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Dead forum

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2009 5:32 am
by pinkluvs
Perhaps it's me, but I have been active on the forum for awhile, yet there really aren't many replies, or for that matter, much interest.
I guess it's time to think about moving on.
So long for now. I'll check back once in a while to see if it livens up a bit.

Dead Fourms

Posted: Sat Sep 19, 2009 1:17 pm
by MommieSara
You are right Pink, us Mommies have been slacking I suppose, Mommies sometimes have so much to do that we can tend to be neglectful. I think you'll see more activity here - We will have to get our butts in gear!!! Or someone might have to Spank Us! :shock:

Posted: Sat Sep 19, 2009 2:49 pm
by TheSitterStacie
*spanks all the mommies and myself for that matter* Yes we have to get on here more and participate. So lets make that a goal everyone. Let's get these forums up to where they were before.


Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2009 2:31 pm
by Victoriah Nichole Little
Spank the Mommies??

Is that legal?? Hmmmm.........

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 1:57 pm
by DommyMommyScarlet
Well now that Stacie has spanked us. Hmmm I guess it is legal, Stacie wouldn't break any Mommy laws.

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 9:38 am
by Little Stinky Britches
I would not be too hard on anyone for not keeping up on line. We all have lives outside this job/fantasy. (Fantasy for babies, and a job for mommies.)

Persoanlly, I have a lot of stuff on my plate, and I don't always have time for writing on line, or calling mommies. (Or my friends my that matter.)

I just took a job a few months ago, where I have to walk between 10 to 12 miles A DAY. :(

I am thankful to have a job in this resession, but at the age of 50, walking 10 to 12 miles a day is killing me. I am totally exausted when I get home, and it seems like all I do is work and sleep.

This fourm, and the calls I do with mommies, is a wonderful escape from the harsh reality of life. Being an infant again, wearing cloth diapers and rubber pants, and being cared for by a loving sweet mommy, is a wonderful escape. :D

At my job, I have to be in control, pretend, check my emotions, and be totally responceable. :(

But as a 6 to 9 month old infant, I have NO control. :wink:

As a diapered infant, I brup, toot, and poop my pants, with no control, and all under the watchful eye of a pretty, sweet, loving mommy. :D

It is a wonderful fantasy, I just don't always have the time to play baby.

So, don't be too hard on everyone, we all have other lives. :wink:

Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2009 11:31 am
by TheSitterStacie
Did I spank you Scarlet? I wonder if I was tipsy because I don't remember it. And darn it, spanking you would be something I would want to remember. Now I just might have to do it again LOL.


dead fourms

Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2009 6:40 pm
by MommieSara
Thank you for being so understanding.

Tis is very true Stinky Britches, life sometimes gets the best of us and is so demanding these days.

I'm sorry your having to walk so much other than it is very good for you!

And we all love your sweet stories and appreciate the time you take to write them.

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 4:11 pm
by DommyMommyScarlet
TheSitterStacie wrote:*spanks all the mommies and myself for that matter*
I figured you got us all Stacie. :lol: I will have my eye out for that second one though. I love to hear from you when you can post Marty. Congrats on the new job.


Posted: Sat Nov 28, 2009 3:06 am
by pinkluvs
I'm back. Little Stinky Britches, we all have a full plate. Not to knock, but you did have the time to reply.
I'm not trying to start conflict, but if you have time to post, then of course you have time to post and respond.

That's all I have to say on this matter.


Posted: Sat Nov 28, 2009 2:14 pm
by bobbynaughty1
I don't think that there's a lack of interest, given the numbers of views. Here's a small sample from the Adult Baby World. i've reversed the columns to show views then responses.

