sure that loads of people see what a stinky mess my ABy made in their diapey.

Love this thread!

Posted: Fri May 17, 2013 11:00 am
by phoneamommysbabycam
I love mommy lauren's response it would be awesome to be changed in front of a lot of ladies at church. That would be fun. I also love the park, what a great place to be diapered, out in public and all. I also think it would be fun to be changed in the store Babies R Us right by all the diapers. I also think the zoo would be a fun place to be diapered as well.


Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2016 9:40 pm
by lilonenaughty
I myself have been changed in the Aquariums Ladies room in a stall, In a Ladies room at the Botanical Gardens, Ladies Room at the Zoo, Bathroom at the Airport.

Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2016 10:48 pm
by Pamper Crinkles
Lucky you, lilonenaughty, and welcome to the forum :)

I agree with you though, I think the best place for a public diaper change is the ladies' restroom. I've had thoughts and fantasies before of being held by mommy while she carries me inside the ladies' room and lays me down on the little koala care changing station bench inside. I love the idea that mommy changes my diaper in front of all the ladies coming in and out, and some of them even cooing and giggling at me as I lay their sucking my paci and getting my poopy bottom wiped and powdered. No better place for a mommy to show off her diaper changing skills than the ladies' room :D

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2016 2:08 pm
by Patti Remick
Pamper Crinkles wrote:
I agree with you though, I think the best place for a public diaper change is the ladies' restroom. I've had thoughts and fantasies before of being held by mommy while she carries me inside the ladies' room and lays me down on the little koala care changing station bench inside. I love the idea that mommy changes my diaper in front of all the ladies coming in and out
I have to agree as well. Although I am mortified by it Mommy loves to dress me in my little Girls clothes and take me to the mall so She can pic out more outfits for me (I can fit into real off-the-rack Girls clothes size 12-14 like the outfit She dressed me in below). But the thing that horrifies me the most is having Mommy take me into a crowded ladies room in the mall on a busy day to change my diaper. With all those Women in there it is just sooo humiliating! I *beg* Her not to change me there but I am ignored as Im pulled into the crowded ladies room by the wrist. Once inside She firmly straps me down to the changing table so I cannot escape and puts my pacifier in my mouth to muffle my now pathetic sobbing. My short dress is pushed up above my waist and my white tights get pulled down to my lace anklet and Mary Jane encased feet. The coming and going Women and Girls can easily watch while She untapes and removes my soaked disposable diaper and soaker and makes me spread my legs so She can clean and powder me revealing my hairless tiny male genitals for all to see. Some of the Women are shocked while many of the Girls just cover their mouths to hide their giggles. The humiliation is just overwhelming.



Luv and hugs

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2016 8:41 am
by DommyMommyAva
I like anywhere there is a big crowd...the more people the better. The park is great for maximum exposure so is the mall, public pools, parties and restaurants.

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2016 11:50 am
by lilonenaughty
Welps been changed in the ladies room at the zoo, the botanical garden, the park, and the aquarium ladies room.

Baby Alyssa