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What Does BABY Want?

Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2015 11:16 pm
by mommybarb
Sometimes, it seems like it is a bit easy for mommies to get caught up in... well... being mommies! We sometimes get wrapped up in the fact that we are in charge :D Which is always fun to be in charge, but we also need to always remember that we are there to take care of our little ones! That being said, I wanted to start this thread so that all of the adult babies can tell mommy exactly what it is that is on their mind so much of the time! Go ahead, don't be shy! Mommy is here to listen to you!

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2015 12:36 pm
by Little Stinky Britches
I assume you mean when we call you (and other mommies).

What do I want out of a call?

Well, I'm a little different then most babies who call you.

For example, I always have the mommies I call read me a story, and not just any story, but a story that I wrote on this web site. My stories are basically "scripts" like in a play, because in a sense, phone mommies are acting out a role: a role that regresses me back into infancy and diapers.

I've been calling Phone-A-Mommy now for almost 10 years, ever since the doors opened and Madison started this little nursery. In that time, during all my calls, the mommies read my stories to me, so that I get exactly what I want out of a call. That's why I started writing stories/scripts years ago to get what I want out of a call. :wink:


I can't even begin to tell you how important "Baby-Talk" is to my fantasy. When I say "Baby-Talk", I mean that sweet, silly, sing-song, inflective Mommy, Motherly voice that mommies use to talk to their infants. It's hard to describe, but I know it when I hear it.

Some mommies are not comfortable using "Baby-Talk", because they are not comfortable being a "silly mommy". And of course, not being comfortable with something, also means not being very good at it.

Then there are other mommies who excel at using "Baby-Talk". They are the silly, playful, fun-loving mommies who get on the floor of an infant room, and really play with the babies, making silly sounds and silly faces, and using syrupy-sweet, silly baby-ish Baby-Talk.

By the way, during my years of calling mommies, grandma's and babysitters at Phone-A-Mommy, and having my own esoteric peculiar baby fantasy, I have discovered something. The mommies I tend to bond with, the mommies who excel at "Baby-Talk", and read my stories to me in the way I like, nearly all have something in common: In the past, they cared for real babies in a daycare/church nursery type settings.

Not all, but a good number of them had a daycare/church nursery background/experience. One mommy who used to work for Phone-A-Mommy (she left some time ago) had a home daycare. We bonded right off the bat and she read my stories, talked "Baby-Talk" and changed my poopy diapers like she had been doing it all her life: because she HAD been doing it all her life, in real life. She once told me that she had changed more poopy diapers then she could ever remember: and it showed. Her experience with real-life infants pooping their pants, came in handy when we were doing calls together. :oops:

Well Mommy Barb, I hope I answered your question. :lol:


By the way, thank you for posting such great questions!

You are an awesome Mommy Barb!

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2015 4:36 pm
by Pamper Crinkles
I agree with you, Little Stinky, that baby-talk is a must for big babies like us! It really helps us feel as little as we are, even if we may not sound that little for the mommies :oops:

And really, more than baby-talk alone, that's what this baby wants more than anything is to be honestly and sincerely treated as little as I feel when I call. I know that technically Phone-A-Mommy is a phone sex line, but I crave the emotional bonding and connection of having a mommy much more than I do the primal desire to "get off", if you will. It takes a special mommy to make me feel more like how I want to feel than to simply give me sexual release. So far, I've had two calls to Phone-A-Mommy and both have done just that. You mommies here really are the best! :D

Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2015 7:47 pm
by mommybarb
Little Stinky Britches, wow! What a fantastic answer! You really went all out and gave me a look into the way that the babies think and view and feel about our phone calls. Knowing exactly what the little ones want like that really allows us mommies to take it to the next level and make sure that you enjoy our time together as much as we do! As far as all of us not being too comfortable with certain aspects of things, try not to lose all hope! Sometimes, like anything, it is simply something they are not used to. With some time, patience, and never being afraid to let us know what you want us to do or not do, all of the mommies can and would love to learn from you and about you in order to be our best every time! :)

Pamper Crinkles, despite what it technically is, as you said, we offer much more here than just filling that need. Of course if that does happen to be what our baby wants, we are happy to oblige. But we also take into consideration the fact that there is much more, even deeper elements that go into being a mommy and caring for all of our little ones. It is not right for a mommy to forget that their babies need them in many other ways!

Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2015 12:24 pm
by NannyEllaMadison
What a great question mommybarb, and such great responses! Thank you for taking so much time to write them to all the mommies; feedback from little ones is so useful. We may be "the boss" in the nursery, but like mommybarb said: all of the mommies can and would love to learn from you and about you in order to be our best every time!

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2015 5:47 pm
by PhoneAMommyLauren
I really like the responses so far and am eager to hear from more babies. Personally, I enjoy cooing and tickling good babies, and changing their diapers. All babies have different needs though. This is food for thought.

Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2015 11:07 pm
by BarbieMadison
What lovely responses! These are so helpful and I know all the mommies on the forum really appreciate it when our babies are up front about what they want from a call. The more info we can get from baby the more fun we can both have!

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2015 2:58 pm
by Little Stinky Britches
All the Mommies here are so wonderful! :D

To be able to call a real, live Mommy, is such a blessing. :D

Think about it. A "real" baby always crawls or toddles back to his Mommy because she is THE source of all love and comfort, of soothing and healing.

Mommy always makes it better. :wink:

If baby has a "boo-boo", or he doesn't feel well, or baby went to the bathroom in his pants, he wants, he NEEDS his Mommy to make it all better.

Big babies are no different then little babies.

We NEED to talk to our Mommies and tell her what troubles us.

No one understands us like our Mommies do. 8)

Posted: Sun Dec 20, 2015 6:42 pm
by mommybarb
Awww, Little Stinky Britches...

You sound like such a sweetheart! I would love to get to take care of you some time. Babies do need their mommies! Part of our love for being a mommy is knowing that our babies come back to us as soon as they need us. It is such a nice feeling :)

Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2016 10:25 pm
by lilonenaughty
We want to rule the Ok now that that is outta the way. We want to be loved and cared for just as we were an overgrown baby. We want our adult privileges taken away and to be a baby. Specifically I want a little humiliation sometimes and usually I crave the discipline of a good spanking also. I want to be bathed, fed, given milk in a bottle if no nursing mother is there, fed baby food, asked how my day was...cuddled and held. I do however enjoy pushing mommy's boundaries like sneaking to the toilet if i feel a mess coming on. I have also colored on one mommy's walls. In a perfect world I want to regress and give up control.

Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2016 10:30 pm
by lilonenaughty
We want to rule the Ok now that that is outta the way. We want to be loved and cared for just as we were an overgrown baby. We want our adult privileges taken away and to be a baby. Specifically I want a little humiliation sometimes and usually I crave the discipline of a good spanking also. I want to be bathed, fed, given milk in a bottle if no nursing mother is there, fed baby food, asked how my day was...cuddled and held. I do however enjoy pushing mommy's boundaries like sneaking to the toilet if i feel a mess coming on. I have also colored on one mommy's walls. In a perfect world I want to regress and give up control.

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2016 8:47 pm
by mommybarb
Great answer from you as well lilonenaughty!

I think it all depends on the baby, just like it depends on the mommy :)

Every relationship with every mommy and baby is different and it makes things so very special!

Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2016 7:16 pm
by Little Stinky Britches
Mommy Barb, you are an awesome Mommy! :D

Yes, each mommy and baby are different, and it does make things very special for that special mommy/baby phone call. 8)

Mommy Barb rocks! :D

Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2016 11:11 pm
by mommybarb
Awwww! Thank you, Little Stinky Britches!

You are a wonderful baby, and I loved getting to read you your bedtime story :)

You rock too, honey! Mwah!!