I found three-pack of Gerber toddler size plastic panties

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I found three-pack of Gerber toddler size plastic panties

Post by pinkluvs15 »

I was going through some old boxes from storage, and to my delight, I found an old three-pack of Gerber toddler size plastic pants.
I must have bought these some time ago since they are made in USA.
I couldn't believe it, but there they are in great condition just like I would sheepishly buy from stores some years back.

These sure brought back some memories. I remember getting up the courage while waiting in the parking lot for the store to open so I would be one of the first customers so as not to have others see my purchase. And of course, I would drive to another city to minimize the chance of someone I knew seeing me buying them.

I always remember how my hands would shake when I handed over the money. I was so nervous!

It was always such a rush doing this, and I would always hope for a check-out lady, and not some guy. Yeah, go figure. I didn't want some guy checking my purchase and giving me the stink-eye, so a lady was better even though I remember one commenting about if I was sure they would fit me :oops:
They did, and fortunately still do. Yay! I know, since I have quite a few older Gerber plastic pants that I can still wear. There is nothing like a fresh few pairs though, and it is so sad they don't make them like this anymore.

They are so pristine that I'm not sure if I should try them on. These are almost impossible to find nowadays, but what's the point if I can't have fun :D

Wow indeedy!
Have a great day everyone! I know I certainly will :D

That is a lucky find!

Post by Crissy »

w2g honey, see my mommy always said it pays to know what you have and always keep a good supply of what you need on hand :)
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Thank you Mommy Crissy

Post by pinkluvs15 »

I just had to try on a pair. They are amazingly wonderful! :)
I usually know what I have on hand, but emptying storage gave me a nice surprise! I just love the old Gerber plastic pants.

And I still do wish they made the old style made in the USA. One of my dream jobs would be to sew them in the Gerber plant that if I recall, was located in Michigan. They even used to make the old VIP adult sized plastic pants using the same specifications, only larger. What I wouldn't give for some of those! :)

Toddler size are a bit tight on me. The VIP wouldn't be. How heavenly.
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Post by MommyMaggy »

Sweet deal hon!! See, ya never know whatcha gonna find when you decide to go rummaging, lol.


Mommy Maggy
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You bet!

Post by pinkluvs15 »

It sure was a sweet find MommyMaggy! :D It still is.
Oh for those long ago days. I had a pair of VIP plastic panties when I was a teen, but somehow I lost them :(
I never could figure out what happened to them. I always reckoned that Gerber would keep making plastic pants like many of us remember. I was wrong, and times change.

I have a few mementos and plenty of memories though! :D
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Post by Veronika »

I would check ebay or amazon you may find some things u miss from
when u were young I know I have on them sites.
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VIP pants

Post by Halseyn »

I have three pair of those that I'd like to get into the hands of somebody that would really appreciate them, what do you say Pinkluvs135? Email me if interested [email protected]
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Okay and...

Post by pinkluvs15 »

So you have either some Gerber toddler size, or better yet, some VIP plastic pants that are of the same design, yet larger than Gerber toddler size that you would like to get into the hands of someone that would appreciate them?

I'm looking the proverbial gift horse in the mouth.

Pardon me for being somewhat reticent, but I don't understand why anyone would want to part with such rarities so easily.

Maybe you could explain, Halseyn?

I certainly would appreciate them, but I don't understand to be rather blunt.
Please don't take offense. I'm just curious. You can talk openly here I reckon.
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