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Post by Craig »

Yes, Josie, I agree! Jenna is completely out of control. As you can see, I'm trying to restore some dignity to this whole situation.

Thanks for the help!!!

and I hate to think of all the fun I would have missed if I actually had stopped wetting the bed - like hanging out at fun sites like this one!
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Post by Craig »


I'll take you at your word that your roommate could be involved in this jello mystery ... or at least that your roommate soon will be.

That said, someone sent me a picture of the recent pudding event. Apparently it was taken by one of my neighbors, hence all the commotion. It has been suggested I either install a privacy fence or bleachers. Enjoy.


Jenna, you do know me far better than most people. I appreciate your devoting your time to getting to the bottom of this. You bring assets to this mystery that I simply cannot, although I hope to compliment yours in some way.

Your friend,
Last edited by Craig on Tue Sep 09, 2008 3:17 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Jenna »

Josie, don't let Craig fool you. He's been half the trouble in this entire thread! *giggles*

Craig, I called around to a few contractors for you. Unfortunately, this is the cheapest I could find. Don't want it to be too costly, now, we need to buy more jello...errr....pudding. Yes that's it :)



Post by dapman »

Craig wrote:Yes, Josie, I agree! Jenna is completely out of control. As you can see, I'm trying to restore some dignity to this whole situation.

Thanks for the help!!!

Dignity? To heck with dignity...JELLO FIGHT!!!!! :twisted:
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Post by Jenna »

I call dibs on the green jello...which I'm pretty certain we're gonna need more of.

*runs of to see if roommate knows how to order more...*

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Post by Craig »

Hiya Jenna,

Maybe Sam's Club or Cosco sells what is needed in bulk? Obviously the required amount of pudding was no problem. Jello may be a different matter. I have no doubt you can solve that problem.

I think we're on the same page here. (Surprise?) No point in doing stuff half way. In other words, if assets are going to be committed to this project, we need to be sure what we do is worthy of those assets. Agree?

Proper attire is important. A fun but potentially risky approach to this would be for each of us to select and purchase someone else's attire and bring it as a surprise. It's a question of trust, of course. I don't think we'd have any doubts at all what the result of such a plan would be, do you?

Just some ideas for you to consider...

Your friend,
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Post by Jenna »

Craig, my dear friend, you are so right that the proper attire is of utmost importance when hosting an event such as this.

I have picked out something special for you just for this occasion. After all, you will be the Master of Ceremonies and the #1 Participant, eh?

So something worthy of such a position!


After all, women do think men are sexy in kilts ;) So there's got to be something good said about plaids. It's just so ... sophisticated looking.

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Post by Craig »

Dear Jenna,

Thanks so much for picking out my wardrobe! I have no doubt that you spent much time searching for just the right thing. My only thought is that perhaps I should wear a bit more clothing than that. Consistent with your desire that this event be "sophisticated," I thought perhaps these accessories might complete the outfit and leave me less exposed.


I spent a great deal of time searching for just the perfect outfit for you, too. As you can see from the photo below, we are both thinking along the same lines. Sophisticated yet playfully sexy without overdoing it. It's perfect for you, don't you think?


What a privilege to co-host this incredible event with you!!! As far as the #1 participant, however, I must defer to you - you would clearly be the #1 participant - and at such a formal event as this it is important to remember "ladies first."

What it so encouraging to me is that should either or both of us somehow find ourselves in the jello pit, it is clear we have both given the same amount of concern to our garments staying on and to the avoidance of "wardrobe malfunctions."

Your dear friend,
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Post by Jenna »

Dear Craig,

You are quite right, that is just perfect for me! I think wardrobe malfunctions would be very hard to do in that, wouldn't you?

And now,


Now don't put your mind THAT far in the gutter, I was thinking of you all covered in green jello, and how that's probably going to stain those lovely cuffs of yours.

I propose instead of those cuffs, that you wear these:


Good for both wrists and ankles too! Surely those wouldn't stain like those lovely white ones would.

