Your favorite spanking fantasy

Uh Oh does baby needsto get a spanking from Mommy? Tell us all about your spanking stories and fantasies and Phone A Mommy will share ours!
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Your favorite spanking fantasy

Post by phoneamommysbabycam »

I would say my favorite spanking fantasy would be that I am now grown an adult and I come to visit my mommy and I ask if she would take me back to when I was under her care more and give me a loving over the knee spanking. She is so delighted and touched you would ask her to do this, she is so happy to oblige and help out with that. All the while she is spanking me, she reminds me how much she loves me and if I ever need another spanking, don't be afraid to ask as you are never too old for a spanking.
How about for you?
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Re: Your favorite spanking fantasy

Post by NannyBrenda »

That sounds like the perfect spanking to me, babycam. A sweet baby that realizes that even though he may be bigger he will always be mommy's baby, and will never not need to get a spanking on occasion. :)
I do love to put little naughty babies in their place!
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