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How did you first find out about phone a mommy?

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2008 12:00 pm
by naughtyboyutah
Mommies and babies,

I just was interested in finding more about how you first heard about phone a mommy. For you mommies, more in particular I am curious on what caught your attention about phone a mommy and how you came about becoming a mommy for phone a mommy? For us babies and diaper lovers, what was it about phone a mommy that got your attention and how was your first phone call that you made and how did it all work out? In this question, I am only asking those who had a good first experience with a phone a mommy.
Well for me, the first time I found out about phone a mommy, I was just surfing the internet when I came across this site. It was purely an accident and then I started looking in the forums and also checking out the mommy pages. Well one day I was sitting in the chatroom and of all the mommies/sitters, I was getting to chat with stacie the most and so I decided one night to give her a call. It was really late and I was really nervous but I remember as soon as I got her on the phone, she calmed my nerves and told me how much she wants me to enjoy this phone call. Boy did I enjoy that phone call so much. I still remember it as if it was just yesterday. Since then, I have enjoyed many phone calls but for me, that first phone call was the one that got me calling back. How about you? I would love to hear your story.

Posted: Sat Mar 08, 2008 3:58 pm
by MommyJosie
Well my ex boyfriend, who is an AB actually showed me the site awhile ago. I started to get burnt out at my previous job and wanted to try something new and I tried a few things. One day when I was on my puter I noticed that I still had the P.A.M. site in my favorites and I thought "Hey I can do that". I always thought it was a great place for all the abies out there who cannot find a mommy.

Posted: Sat Mar 08, 2008 4:58 pm
by Lacy
I found the site while I was just surfing around the net. At first I thought it was just mommies but then I saw Katie and Janeys profile. I called the line and talked with Del to see if they were looking to add some babygirls. A few days later Mommy Maddy contacted me and the rest is history.

Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2008 3:07 pm
by DommyMommyScarlet
I had admired Mommy Maddy's sites for a little while and I think it was a mutual friend was who introduced us. We talked online and she said she was looking for more mommies. I was excited to find something I loved that I could do from home. I am very glad it worked out as it did.

How Did You First find Out About Phone A Mommy?

Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2008 9:28 pm
by granny joan
I first found out about Phone A Mommy from a friend who works here. She was always talking about what fun they have with the abdl's and what great co workers they had.So after thinking about it for a while i applied for a job and got it. Joan

Posted: Sat Apr 12, 2008 2:09 pm
by TheSitterStacie
I was doing research for my younger sister and came across the site. I remember it took me a few days to log on to work because I was so nervous. But Mommy Maddy called me and asked me if I was okay, and I think I said, yes i'm fine, but what if I suck? lol


Posted: Sat Apr 12, 2008 10:09 pm
by Diapers4Ever
I was visiting and I noticed that they were sponsored by this site; I saw it and thought, "Hmm...wonder what this is...?" So I decided to check it out. :D

:D 8) I'll say this: it's definitely an original idea! :D 8)