Can't be leaving our feet out, eh? They need to look nice too!

Got any ideas on what I should do with my feet? Hmm? We must look just dashing from head to toe before we get this party started!

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Post by Craig »

Dear Jenna,

I just love the way you can take any idea or sensation and move it higher by orders of magnitude!

You're right. In the event I do wind up in the jello (an accident, I'm sure), the cloth cuffs I picked out would be ruined. The black leather ones you selected are perfect, and if properly used, could add so much excitement to our event! I might need some help putting them on, though. I assume I can count on you?

By they way, you dropped some of these. Do you know what they are for?


I've been thinking hard about your request for something for your feet that would compliment the rest of what you will be wearing. We want something provocative and practical I think.

There are a couple of scenarios in which I could see you actually in the jello pit. One would be to restore order, and the other would be as a participant. I did consider some cuffs for you as well and how much fun they could be, but they didn't seem too practical considering your responsibilities - and I didn't want you to think I was just trying to copy your ideas.

Then I found these boots! In the event you have to enter the jello pit to straighten things out, they'll keep your feet and legs clean - and I don't think anyone would question your authority. And if, for some reason, you decide to participate, you can release the buckle for simple removal.


Since the boots are black, I don't think they will call too much attention to themselves, but will rather help focus attention right where it should be focused, and will help stimulate interest in all the great qualities and assets you bring to our event!

It's such a privilege and pleasure to work with you on this project - I can't wait to see where we go from here!

Your friend,
and I hate to think of all the fun I would have missed if I actually had stopped wetting the bed - like hanging out at fun sites like this one!
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Post by Craig »

Jenna - I can't figure it out...

I keep finding these link things scattered around. Just so you know, I've been putting them in a bag and will get them to you. I presume you will be able to find a use for them. And if you do need any help putting them to good use, you know you can get hold of me.


Your friend,
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Post by Jenna »

Mmm yes I know exactly what those are for. *wicked grin* No wait...I mean, I haven't a clue. Yeah. That's it.

Those boots, combined with the outfit you chose, I think will do the trick nicely. Yes indeed, I will have a demanding presence in the ring. And out of the ring. Oh heck, do we really need a ring? A swimming pool will do just as nice. That way anyone who wants to can join in.

I have been hard at work as you can see starting to fill the pool. I think it will take quite some time to get it filled well enough. Good thing I have lots of ice too. That'll help keep the jello chilled.


You think this pool will be big enough once its filled?


Post by dapman »

I want in!!!:D Green jello!!! My favorite! Can't wait to get it all over Jenna...then maybe lick it off!?!?! :lol: Maybe schmaybe...for sure going to lick it off!!! :lol:
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Post by Craig »

Dear Jenna,

Gosh - so much going on at once!!! Let me see if I can cover it all here....

I'll leave those links in your good hands, with complete confidence that if you're somewhat perplexed as to how best to use them that you'll come to a terrific solution.

On a totally unrelated topic, these unusual things arrived in my mail yesterday. I can't read the return address so I don't know where they came from. Clearly, they are neither my color nor size. Would you have any use for them?


I love the idea of the pool!!! Will it be large enough? I'm hard pressed to say. Probably the first time we do this it will be great. I have a hunch that our parties will grow in popularity, so in the future we might need to expand. But for a first event (after the pudding test we ran), I think it will be great.

I thought about sending you some jello mix, but I don't think it will fit at your address.


I'll do my share - you can count on me to keep my word - whether with jello or with pictures. But I also wonder if you would want to make the "cost" of admission two buckets of green jello per person? "Bring your own jello." Kind of a fun twist for a party, huh? And it would help you out so you can concentrate on other details.

The slide game/exercise we discussed might be pushing things a bit too fast. As you know, I do get excited by the opportunity to try new innovations. Yet I've also shared with you how important it is to me that we be in sync on such matters. Your comments on this, such as you wish to make, are always valued, as is your friendship.

Have a great weekend!!!

