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When was the first time?

Posted: Sat Jul 28, 2007 10:52 am
by babymarty
Hello mommies and babies, I was wondering about something.... :roll:

When was the very first time, that you heard of infantilism, or adults wearing diapers and baby clothes for pleasure? :?:

Do you remember where you were, and what you were doing at the time?

For me, having lived with these babyish feelings all of my life, and thinking that I was ALL ALONE, the day I first found out that there were others out there like me, is seared into my memory.

It was a warm summer day in 1993, I was living in Columbus, Ohio, having just finished my first year at a community college, and getting ready to move to Athens, Ohio, so I could attend Ohio University.

It was almost 10 am, and I had just turned on our TV, and the Phil Donugh show was just ending.... and there.... in the closing 2 minutes.... I SAW OTHER ADULTS WEARING DIAPERS!!!! :shock:

After living my half my life thinking that I was all alone in my desire to wear diapers and regress back to infancy, there, on my TV, was proof that there were others out there like me. :D

But I only saw the closing 2 minutes. :(

I was so hungry for more information, I wrote a letter to the TV station, requesting a transcript of the show. 3 weeks later, I recived it in the mail, and my life was changed forever. After learning about other people like me, I started out on a "quest" to find them. Very soon, I found out about DPF (Diaper Pail Friends) and sent off for their catalog.

Within a month, I had met and called other AB's and mommies, and bought adult sized cloth diapers and plastic baby pants. :D

That was 1993, a year I will NEVER FORGET! 8)

So, do you remember the first time you found out that you were not the only one with these feelings?

Or, do you recall when you first heard of adult babies?

I look foward to hearing everyone's memories. :D

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2007 9:27 am
by StepSisterMandy
I had first heard about teen babies because one of my closest friends was a TB. She kept it a secret for quite a while but had called me upset one night when her parents found some of her things and ridiculed her for it :( and she spilled it all to me. That was the first time that I had heard of such a thing and found it intriguing and I am. :) I only wish that her parents could have been more accepting; they still have a patchy relationship.

Good question, Marty, and I enjoyed reading your response. That must have been a great day for you to realize that you weren't alone. :)

Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2007 7:30 pm
by DommyMommyScarlet
Baby Marty, I love your post, and the question. I don't remember the very first time I heard of it honestly. I remember knowing what it was for a long time and having curiosities about it before hubby and I decided to try.
Your post was good. Most people would not think or ordering the transcript of the show. I am curious as to if you still have it, and if you remember how they were portrayed?

Posted: Sat Aug 04, 2007 11:19 am
by babymarty
Thanks Mandy and Scarlet! :D

Scarlet.... No, I don't still have the transcript, but I remember vividly as to how they were portrayed.

Phil was very understanding and had a lot of empthy for all of the guests who were into wearing diapers. (One was a cop, another was a lawyer.)

However, since that first talk show on the topic of AB's, it all went downhill after that. :(

Jerry Springer was the worst! :twisted:

That corrupt, insolent bastard, subjected the AB's to every kind of sick twisted form of humilation he could think of! :twisted:

Now, on the other hand, Montel Williams did a show with AB's that was very good, and he had a lot of compassion and understanding. 8)

But probably the very best show on AB's was the Doctor Dean Edell show(I think that's mispelled). On his show, it was a rational, calm, understanding inquiry, as to where these feelings come from, and why society has such a revlusion to a grown man wearing and using diapers for pleasure. :D

In all, since 1993, there has probaby been 7 or 8 talk shows about AB's, and most of them were just an excuse for the audieance to jeer and shame the AB's, much like people were put in stocks back in the 17th and 18th centuaries. :roll:

Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2007 10:41 pm
by MommyJosie
Yes this is an excellent topic. Well I cannot give you an exact time and day or anything. I vaguely remember it being on Donahue but I was just a kid and did not pay it much mind. My first real experience with seeing it was on Jerry Springer. Not the greatest forum for ABies but it sparked my interest to find out more.

Posted: Sun Aug 12, 2007 4:01 am
by TheSitterStacie
I was sitting in my living room, on my mocha brown sofa, with the TV on the history channel, my sister sitting beside me in tears while she told me about her fetish.

Posted: Sun Aug 12, 2007 11:03 am
by babymarty
Wow Stacie, that must have been really hard for your sister. :(

I know, because I have told others, and it is always hard to do, and I too, have usually told someone while crying a river of tears.

But thank goodness, your sister had you there beside her to make it easier for her. Thanks for being there for her. 8)

I wish every AB had someone like you Stacie to talk to and come "out of the nursery" so to speak. :D

Your sister has a wonderful friend and sister in you Stacie. :D

Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2007 6:23 pm
by TheSitterStacie
It was very hard on her, but she is so much better now YAY!

But I love her so very much, that no matter what ever she came to me with I wouldn't try to understand.


Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2007 7:45 pm
by Janey
Well I did not actually hear of infantilism til I came to work here. For al ong time I thought that I was strange and unusual for likeing to be a lil girl still and wanting a mommy. Then I met my mommy and she brought me to the ladies here and to meet the babies so I could see I was not alone. And this has been my secound home ever since and it has made me feel so much better about myself and my lifestyle choice.


Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2007 7:13 pm
by pinkluvs
I never knew there was a word for it until about 1998 when I first got a decent computer. The internet opened up a whole new realm--a library at your fingertips!
I knew people were into this before then after reading a Penthouse forum story, but after first logging on, and checking it out, WOW!
I could buy adult-sized baby stuff like diapers and plastic panties. I could log on to other AB/DL sites, and it was amazing. Still is. :D
I've done lots of research, and the AB/DL fetish is somewhat common in the BSDM circles with variations of course.
It kinda depends on what you like. Some go for the full babyhood experience while there are others that just like plastic panties, and everything in between.
I started out with a plastic panties fetish when I was but a wee lad, and then connected that to diapers. I even stole plastic panties off of clothes lines back in the day (hee hee!). I outta be spanked for that! :D
Just thought I'd share, and there's more to come.

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2007 7:54 pm
by wannabe_baby
Hm, my first experience of knowing there were others like me was when my family got Sky television installed (kind of like Cable TV, I think, for those who don't live in England) and my brother was just channel-hopping one morning and came across Jerry Springer. Yes, THAT Jerry Springer show. I don't remember much about it and, having read some stuff online in the ABDL community about it, I don't think I want to.

At the time though, I wasn't thinking "oh, these people have the same interest as me". For one thing, I think I was going through something of a "dry spell" on the AB front and had little interest in it at that time (I was very into it when I was very young and I am now too, but for a few years I forgot all about it). The thing is though, I knew other people existed who felt how I felt too and that may have actually rekindled my interest somewhat.

Something I should point out though was that I wasn't sure the people on Jerry Springer were like me at all. I was a youthful boy in normal clothes and, even back then, knew that I would NEVER go on a talk show dressed like a baby. As far as I was concerned back then, we were worlds apart.

Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2007 9:04 pm
by Candy
The first time I heard about it was from a boyfriend of mine. He was a dl, but even he didn't know what his 'label' was. He came right out and told me our third week together.

We were having a nice meal and he had this solemn look upon his face for the whole time. He took his last bite and leaned forward and said, "Candy, I have something to tell you, and knowing that after I tell you you may never want to see me again, I thought that since this might be our last date I would wine and dine you as a goodbye gift."

I thought perhaps he was going to tell me he was married, in which case it would of been our last meal together because he would of been dead and I would of been in jail, or something along those lines. I put my hand on his and told me to tell me. He took his hand away, looked at me for a loooooooooong time then just said very quietly, "I wear diapers."

I think I said something like, "Is that all?" I was so relieved that nothing serious was wrong that a grown man wearing a diaper was pale in comparison to what I was thinking. He started to laugh and tried to tell me I didn't understand. I assured him that I did hear him correctly and it wasn't a big deal.

Over time I learned about the fetish from him. I enjoyed our diaper play together, it was actually fun. Then he had to move due to work, but we still keep in touch, and some day we hope to hook up again.


Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2007 8:24 pm
by DommyMommyScarlet
I really love everyone's first time stories. Candy, how luck that man was to have met an open lady like you.I would be thinking the worst when a guy approached me like that also.

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2007 8:42 pm
by Mama Liz
I too had a boyfriend who was into the fetish, he got me into it. I cannot remember exactly the words, but I think I happened upon his diapers. But since it was his house I thought perhaps he had a medical problem, so I never said anything, I didn't want to embarrass him. Over time he opened up and told me, I was more intrigued then anything else, PLUS with my background with my brother lol, well, lets just say, after seeing your brother stripped down to nothing, having your mother getting the 'trunk' and putting him in the frilliest thing since little bo peep came into being and serving her friends afternoon formal tea. Diapers didn't really surprise me lol.


Posted: Sat Oct 27, 2007 9:06 am
by mommy rebecca
My first hands on knowledge and experience came when I was in college. A young woman in a child development class I was taking was wearing a top that did not quite meet the waist of her jeans. I discreetly told her that her diaper was showing. She gave me glances all durning class, and approached me as we were leaving..."thank you for saving me from any embarassment. You must really think I'm a freak." I responded, "No. I think you have a really cute butt, and would love to change you sometime!" gave her a pat, and walked away. It was the beginning of a deep and beautiful friendship, and opened a world I may have never really known anything about other than the term ab/dl.

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2007 2:25 pm
by DommyMommyScarlet
That's so cute Rebecca, how lucky she was to have met you.

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2007 9:42 am
by Janey
Oh Rebecca, thats so cool. Reminds me of something my mommy would have done. I met my mommy online in an AB/DL chat room. I am so lucky to have found such a good mommy.

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2007 7:54 am
by babymarty
Thank you all for your insightful answers. :D

I find it very interesting how people found out that there were other ab/dl's out there, yet nobody except me mentioned DPF. :roll:

Very interesting. :?

My how the world has changed! :shock:

Most of us spent most of our lives thinking that we were all alone, and now,......

....with the internet, cell phones, 24 hour cable news,.......

who hasn't heard of abdl????? :lol:

20 years ago, no one ever heard of us, and now, we are everywhere! 8)

Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2007 1:25 am
by DommyMommyScarlet
babymarty wrote:Thank you all for your insightful answers. :D

I find it very interesting how people found out that there were other ab/dl's out there, yet nobody except me mentioned DPF. :roll:

The important part is that everyone here found it, and is having such a great time sharing with one another.

Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2007 8:58 am
by babymarty
You are right as usual Scarlet. :wink:

Mommy always know best! :lol: