breast cancer

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breast cancer

Post by lindasfroggy »

I just lost my best friend at the office to breast cancer. She was only 34 years old. The part that bites is before all this started she was the healthiest in the office! She worked out 6 times a week, always ate right, and didn't have any of the other factors that would make you suspect you're a candidate for breast cancer. If it weren't for her trying to have laser eye surgery, she wouldn't have lasted the year and a half she battled this nasty disease. Thank you for letting me vent, but life just isn't fair sometmes.

Post by dapman »

My sympathy to you lindasfroggy. I lost my brother to cancer 2 years ago. He was only 42. Cancer is such a b***h! Of the four siblings in my family, he was the athlete, went to college (2 degrees), took care of his money and he was the one stricken. Life for sure is not fair sometimes!!! Please take care and I will pray for you, your friend and her family!
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Post by lindasfroggy »

I thank you, and the family thanks you. I feel sorry for your loss as well. I hope they find a cure sooner rather than later. My friends are going to be putting a team together either for the 3 day walk or for the Mothers day walk in her memory. Its the least we can do to honour our friend!
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Post by DommyMommyScarlet »

I am so sorry for the losses both of you have had. Walks and other ways to raise money for research and familes like Lindasfroggy mentioned, are some of the best ways to do something positive for something so negative.
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Post by StarrLite »

I'm so sorry for your lose, My best friend lost her grandpa to cancer, and it was the hardest thing to watch her lose him. So i can only imagine what your going through
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