Your friend,
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Post by Jenna »

Dapman, the few that may attempt such a feat might be in for a surprise. For on the side of the leather chaps, this will be attached:


Yes, anyone trying that will succumb to the feather duster of doooooooom! Ain't no escaping the torture it will bring...muhahahahaha!

Hmm I could use those around here. They are awfully pretty, way too girly for you. Though they do need a bit of reinforcing, they look like they could come off way too easy.

I would never turn down anyone who came with 2 buckets of jello. That would help out a lot! I think we should stick with all green too. It would look very silly to have all different colors of the rainbow in the pool. And anyone bringing 2 buckets of jello AND 2 buckets of ice ought to be treated to a round in the pool, eh? You know how important audience participation is at events such as this!

I am afraid our slide technique might be lost a bit in the midst of all the green goo. That will take much more practice than we've had before we can do it safely. Perhaps a few events down the road, eh?

I got to thinking, you know we're gonna need refreshments for this event, eh? So I came across these fellas that I thought could help us out. What do you think about going with an ice theme, eh? Wouldn't this be great to hold some punch in?


Or is that a lil over the top, hmm? We could have ice cups too! And ice plates! *giggles* wouldn't that be fantastic?

I hope you have a great weekend as well!
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Post by Craig »

Dear Jenna,

Ice sculptures!! Wow, that adds a lot of class to our party. I'm always amazed at the creativity you bring to any project or activity. Yes, refreshments will be very important for this kind of party - especially for the participants.

Focusing on clothing for a moment, I tried on those leather cuffs you suggested. They fit very well and they do add a lot to the rest of what you've picked out for me. I'm sure they are a lot of fun, too!

If you go with those boots, let me know when you give them a try. Perhaps you could find an occasion to wear them before our party as they seem totally practical and very appropriate for lots of occasions.

All this talk about our clothing made we realize that we've not established any guidelines or suggestions for what our guests/contestants should wear. Do you think maybe we should put a couple of comments in our invitations about how folks should dress if they have any thoughts of participating?

Clearly clothes with metal or sharp objects are out for safety reasons. It also seems important that people not wear an excessive amount of clothing as that might make for less slipping and sliding in the jello - something I'm sure we want. On the other hand, we don't want some goofy guy showing up in just a cap, a tee shirt and a jock - or do we?


You're right about our slide technique. This isn't the right time for it for the reasons you sited. I just got carried away. I also agree with you that we'd need to practice that quite a bit to be sure we were able to perfect it. Thanks for getting me pointed in the right direction.

I'm loving working with you on this party!!! Hope you had a great weekend.

Your friend,
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Looks like the party has started!

Post by pinkluvs »

And I need a diaper change. Back later!

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Post by Craig »

Hiya Jenna!

Didn't want you to think my lack of posting here was due to my goofing off or something!

How's this graphic for an invitation?

Your friend,

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Post by Jenna »

Dear Craig,
That is the perfect graphic for the invitations! My goodness you are so very creative!

I think we should have those made into t-shirts and maybe some cute panties too. I think they'd be a smashing hit! I'd definitely get into that to help advertise our event!

Lil JennJenn is insisting that we have chocolate at the event. Of course, how could I deny her that?

So we looked around, and we think we ought to at least have this:


I do realize this is probably just asking for trouble, with jello and dripping chocolate everywhere. But hey, you know how much of a brat she can be when she doesn't get her way. And really, what's a little more mess gonna hurt anyone?

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Post by Jenna »

Dear Craig,
I realize not everyone likes chocolate. Sad, but true.

I propose we have something with caramel to help satisfy the sweettooth of those that don't like chocolate.


I realize that dripping caramel would probably be asking for more trouble. Hey, guess I'm good at that.

How about we make some huge caramel sundaes? That sounds yummy and messy too!


Maybe we could go for trying to make the world's biggest caramel sundae? With lots of whipped cream & I'm sure we'll have lots of nuts to sprinkle on top...dunno where we can find cherries though...

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