Post Views Replies
Baby's Flavor 157 8
Statements that make you feel
babied 464 7
Magically Regressed 1337 37
Favorite Baby Item/Toy 707 14
What is the Perfect Age to
Play as? 1037 30
baby items 2231 19
favorite diapers 399 4
Rhymes we didn't hear
as kids 127 3
When was the first time 3242 24
diapers, pacifiers & other kinks 6968 34
Age Regression 771 7

As to this particular post, there have been 182 views and only 9 replies, so it seems that there is interest, just not a lot of people getting involved.
And maybe it's that people are viewing but may be too shy to respond. It took me a long time to acknowledge my need to regress and spend some time as a baby again. So maybe there could be an effort to let those who view these forums that they are welcome and that we want to hear from them, and are truly interested in what their thoughts and feelings about this lifestyle are.
I hope this rant hasn't turned anyone off, and i apologize if i've offended anyone.


True enough, but...

Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2009 4:43 am
by pinkluvs
I still stand by my statement. If you have time to read and post, you have time to reply.
And that's it for now.

Happy holidays everyone!
I just put up my Christmas lights. I just love Christmas lights. :D

Posted: Fri Dec 11, 2009 7:12 am
by Victoriah Nichole Little
Hi Bobby - keep in mind that some of those 182 views are generated in this way:

1. I read the post - 1 view
2. I respond to the post
3. Now I am taken back to the post so I can see my response - 2 views.
4. Someone else views and responds. 4 views.
5. I see there is a response so I come back to read it. Then I respond. 6 views.
6. Two other people, lurkers, have also been watching, and they read each time there was a post. 12 views.

Now we have 12 views, but only 3 posts, and only 4 people have actually looked. My point is, the thread is going to go up in number of views every time it is posted to, even though it is the same number of people. 10 people watching one thread that gets 10 replies could make 500 thread views quite easily.

I also have to disagree that one who has time to read has time to respond. Two reasons. One, maybe the thread just doesn't interest me and there's nothing therefor that I can add to it. Two, when I simply read this thread it took me about 30 seconds, but responding has taken me about 5 minutes. Not a lot, perhaps, but multiply it by only 6 responses and now you have a half hour - whereas if I had only read and not responded it would have taken 3 minutes. If I am reading in the morning before going to work, I'm not going to have the time to respond to everything, even if I want to.

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2009 3:25 pm
by MommieSara
Let us not presume other users do not know how these numbers get generated.

And with over 7000 registered users and the many visitors we have here, I would not assume that all the views are being generated by the same people over and over. I think Bobby is correct. A matter of fact I know he is.

Many of babies and visitors tell me they read the forums but are not registered. Ducky just registered the other day and has been viewing them for some time now.

I have also been told by some that they just don't participate and you know what this is okay with me. I myself visit many forums every day other Fetish sites, Sci-fi sites, political sites, UFO, gardening, philosophy, Larry King...... OMG so many and I don't participate at all of them.

My interest are many and like everyone else I have an asshole and an opinion, and though I may read many post on a variety of boards all over the net, I do not participate in them all.

I'm Guilty!

Posted: Sun Mar 14, 2010 7:18 pm
by Candy
YES I have not been here in a very long time but I plan on changing that! I would love for some of you to write me or PM me and tell me a little about how you got started wearing diapers. I look forward to hearing from all of you.

Posted: Sun Mar 28, 2010 9:15 am
by Little Stinky Britches
Well said Sara! (I love how you express yourself! :D )

One of the problems I've noticed is that a lot of babies go to "chat" instead of the fourms to express views or connect with mommies. There's nothing wrong with that, except that with the time constraints that we all have, sometimes it's either one, or the other, but not both.

As for me, I go with the fourms, because chat is way too fast for my typing skills, and the fourms give me a chance to more thoughtfully express my views at a slower pace.

I do stop by the chat room every now and then to say hi to the mommies, but I really love the fourms, both reading and posting on them.

Hopefully, we can attract more babies and mommies to the fourms and get them to come out of their shyness and post. Honestly, this is one of the most accepting, loving, open AB/DL fourms I have ever been on. There is no need to be afraid, come on, let's post! :D