The Duel

This place just for my special babies to come and let loose.
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The Duel

Post by thehigh »

It's been kind of slow around here lately, so I thought I'd contribute another little fantasy. This is a continuation of my previous two stories (Just A Little Fantasy and Turning The Tables.) like the previous entry, it's also from the mommy's pov. I know it not the usual kind of thing people post here, but I hope it's not too disruptive.
The Duel

It's not that the last six month weren't without their charms, darling.
I'd be lying if I said that having my diaper changed by a man as admittedly handsome and strong as you are wasn't a pleasant experience... on the contrary, I frequently enjoyed myself. But it was dreadfully embarrassing to have to wear diapers everywhere for six months... Not to speak off the utter humiliation of actually having to use them... Can you imagine how mortifying it is for a woman like me to lose control of her bowels in line at the supermarket? Oh... You think it's funny do you? Are you enjoying the mental image of mommy noisily filling her bulky adult pampers in front of everyone at the store? Does the thought of me blushing as I pay the smirking cashier, my big diaper all saggy and stinky behind me make you chuckle?
Well, that's kind of what I wanted you talk to you about. I'm sure you know that a woman like me has an image to maintain. It doesn't matter that we had some fun, it doesn't even matter that I was embarrassed... The point is, we can't leave things the way they are. We've got to settle all this once and for all. So this is what I propose:
In my hot little hands I hold a pair of identical dart guns, each containing identical payloads.. 5 projectiles each tipped with another one of my devious compounds. That's right, baby: another of my regression compounds... But this time, were playing for keeps... Because whoever gets hit is going on a trip to baby town for a year!
That's right, honey... For Whoever takes a hit from this little honey, it'll be cribs, baby bottles, and diaper changes for 12 whole months... And the best part is, you remain totally conscious the entire time! That right, sweetie... You'll lose the ability to walk and talk (not to mention the ability to keep those fancy suits of yours clean!)... But you’re in your brain, you're going to retain your identity... And remain horribly, humiliatingly aware the whole time! That's right, babykins: you’re going to be fully aware all the way through every wet and messy diaper I make you sit in, every mortifying public diaper change, every single giggle and comment from every hot woman that sees you rolling down the street in your new stroller, or watches in smirking disgust as I lift your legs to expose your bare bottom to powder and diaper you!
Then again, maybe it'll be you who gets the drop on me... Can you really turn down the chance to have this gorgeous bottom all helpless and diapered for your amusement? Just picture it... A hot, sexy babe like me, reduced to crawling around in nothing but a big thick didee and a little tiny t-shirt that doesn't even cover my belly button? Picture me laying at you feet, coloring a little picture as you read the newspaper. My tummy rumbles... It's time to poopy! I try to convey my desperation, but I can only talk in baby talk not. It doesn't matter anyway... Seconds later, I fill my diaper with a farty dump! Now it's up to you to change my diaper and sooth my crying...
What's that, you say? You're in? Great! Here's your dart gun... We'll take one minute to get into position, and then it's every man and woman for themselves. Ready? Go!
(Stupid boy... You really don't suspect, do you? I rigged your gun to misfire and fall apart... You won't be able to fire a single shot... And by trying, you'll just expose yourself to me... Me and my fully functional dart gun! I can't wait to wipe your bottom, big man!)
Ready? Go!
(What a maroon! He actually thinks he's got a chance! His male ego won't even allow him to entertain the possibility of defeat!
It's time to lure him into my trap.)
"Oh dear," I say out loud to no one in particular. "My shoelace is untied! I'll just bend over to tie it up!"
(That's it, darling... Get distracted by the sight if my womanly bottom, so delightfully plump in these tight pants... Be drawn in by the sight of my sweet cheeks... Be enticed by the sight of its gentle swaying... Such a lovely, inviting target...)

Click! I allow myself a tight smirk... My plan is working perfectly! "Oh dear," I say as I turn to face you, smiling tightly at the sight of your dart gun coming to pieces. "Having a problem, honey? Looks to me as though you're... Shooting blanks? Silly boy? Did you really think you could beat me? You may have one a battle or two, darling," I tease, leveling my weapon, "but it appears as though I've won the war!
"Open up and say goo goo ga ga!" I say, aiming carefully before pulling the trigger.

Damn you! Hold still, you silly man! You're squirming made me miss! I watch as the dart zings pat you, missing you by mere inches. It strikes the back wall with a Ping, the flies off at a right angle, striking a nearby car, then come flying back... Right at me! I duck at the last moment, the dart sailing harmlessly over my head!

