Baby Day

Do you have an idea that you would like to share with Mommy Maddy? Would you like to see us do something that you think would benefit all of us? Go ahead tell us your brilliant idea!
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Baby Day

Post by sissybabychrissy »

I've spoken with many of the mommies, and I was surprised by how many have tried being babies in the past. I started to think it might be fun if there was a night once a month where the mommies could let their baby sides show. We could get it going on the chat site and see where it goes from there. Does anyone else have any interest in this?

Post by MadisonsEmma »

We have discussed this a little bit in chat. I am open to your idea. Though I am not a Mommy you know how much fun I had babying you. It would be very interesting to see how it would be if the roles were reversed. :wink:
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Post by sissybabychrissy »

Thanks for the reply Emma. I think it would be a blast to be your daddy, or mommy if you prefer. How about the rest of you mommies out there? who's interested in a turn in diapers? :lol:
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Post by MommyStar »

I think this is a fabulous idea. I haven't ever tried being a baby! I think I would like to try it some time tho. :wink:
Mommy Star

Re: Baby Day

Post by Crissy »

sounds like fun!!
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Re: Baby Day

Post by MommyJackie13 »

This is a cute idea :) Kinda like an opposite day for the Mommies, which sounds like fun until we all need to be changed ;)
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Re: Baby Day

Post by NannyBrenda »

Yes, that might be a problem, Jackie. We're used to changing diapers on babies, not on ourselves!
I do love to put little naughty babies in their place!
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