A fantasy worthy of a story or reality

This is a special place for those of you who just stick to the great feeling of wearing those Diapies!
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A fantasy worthy of a story or reality

Post by pinkluvs15 »

I was thinking about the plastic ball pits that you can slide into and have loads of fun at lots of places that offer these. I think you can even rent them like bounce houses.

My take, if I had the money of a multi-millionaire would to build and stock one that would be a plastic baby panties pit. I would get buck naked, and slide into that for certain. I can only imagine the feeling of all of those plastic baby panties! :D

Perhaps I'll put my English comp training to the test in writing a story about it. It's a fun fantasy.

I'm such a hedonist! :wink:
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Post by ritzcritz »

Or imagine sliding naked into a super deep bit of disposable diapers while naked, a mix of Pampers, Luvs and Huggies. Haha you should write a story about a bunch of martian nannies who shrink a guy and make him go through a diaper funhouse, only to have him be diapered at the end.
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Diaper fun-house to be sure

Post by pinkluvs15 »

Thanks ritzcritz. I can almost see it now. I love the disposable diapers take on the idea. They would have to be the old style plastic-backed diapers certainly. I would love that there would even be the pink for girls and blue for boys style plastic diapers from so long ago.

I would definitely have to have cloth diapers and plastic baby panties as well in the "fun house".

Let's see...
An unsuspecting guy is wandering through an abandoned amusement park, and gets a bit too curious. Really sexy girls have laid this out as a trap in wait of guys to baby and diaper, and just look at what my brain and fingers have written so far. :D

I think I have the workings for a story here! :)
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Post by ritzcritz »

You should have him be shrunken into a small size at the very beginning of the story to make him easier to be "handled" if you know what I mean ;) Also, it would be cool if there were some variance of ladies in there, not just "sexy" bombshells, but nice old ladies who are giggling at their trapped little mouse and who miss taking care of little ones again. Combine that with lots of "poopy", "Stinky" and other cute cooing and diaper lingo and you've got one hell of a story ;)
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Post by DommyMommyScarlet »

***perks ears and eyes attentively...waiting for what's next...and letting the cogs start to turn in the recesses of my mind....hehehehe***
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Let's see...Some more of the story

Post by pinkluvs15 »

Thanks ritzcritz! I like the shrinking idea about the "funhouse". I also like the idea of not only hotties, but older ladies as well. To be honest, one of my first crushes was an older lingerie model in a JCPenney catalog from the early 1980s. She looked like a really caring nurse type, and had "that" expression on her face. Like "uh oh, a certain boy needs to be diapered!" :)
Yeah, that's off-subject, but I think you get the idea.

I'm thinking of this curious guy getting a little too curious. He wanders into the funhouse at an abandoned amusement park while these ladies wait for him to step on the trap door. I think that he should find ladies' lingerie strewn about the place, and that makes our guy horny. So he strips down to go play with some panties conveniently placed on the trap door. The trap door springs, and down he goes on a slide to the plastic baby panties pit. He falls in buck naked feeling the delight of all those plastic panties and diapers while he hears these ladies giggling in the background.

They say things like "what should we do with this little cutie?", and "what a naughty boy playing with panties", we'll have to teach him a lesson!" The next thing would be a "shrink-ray", and he is shrunken down to "31 lbs & over" size. Heh heh. That's a reference from the old Gerber toddler size plastic panties packages if you remember that. I sure do.

From there, a couple of the ladies come in to get their boy, and it's off to get a bath, and then a nice, gentle diapering.

This is just a rough draft and sort of off the top of my head, but it already has me all hot and bothered. I have fantasized about this a bit to be sure. I can almost feel myself sliding naked into all those plastic panties and diapers. What an incredible feeling that would be! :)

I'll write a full draft as soon as I buy a new monitor. My old one pooped out on me, and although a laptop is nice, the screen is a bit too small.