Phew! That was a close one! Well, here we are again, sweetheart... And I've still got four darts left—how unlucky for you!
“Ow!” What was that?! It felt like something bit me right in the butt…
The dart!? Oh no! It must’ve ricocheted again! “Well, don’t just stand there, you dope! You’ve got to help me! The antidote is in da doo goo boo boo goo!” Oh no… baby talk! It’s already started to take hold! I can’t believe it! Diapers for a whole year! This can’t be happening… I-I’m too pretty for pampers! Can’t you do something? Can’t you help me?!
What comes next happens almost instantaneously—from nowhere, I’m hit with a powerful sensation from deep within my guts. The urge to move my bowels comes over me, seemingly from nowhere. In mere seconds I’m desperate, straining, clenching my buttocks… but my efforts are infantile in the face of the coming disaster—almost as soon as the urge appears, it becomes first desperate, then uncontrollable in a matter of seconds.
BBBBuuurrrBBBLLLLbbbbRRRRTTTTT! A hot, gooey surge from between my buns fills my panties with a horrible, muddy farting sound. I gasp and clench, even though I know it’s hopeless. I grunt and groan, straining to maintain my dignity—but in the end, I’m utterly powerless to stop another installment from depositing itself in the seat of my panties.
Groaning, I struggle to catch my breath through the stench of my mess. I quickly recover my senses enough to discover you laughing at me! Stop it!, I demand, though now it sounds more like “sta’pa,” making me stomp my foot in frustration.
The mess in my pants is all hot and icky—it sticks to my skin and works its way up into my buttcrack with every move I make, all gooey and yucky. I try to keep control of myself, try to stay calm and think of a solution… but soon I’m starting to sob, losing control of my emotions.
All of a sudden, I lose my balance. With a little squeal, I topple backwards… right on my messy bottom—SPA-LAT! My bottom lip quivers… my sobs turn into helpless, screaming cries. It’s just so unfair! I planned it all so well—it should be you here in messy pants, not me! I—I want my messy bottom changed! Waaaaa! WaaaaaHaaaa!
“Silly girl,” you chide me, making me feel like the over-sized infant I must appear to be. “This is what happens when naughty little babies like you play with dangerous toys!”
I try to control of myself, but I just can’t help it… I scream and cry and squish around in my messy, stinky pants, throwing a full-blown tantrum.
“Now now,” you say, going over to my purse. “You came so well prepared… I’m assuming you brought so supplies in here.” You pull out the nice thick diaper (that I’d brought for you, I realize, crying again at the irony.)
You set the diaper aside, bringing the plastic changing mat next. "Look at these cute pink diapers," you say with a laugh. "I think they're going to look very cute on you!"
I can only ball and wail in response. "Hush that caterwauling," you command, laying down the changing mat next to me and pointing to it sternly. "Plunk that messy tush down right there, dumpling, and I'll have you diapered up in a second. I don't want to hear any of your fussing or you're going to get a spanking right on your bare bottom!"
As always, your diaper changing technique is superb. And although you've had more than enough experience wiping my dainty little butt and slapping a fresh pamper on me, it still never ceases to embarrass me when you grab my ankles, lift my legs, and wipe my poopy backside clean. A little powder is next, and then, when you have me smelling as clean and fresh as a baby, you pull that pamper up tight between my legs and seal my butt up tight is a fluffy white pamper.
I can only whine and cry when I realize that the vision I used to goad you into this duel is exactly what I've become-- a helpless Adult Baby, unable to even wipe my own butt!
I feel your strong arms enfold me...You hoist me into the air as easily as a real toddler. I squeal, wrapping my legs around your waist as you hold me against your hip, just like a real baby. Your large, strong hand slips under my bulky diaper butt, holding me in place. and making me blush. Instinctively, I wrap my arms around your neck and nuzzle against you as you carry me back to your car.
After strapping me safely into the back seat, you hop behind the wheel and turn the key. Squirming my bottom into a more comfortable position in the diaper, I look out the window, thinking about the next year with equal parts dread and anticipation.
I become aware of a sudden warmth spreading beneath me. With a quivering lip, I realize I'm helplessly flooding my diaper... and there's nothing I can do to stop it.
You spot me starting to sob in the back and turn to me in the rear-view mirror. "Aww... don't cry baby... you've got a whole year of daddy's special bath-times and diaper changes to look forward to!"

At this I burst into tears... though whether it's in despair or desire, I can no longer tell.
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Post by mommybarb »

Wow, thehigh.
You are so very creative! It warms my heart as a mommy to look on our forums and see little ones like you participating and sharing your wonderful stories and thoughts with the rest of us! I am sure I speak for all of us when I say that I hope that we see more of your writing! Keep up the great work, honey!

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Post by SweetMommyCandy »

That was awesome! YOU are very talented :) Thank you so much for sharing

Post by Crissy »

What a fantastic story :) You should post more I love reading your stuff!
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Post by MommySabrina »

I love reading your stories! You are so creative! I can't wait for the next one
Mommy Sabrina
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