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Question/Poll Regarding Forced Diapering and Changing

Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2015 3:53 pm
by Diapers4Ever
If you had to be forced into diapers (and didn't want to be), what phrase would you find more humiliating when you were in need of a change?

I could personally see a level of humiliation being suffered with both phrases. The first one not only gives one false hope [since we could be thinking it was someone else...with the humiliation setting in that it was actually you], but it also could feel humiliating not being spoken to directly.

The second one, to me, I find can be almost equally humiliating as, like I stated above, we aren't being spoken to directly, but instead to someone that the person is we're not even there.

What do you guys think?

Posted: Fri May 01, 2015 12:13 am
by ritzcritz
Gosh I love your presence on here Diapers4ever, its almost like you think in the same way that I do when it comes to my diaper fetish. You understand the subtleties that come with the exciting thoughts of being in diapers rather than the basic "the way it feels" or "peeing in a diaper" that is a given with anyone who thinks about being diapered. I sometime soon hope you can write that story I pitched to you :)

Posted: Fri May 01, 2015 4:41 am
by Diapers4Ever
ritzcritz wrote:Gosh I love your presence on here Diapers4ever, its almost like you think in the same way that I do when it comes to my diaper fetish. You understand the subtleties that come with the exciting thoughts of being in diapers rather than the basic "the way it feels" or "peeing in a diaper" that is a given with anyone who thinks about being diapered. I sometime soon hope you can write that story I pitched to you :)
Aw, thank you so much for your wonderful words, ritz! :D I like to think that, over the years, I've become attuned to this whole thing, probably thinking in terms of a toddler, which I feel can help. :)

I definitely plan to eventually. :) My laptop's starting to go, so I was planning on starting your story [and continuing mine] when I get my new desktop. :) I hope that'll be soon, though, 'cause there's another diaper-related fanfic story I've been working on since 2003 that I'd LOVE to get back to...but, in the meantime, I've had loads (pun not intended. LOL) of fun coming up with ideas inspired by and dialogue from other series and films that I intend to use in the story. :)

Posted: Fri May 01, 2015 10:47 am
by ritzcritz
I'd love to see a art where Amanda takes him to the park maybe and then he messes his diaper right there in the middle of everyone, forcing her to change him right in front of everyone. Everyone just thinks she's changing her grandson as she coos and teases him over the mess

Posted: Fri May 01, 2015 3:17 pm
by Diapers4Ever
ritzcritz wrote:I'd love to see a art where Amanda takes him to the park maybe and then he messes his diaper right there in the middle of everyone, forcing her to change him right in front of everyone. Everyone just thinks she's changing her grandson as she coos and teases him over the mess
I'm not an artist, but I'd be happy to incorporate that idea into the story for either the next chapter or a chapter in the future! :)

Posted: Fri May 01, 2015 10:04 pm
by ritzcritz
haha "PART".. by the way do you have yahoo chat? If so we should chat on there sometime, I'd love to chat it up about diapers with you :)

Posted: Sun May 03, 2015 1:04 pm
by Little Stinky Britches
"Cooing and teasing" as ritzcritz put it, is a big part of my poopy diaper baby fantasy. As well as the part of being changed in front of everyone. :oops:

Some observations...

When I was growing up, my mom, as well as other moms used to love to change poopy diapers in the living room in front of other people, especially other moms. My mom could have easily taken the baby to another room when they dirtied their pants, but she chose instead to change them on the couch or on the floor of the living room. This was more then convenience.

I almost suspected that my mom liked showing everyone in the room the baby's poopy bottom. I remember how my mom would pull their legs back over their heads, and wipe their poopy bottoms in front of everyone. I remember all the smiles and giggles from her friends as they watched this, almost as if the sight of a chubby baby bottom covered in poop was something delightful to see. :oops:

And the coos and teasing? This was something that accompanied every dirty diaper change, as well as when the baby was "busy" filling their pants with poop. One Summer, I think it was 1967, my mom took care of Billy: a chubby infant around a year old. I remember Billy standing next to the couch in the living room, his face red as a beet, and grunting as hard as he could. And I remember my mom smiling and cooing, and gently teasing him.

"Uh, oh, I know what Billy's doing. Hims poopin hims pants.
Look at Billy's face, hims is awful busy in hims britches.
Yeah Billy's doin something in hims pants. Shoooo-wee!"

I often wondered about this gentle teasing and cooing.

Was it to make the baby feel more "babyish" about going to the bathroom in their pants?

Was it to alleviate any embarrassment that other people might have about a baby pooping their pants in the living room?

And why change a poopy diaper in the living room in front of everyone?

Was it because the baby had already "stunk up" the living room when they filled their pants? So you might as well change them there too because the living room already smelled like poop?

A few thoughts about the odor.....

My mom did a LOT of cooing and teasing about the odor that wafted up from their pants and filled our living room. (In addition to Billy, my mom babysat a lot of infants and toddlers at our house in the 1960s.)

My mom would fan her face playfully trying to "shoo-away" the smell, and she would wrinkle her nose and make funny faces at the baby. She was always talking about the odor with either the baby with the dirty diaper or other people in the room.

"Oh he stinks! Shoooo-wee Billy! I smell you over here!
Do you all smell that? I think somebody just filled their britches.
Oh Phew! I know what Billy just did in his pants! Shooo-wee!
Yeah, I smell something. Hims is a stinkin. Phewwww Billy!"

Is this cooing and teasing universal among Mothers and Grandmothers?

It must be, because it seems like a lot of us who have fantasies about being babies in diapers seem to crave this gentle teasing and cooing over pooping our pants. Do you guys agree?

I wasn't forced after potty training

Posted: Mon May 04, 2015 1:43 am
by pinkluvs15
Hi all. I was potty trained by age four, but my mom let me wear diapers and plastic pants since I loved them for many years afterward. I had such a cool mom. :)