I can't wait to write this all out in detail! I'm such a naughty boy myself :oops:
Oh well! :D

And then there's the one about some unsuspecting guy who is taken to a TV studio where he is going to be featured in a Pampers commercial. So many fantasies!
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Post by MommyGina »

very intriguing! how about a misty fog starts to surround him while he's in the "diaper n plastic pants" pit. He can't see anything, but he can hear the ladies through the fog - their comments, their giggles, etc. he doesn't seem to realize that the fog is having an "interesting" effect on him - that he is shrinking down to baby size.

Whatcha think?

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Post by Little Stinky Britches »

I like that idea Gina! :D

You have a great knack for story telling. 8)

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I like it!

Post by pinkluvs15 »

The "shrink-ray" is a little too "1960s" science fiction. I like your idea, MommyGina. That works well.

And hey, who came up with this story idea anyway Little Stinky Britches? I think you need a diaper change and quick. :wink:
Just kidding (but not about the diaper change you need!).

This story is beginning to write itself thanks to everyone. All I have to do eventually is put it together, and everyone that contributes, I say many thanks!

I'm still working on this story of "The Plastic Baby Panties Pit". So maybe that's not the best title, but I am working on the story in both narrative and first-person narrative style. Often the title comes after the story has been written.

Keep any suggestions coming in. I'm really having fun realizing and writing about a fantasy I've had for quite some time.
I think that I just may be able to put together a really fantastic story with help. I certainly appreciate the comments!

Most certainly I wear plastic pants while writing. That is inspiring :wink:
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Another story idea that is already in the working

Post by pinkluvs15 »

I'm working on another story idea about a guy that works for a diaper service.

The plot is that the women in charge of this service hire this young guy to make deliveries, but they have a new uniform idea in mind.

Instead of a regular delivery uniform, he has to wear diapers and plastic baby pants and nothing else except for shoes while making his rounds. You see, these ladies think it would represent their business better if the delivery guy wore diapers and plastic panties!

Oh how delicious! I would love to be the delivery guy :D

I'm such a naughty boy :oops: :twisted:
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Post by Lexus »

I can see it now - the ladies inspecting the "outfit" closely...checking the snugness of the leg elastics, having him bend and crawl around, and of course have him use them! hehehe

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That sounds good to me!

Post by pinkluvs15 »

I can also imagine that the ladies running the diaper service calling the mommies on his route to make sure and check his diaper. If he looks wet, then he has to let them change him.
I can see myself as the delivery guy, walking up to the front door of a house, ringing the doorbell, and standing there wearing nothing but a diaper and plastic panties while holding bags of fresh diapers and plastic panties. I can hear these various mommies saying how cut I look in my "new uniform", and teasing me a bit playfully checking my diaper, and snapping the elastic waist band of my plastic panties, and patting me on my bottom. :)

Humiliation at it's finest!!
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Post by ritzcritz »

Then in order to check for "messy" diapers they have a special maneuver they mommies have to follow in which they spin the delivery guy upside down and press their noses to the backs of the diapers ;)
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Post by Little Stinky Britches »

I'm with you ritzcrtz! :D

I love poopy diaper checks by pretty mommies! :D

I just saw one yesterday.

This mom was getting her baby (around 6 months-old) out of the car seat. When she lifted him out of the car seat, she felt his diapered bottom, and raised her eyebrow.

As if to say, "Hummm, there's something suspicious in there." :lol:

Then, she turned the baby upside down and pressed her nose close to his bottom and sniffed. I saw her nose wrinkle, as if to say, "Yep, there is something in the pants."

Then, after sniffing his bottom, she pulled back his shorts and looked inside his diaper, and I saw her smile, as if to say, "Oh yes, we definitely have some poop in the pants." :lol:

A big thank you to all the moms out there who check the pants for poop! :D

Phew! Somebody needs a changing.
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Post by DommyMommyScarlet »

Wait...UPSIDE DOWN?!?! Like completely upside down upside down? Like let all the blood flow to the little tikes head whilst i grasp his ankles upside down? Like when the butcher hangs a turkey by its legs and let's it dangle about upside down?

