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When Did You Know?

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2016 11:39 pm
by Tawny
At what age did you realize you were an adult baby or diaper lover?

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2016 3:46 pm
by lilonenaughty
around 14 I think then I supressed and repressed it for a long time.

Baby Alyssa

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2016 6:27 pm
by MommyStar
Oh baby alyssa, but now you are one of the bestes little Abies around huh hehe (;

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2016 10:12 pm
by lilonenaughty
*nods* yeth me is.

Baby Alyssa

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2016 12:06 pm
by Busy Britches
Believe it or not, I was only 6 years old when I knew! :shock:

(Which is why I object to some people labeling this as a "fetish" or "lifestyle". For some no doubt, it is, but for others like me, it is a need seated emotional need to regress back to infancy and diapers that is buried deep within our psyches. How else do you explain a 6 year old little boy who becomes overwhelmed with feelings of wanting to be a baby again, messing his pants for his mother? I became aware of these feelings at least 7 to 8 years PRIOR to the onset of puberty.) :shock:

The day that I became aware of these feelings, (when I was 6) happened at this lady's house, who was babysitting me. I was in her living room playing with my toy Tonka trucks on the floor, when all of a sudden, this woman who was babysitting me, who was sitting on the couch, started sniffing the air and wrinkling up her nose, and focusing her attention on me.

"Marty, did you just toot?" She said, smiling a motherly smile "You're supposed to say 'excuse me' when you pass gas."

The woman (I can't remember her name.) only increased my embarrassment by waving her hand under her nose to shoo-away the foul odor and giggling at me. (One of the things I remember most about her, was the playful, motherly attitude she had to the smell of gas or poop. She never seemed offended, but she always seemed amused by someone passing gas or messing their pants.)

I must have turned 3 different shades of red, and I could only stammer out the words "It wasn't me, I didn't toot."

It was then that she focused her attention on her baby who was playing in his playpen in the corner of the living room.

As I watched, this woman went over to the playpen and lifted up the back of her son's shirt, and proceeded to pull back his cloth diaper and rubber pants for look inside to see of he "filled his britches." (Her favorite saying at the time.)

"Shoooo! I thought I smelled something!" She said, looking down the back of her son's pants. :oops:

I knew at that moment, that I wanted to be that baby. :oops:

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2016 7:48 pm
by Pamper Crinkles
Busy Britches, you're certainly not alone in that way of thinking. I've heard the term for it is "regressive little" and I am one myself. I didn't know I was ABDL until my teenage years, but I had inklings and affinities for baby things, especially diapering supplies, since I was in pre-school. I loved (and still do love) the smell of baby wipes and baby powder and so I also gravitated over to changing tables for that smell. Eventually I was caught and shamed for it, but it didn't change a thing. If anything, it probably made my innocent fascination stronger.

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2016 2:37 pm
by Busy Britches
That's an interesting term Pamper Crinkles. 8)

This is the first time I have heard it.

It's kinda funny, but I have to keep reminding myself that I had these feelings at an early age, and there is no "cure" for infantilism. Even though I was married, and I have had many girlfriends, I was always torn between being a "Man" and being a "Baby." The marriage and the past relationships didn't work, because as one of my therapists said to me one time, quote,

"Your marriage and past relations with women do NOT work, because they see your desire to wear diapers and be a baby as the OTHER WOMAN. No normal, well-adjusted, self-respecting woman is going to be in a relationship with you because they have no interest in sharing you with this side of you. They want you: 100% of you, and if you can only give 50% or 25% (or less) because of your deep-seated desire wear diapers and regress, then they will look elsewhere for companionship and physical gratification.

It is no different with a gay man. Gay men do not do well in heterosexual relationships because they really, deep down inside, want a man, not a woman. So women in relationships with gay men, tend to, over time, go looking elsewhere for a mate, because the gay man's desire for other men, is in fact, THE OTHER WOMAN."

I have never forgotten those words spoken by my therapist over 20 years ago. It was true then, it is true now. Which is why I don't spend time looking for a "Mommy." Honestly, even though the mommies on this board are not in a relationship with me, and we just talk on the phone, I am OK with that because I always think about those words of my old therapist. She was right: most women tend to see this as "the other woman" and cannot live with it. Phone Mommies however, do not have to live with it (or you) and the Mommy/Baby "relationship" can be kept in an appropriate place.

Just a few thoughts... :roll:

When did you know?

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2017 10:28 am
by MommyCandy
I loved reading all your stories of how and when you all learned of being an ABDL. I can say one thing for sure just as strong as your feelings of wanting to regress into being a little baby this mommy has the same level of desire to care for a devoted ABDL and to make them oh so happy :wink:

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2017 11:12 am
by lilonenaughty
Ms Candy,

That is good to know :-) Being a regressive such ass myself rather than an age player can be a bit unnerving at times.

Baby Alyssa