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Can anyone help me get over my fear of using this service?

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2016 2:54 pm
by TheAspiringNothing
Hi, I've never done an AB/DL phone service before. I've called the number and gotten to the part where the woman on the other line says hello but always hang up the phone in fear. Can anyone tell me what exactly happens before I am connected with the mommy of choice?

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2016 9:15 am
by Little Stinky Britches
Sure, no problem. 8)

My name is Marty, and I go by the name of "Baby Marty" or "Little Stinky Britches."

I've been using this wonderful phone service for about 10 years now, and I've called lots and lot's of mommies during that time.

First, when you call, you are connected to a "dispatcher" or "call screener" who is always a very nice lady who is there to assist you with your needs.

She will ask, "May I help you?"

OK, at this point, as a first time caller (or even a veteran caller like me) you are nervous and excited. All you can think about is talking to a real, live mommy who will diaper you and treat you like a baby. You are shaking, your heart is pounding through your chest, the feelings of longing and anticipation are beyond belief. You are about to lose it and fill your diaper and your haven't even spoken to a mommy yet. :lol:

Yep, been there, done that, will do it again this weekend. :wink:

But you have to summon up the courage to follow through with the call.

Please don't hang up when the dispatcher/call screener answers the phone and says, "May I help you?" She is there to help you find the right mommy. She has heard it all before, she KNOWS that you are nervous and that it's not easy to talk about diapers and baby stuff with a strange voice over the phone. But please don't hang up, because at this point in the call, you are only about 3 minutes away from talking to a real, live mommy who really wants to baby you and diaper you, and give you everything you need. :D

So when the dispatcher/call screener says, "May I help you?" just ask her which mommies are taking calls that day, or you can directly ask to talk to the mommy of your choice, if you already have one in mind. The mommy you want may not be taking calls that day, so you can chose another mommy if you like.

Now, you don't have to tell the dispatcher/call screener any personal secret details of your mommy/baby fantasy: That's between you and your mommy when you get to talk to her. The dispatcher is just there to make sure you get the mommy you want for however many minutes of time you want to buy. Now, I have told dispatchers/call screeners over the years what exactly I want in a mommy. For me, its the "Baby Talk" that I really like, but some babies may want a middle-age mommy or a young mommy, so feel free to tell the dispatcher/call screener what kind of mommy you are looking for.

Next, after you tell the dispatcher/call screener who or what you are looking for/wanting, she will ask how many minutes would you like? If you click on the button "specials" you will see special deals and discounts for buying time with mommy. YOU DECIDE how many minutes you want to buy, it is your choice.

Next she will ask what kind of credit card/debit card you want to use, and you tell her the number on your Visa/Master Card/AmEx.

(NOTE: For those of you lurkers and first-time would-be callers who are concerned about giving out your credit card info: Don't be. I have been using this service from almost 10 years and for the last few years I have used the same Visa card, and I have NEVER HAD ANY PROBLEM with security and confidentiality with Phone-A-Mommy. Rest assured, your private info will stay private and secure.)

Next, after giving the dispatcher/call screener all your info, she will put you on hold while she runs the card (usually takes about 2 minutes) then she comes back on the phone, and tells you that she is now sending you to your new mommy. :D

Within a matter of seconds, after approving your credit card, you are now connected with your new mommy!!!!!! :D

What happens next, is up to you. :wink:

I hope this was helpful.

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2016 7:00 pm
by mommybarb
Hi sweetie! It is normal what you are feeling, and Baby Marty did a great job at giving you a play by play :) Knowing what to expect, I hope you follow through because you sound so very sweet! I would love to be able to coddle you.