And how would a lady turn a grown dude completely upside down? (I'm missing something here, lol)

Did you mean turn him around and bend him over completely? And the mother that "turned her baby upside down", did you mean like bent him over her arm?

I'm sorry, but I'm tryin' to picture it, and quite honestly, I'm having quite a chuckle with what I'm imagining, lol.

Please explain :)
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Post by Little Stinky Britches »

Well, I know what I was trying to say. :lol:

Yes, I mean "bent him over in her arm." :lol:

It's nice to see you posting again Scarlet! :D

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I can see I'd better get writing and submit

Post by pinkluvs15 »

You all have some great ideas, and I certainly appreciate them. I'm still going to stick with plain old humiliation of the new diaper service delivery guy uniform though. Could you imagine those mommies seeing you wearing nothing but you shoes, socks, and nothing else but a diaper and plastic panties as you show up on your delivery rounds?

The ladies that run the service insist that you wear "the uniform", and let's imagine that it is a nice warm place where the weather stays the same all year round. I'm thinking of a tropical island place where the women wear little else but bikinis or something like that. Okay, not just bikinis. That's a bit outlandish, but then, it is a fantasy!

And now I'm getting away with myself. I love the poopy diaper check ideas Little Stinky Britches. That works great! :D

I can just imagine driving around in a diaper service van wearing nothing but diapers and plastic panties and having female clients "check" me and, whether I like it or not, change me because my bosses say so. My oh my!
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In love with this fantasy/story idea!

Post by Veronika »

My Oh My please do delight more with your incredible story
loving the details thus far!
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Post by Lexus »

Aaah, poopy diaper checks, huh... Perhaps because the delivery guy isn't allowed to use any of the ladies' bathrooms on his route, he can't help but use his "uniform", lol. So naturally the mommies have to check him when that tell-tale smell comes wafting up, heeheehee.

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Sorry I've been away a while, back to the story...

Post by pinkluvs15 »

Yes, those mommies have been informed, and our hapless diaper delivery guy is really in for it. No bathrooms, no nothing. All he gets is his diaper checked, and diaper changes. Just mommies and his mommy bosses saying how cute his "new uniform" looks on him, and of course checking his diaper and plastic panties.

This is a bit more than he bargained for, but there is no way to back out of it now. It's not allowed. He can't feel but feel a little self conscious driving around town in a diaper service van while wearing nothing but his new uniform.

While driving the diaper delivery van, other ladies out driving or otherwise are curious since he is bare from the top down, so he is followed to his destinations. What they figure is confirmed. He is wearing nothing but a diaper and plastic panties for his usual stops on his route. This is cause for much laughter, yet they think it's cute. :)

This of course is quite humiliating. He gets out of the van, takes a few bundles of diapers and plastic panties, and walks up to the front doors, rings the doorbell, and all while wearing nothing but a diaper and plastic pants. The pointing, murmuring, and giggles are quite apparent from those that have been following him. Oh my!

The mommies answering the door comment on how cute he looks, and how they love the new "uniform". At each stop, he gets a "diaper check" whether he likes it or not. Did he wet or poop his diapers? These mommies always find out. If so, a grab of his hand, and it's off for a nice diaper change.

Our delivery guy just cant get a break from this, and secretly doesn't want one. It's the best job ever!

I would say more to come. This is just freestyle writing, and I want to see how it turns out with a diaper change from a nice mommy customer. I'll have to think about that for a while.

Then again, I may revise this a bit. I do like the mommies on his route checking his diapers. I figure that the reason why they use a diaper service is just for the reason that our delivery guy is such a cutie, and these nice ladies know about the new "uniform" of this diaper service. :)

More to come indeed!
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