Its Bedtime

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Its Bedtime

Post by mikey »

Bed Time Baby - by Mikey

I have had a big day with my mommy. We went to the park where she held me against her chest as we walked through all the trees. It wasnt too hot or too cold and being up against my mommy makes me very happy. Mommy drove us home. When we arrived in the garage mommy parked the car and made sure the garage door shut all the way before getting me out. Im scared of the noise that big door makes, mommy knows this. Mommy reaches in and unbuckles my seatbelt and taps the tip of my nose. I giggle. I love it when mommy does that. She picks me up under my arms and lifts me out of the car. I smile very big when i see her face again. I miss it when its not there. She lifts me high in the sky and I kick my little feet. I feel my diaper shifting between my legs as i giggle at her pretty smile. Mommy brings me down and holds me with one arm and carries me into the house. I yawn. I think mommy noticed too because she put her hand on the back of my head and pulled me close to her. Mommy carried me into the kitchen and prepared a baba for me. I always get excited when i get my baba because mommy feeds me soooo good. "mommmy baba........" she smiles and says yes sweetie its your baba time. I squirm in her arms excited to have my baba. Mommy carries me into my nursery. I love my little nursery. It has all my favorite things. Bunnies, bears, airplanes, and teddy! Mommy sits in the rocking chair with me and lays me on her lap with my head facing up to her. Im so happy i can see her still. She holds my baba and rubs it across my cheek. My mouth gets all watery and i open my mouth just before it gets to my little lips. I feel it slide into my mouth and i begin to slowly suckle on it as i look up into my mommies wonderful smile. I feel so warm and protected. Mommy starts to hum a small lullaby. "rock a bye baby on the tree top.. when the wind blows the cradle... " She pats my diaper as she continues to sing. Im in heaven. Listening my mommy, my angel sing to me. I finish my baba with a empty suckling sound and mommy recognizes it. She slides the baba from my lips and then takes a small terri cloth towel and dabs the little drips from my mouth before putting it over her shoulder. She stands me up and smiles real big. Baby drank all hims milk for mommy...yay. I dont understand what she is saying but i love her voice and smile. she then leans me up against her and pats my back. After a short time i feel my mouth open and a funny noise and some milk comes out. I feel much better. Mommy stands me up again and wipes my mouth. She then removes my shirt and my little blues clues overalls. I wuv bwue. She puts two fingers in front of my diaper and then looks at me. Baby made wetsies...she giggles. Then she pulls the back of my diaper back and peers down. Uh oh and he had something else too. I blush.. Im not sure why but uh oh usually means a mistake. Mommy carries me to my table and lays me down. She then reaches and grabs teddy. Teddy is my favoritest. i squeeze him soo tight as mommy pulls my diaper tapes off one by one. After she undoes the tapes she wipes across my diaper area and then holds my ankles and raises my legs above my head. She then got out some cold wipes and cleaned me all up. Mommy then applied some oil and rubbed it all in. Once that was done she quickly taped up a new diaper. She then pulled on my little arms till i was sitting up. I giggle because that makes me crinkle when she does that. She then stood me up and slipped me into my light blue footied sleeper. Its so warms and soft. She slides one foot in at a time then pulls it over my little shoulders. Then its one arm followed by the next. She pauses. Looks at me and tickles my tummy. I giggle. Mommy is soooo funny. I then feel the zipper make its way from my foot to my little neck. Its all warm now. I smile. Mommy picks me up again and carries me to the rocking chair. This time she grabs my paci. She puts it up against my lips and i open up. I wuv my paci too. She begins to rock me again. Humming this time. Im so warm, so content, so tired. She rubs her hand across my back up and down..up and down.. hum rub hum rub. My head rests on her shoulder and my eyes fight to stay open. Hum rub hum rub. I finally let my eyes close and relax even more. My breathing is more relaxed and soon mommy knows im asleep. I feel her lips press against my head and hear her whisper good night baby. mommy loves you so much. She gently lifts me into my bed and lays me down. I wiggle from the sudden coldness from where her body was. She replaces it with teddy and i squeeze him. She pulls the blanket over my little body and i suckle on my paci as i drift off to a peaceful nights rest.
Last edited by mikey on Wed Sep 24, 2008 10:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by DommyMommyScarlet »

Aww that is so beautiful Mikey, I love it. Thank you for sharing with us.
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Post by KnaughtyOne »

YaY! I like this Mikey - big bunches!

::throws caramel::


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Post by Jenna »

Awww Mikey that's adorable. I feel all warm and snug now too.

Thanks for sharing it with us!

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Location: in mommy's arms

Post by wkoldnewbornbabyboy »

mikey do you have anymore stories?
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Little Stinky Britches
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Post by Little Stinky Britches »

Another great story dude!

Keep writing dude, you have a talent and I love the loving relationship with the mommy.

Wonderful, sweet, and loving! :D

Phew! Somebody needs a changing.
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