Told to do it in his pants

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Told to do it in his pants

Post by pottypantsbill »

This is my first time writing a story so I apologize if the grammar and pacing isn't perfect. Hope you all enjoy.

Chapter one

Jason was a 19-year-old all American kid. He grew up in a small midwest town, population of about 200. His mother and father loved him very much, but knew in the back of their minds that their boy was born to run. After completing a vocational welding program offered by his high school, Jason decided to move out to a large coastal town to work all he could and lay down some roots. He loved the idea of making his own start and becoming independent.

With these thoughts in mind Jason finished tying down his new duffel to the sissy bar of his old shovelhead. He looked forward to putting the recently restored bike to the test on this cross-country trip. The old bike started on the first kick, hopefully indicating a positive trip. As he let out the clutch and took a last glance at the home he grew up in he couldn't help but smile about the adventure ahead.

Chapter two

The apartment Jason found was actually part of a duplex house. He was happily shocked to find that the downstairs was being rented by a beautiful redhead named Jackie. Jackie was 5'9", 30 years old, and had green eyes that a man couldn't help but get lost in. Her inviting smile mixed with fire engine red lipstick made Jason's heart go into overdrive.

"Hi, my name is Jackie. You must be my new neighbor. Nobody told me that you were so handsome! Would you like a hand moving in?"

Jason replied, "My name is Jason, and I only have one bag. I would appreciate it though if you could come up and tell me a little about the area. "

Jackie flashed her pearly whites and said "Sure. You travel pretty light cowboy. Can't be much more than your undies in that bag."

The last comment caused Jason to blush the same color as the gorgeous women's hair. You see, Jason had stashed a pack of pull ups training pants in the bottom of his bag and was currently wearing one under his levis. For as long as he could remember Jason had had a "diaper fetish" that not a sole on earth knew about. As he walked up the stairs first he prayed his shirt wouldn't ride up and give him away.

Chapter three

After unpacking his bag in the mostly furnished apartment (all the while keeping his secret safe), Jason asked Jasmine if she would like to stay for dinner. After agreeing on staying in, the two ordered a large pepperoni pizza. The pizza and conversation were both excellent. Jason learned that Jackie was a waitress at a family owned diner and loved to swim in the chilly Pacific ocean just a few blocks away. Jason told her about his love for welding and metal fabrication, as well as fixing up old motorcycles. Jackie divulged that she had never rode on a bike before, but would love for Jason to take her for a ride up the coast sometime.

As the night continued the two new friends decided to watch a movieat Jackies place. Before they settled in on her couch Jason asked if he could use her bathroom.

"Actually, I meant to tell you. The water has been shut off all day due to a pipe leak. If you really need the potty I can take you to the diner down the street?"

Jason decided that he didn't need to go that badly and after some more blushing declined her offer. After all, he only pretend to have accidents for fun.

"Well if you change your mind let me know. I wouldn't want you to have an accident just to stay here with me."

The next two hours went smoothly, albeit a little uncomfortable for Jason due to his rapidly filling bladder. While watching the movie Jackie watched Jason squirm more and more, doing a version of the potty dance she had never seen before. As the credits started rolling she offered again to take him to the diner to do his business. It was at this point that she noticed something was wrong.

"Jason why are you alright?"

In truth Jason wasn't alright at all. The water he drank with dinner was screaming for release. He doubted he could make it up the stairs to his apartment, let alone down the street to the diner. Forgetting all about his pull up, he embarrassingly relayed this information to Jackie.

Jackie disappeared for a moment into the other room and returned with a large towel. She asked Jason if he could lift his bum for a second and put the towel under him. Just as she was doing this she caught the unmistakable smell of baby powder and started to notice Jason's pants looked a little "padded".

"Now Jason I know this is horribly embarrassing for you, but I need you to answer me truthfully. Are you wearing a diaper under your pants?"

Jason tried to explain that it was a training pant and not a diaper, but was quickly hushed. Jackie went into the other room again, this time returning with a Cars pull up and changing pad in one hand, and box of pampers wet wipes in the other. Sitting in front of Jason she ever so gently placed her hands on his knees and began explaining that she had these items from babysitting her nephew.

"Jason I know we are both adults here but accidents happen to everyone. You look so uncomfortable and I wanna help. I want you to look at me. The pull up you're wearing is just like a regular pamp... I mean diaper. It'll hold all your pee pee, I promise. I want you to just relax and go potty in your pants for me. I won't laugh, I swear. Sometimes the potty is just too far. Come on, just let a little out and you'll see it's not so bad. It's ok to tinkle in your pants. That's what training diapers were made for. Uh oh, somebody is making the pee pee face. Are you peeing in your pull up? Your blank stare is telling on you."

Jason felt mortified by his accident and baby talk that followed, but also strangely comforted. Just as Jackie was moving to unbutton his pants, he was reminded that his body wasn't done emptying yet. After letting a loud toot slip, he stood up and then got on his knees.

Jackie said "Looks like my new friend isn't quite done doing his business" with a light giggle. "I think I smell the beginning of a very poopy diaper. Good thing I have lots of wipes. Thank goodness you were wearing a pull up. They really do work just like a diaper. You can do a pee pee and poo poo in them and nobody will be the wiser, except me of course. Are you pooping in your pants? It's ok I'm not mad or grossed out. I can see a lump forming on your bum. I think you're doing poo poo. Just let it all out sweetie."

Chapter four coming soon if there's interest?
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Little Stinky Britches
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Post by Little Stinky Britches »

Nice story.

They say that imitation is the highest form of flattery. If so, then I feel honored, because I spotted several of my favorite "Mommy-Talk/Potty-Talk" words and phrases that I use in most of my stories.

As I was reading your story, especially the pooping the pants part, I kept thinking, "Humm... this sounds like something I like to write."

Don't get me wrong, I am honored and flattered, I just wasn't expecting to see my favorite words and phrases in someone else's story.

Of course our stories are very different too. I do not see myself as a diapered adult, but as a real infant age 6 months to 13 months. So we are different, but somewhat similar too, and that is reflected in our stories.

Anyway, nice story. :wink:

Phew! Somebody needs a changing.
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Post by pottypantsbill »

Stinky Britches,
I do apologize if I seemed like a copycat. I have read your stories for quite some time, and I admit that they were a source of inspiration for my writing. There were many others though as you pointed out. My fantasies/ story ideas have all adult characters. They also usually focus on disposable training pants, light humiliation, and adult (not necessarily sexual) comforting. I greatly appreciate your kind words and appreciate any advice you have for a young fella just starting outhere. Again, I had no intention of stepping on your toes and thank you for posting amazing stories.
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Post by DommyMommyAva »

I like your story :) You should move next door to this mommy :P

Post by Crissy »

wow you are a good writer sweetie :)
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