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I love my mommy Lauren!

Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2012 4:46 pm
by phoneamommysbabycam
Mommy Lauren, thanks so much for being such a super sweet and kind mommy to me. I love just how much you really care about me and love to help keep me on the right path with loving spankings from time to time. Thanks for the wonderful phone call going on an Easter Egg hunt with you, mommy. That was a hoot and a half! I am so thankful for how much you love to get to know me and help me become a better baby boy for mommy. I want to make mommy lauren a very proud mommy of her baby cammie.
Thanks Mommy Lauren for just doing all that you do and caring about me so much. I love you mommy, you should get some kind of a plaque for being such a wonderful phone a mommy to me. I love you mommy! Who else is a huge fan of Mommy Lauren?

Baby Cammie

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2012 1:44 pm
by MommyLauren
Awww thank you so much cam. :) You always make me smile, and I too just adore our phone calls together. They brighten my day so very much. I am happy to know that you enjoy our time together just as much as I do.

Hugs and spanks,
