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WHEN did you know?

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2016 8:35 pm
by phoneamommyjackie
When did you know that you were into ABDL? What age were you? Can you tell us about your first experience?

Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2016 2:21 am
by lilonenaughty
Auntie jackie,

I think I was around fourteen or so, but in truth I have always been a regressive little.

Baby Alyssa

Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2016 6:02 am
by Hard_PP_DiaperBaby
I was 11 when I first became interested in wearing diapers. I had just started puberty and I guess I was scared of growing up. One night I was staying the night and my grandma's house with my cousin who was 3. I took a one of his disposable diapers and put it on after grandma sent my cousin and me to bed. It barely fit but I loved the way it felt on my weiner. It gave me a boner. I did wear diapers bedwetting until I was7. I remember liking the way a fresh diaper felt on me so much better than underwear. When I stopped wetting the bed mom got rid of the diapers. I was so sad. I missed the diapers but mommy wouldn't give them back. When I was 9 I got to wear a few pullups while spending a weekend at a friends house who still wet the bed. I never actually heard the term ab/dl until I was 19 and discovered it online. I've worn every chance I have since then

Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2016 12:29 am
by Crissy
When I was 7 I was jealous of my newborn baby sister and wanted to help my mommy change my sister. My mom would let me help her and had no idea that I would steal my sisters diapers and put them on at night and rub myself all night long. When I turned 13 I started babysitting the kids in the neighborhood and loved changing diapers, thats how I became a mommy and I've been in the lifestyle since then :)

Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2016 1:01 am
by DommyMommyAva
I became involved in the abdl lifestyle when I met a boy in high school. We became very close and started having sex and that's when he told me about his need to wear a diaper. At first I started wearing a diaper with him but later it evolved in to me being his mommy and then in to his cuckold mommy. The rest is history :)

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2016 9:28 am
by SweetMommyCandy
I can't think of the exact time I became into ABDL, it was a bunch of things that made me realize that I liked it. It started when I was young, I always liked to take care of my little siblings, and "Mommy them" With my friends whenever they got sick, I was always the one to take care of them, always the one to go to for advice, i was the "wise one" :D And I started finding out about ABDL online, and I knew it was the fetish for me