The Cirlce

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The Cirlce

Post by chlorobaby »

The Circle

PJ was excited to be on his way to the hotel. He had just spent the last few hours flying to America from London England where he lived. He had been looking forward to this break for some time and was looking forward to hopefully meeting up with some people that he had been chatting to online. He had exchanged chat with these women for several months in the a chat and forum. Little did PJ know that these women were AB mommies and had set up this chat and forum to snare their potential victims. Several of them had said to contact them once he had arrived by logging onto the chat room and letting them know he was there. He had told Scarlet, Stacie and some of the other mommies and nannies where he was staying and they had told him they would show him some of the sights in the area. He couldn’t wait to meet up with his new “friends” and once in his hotel room immediately logged on and left a message stating he was there.

Several hours later there was a message left for PJ telling him to make his way to a bar on the other side of town and to leave his hotel at 7pm. The message also had instructions on how to walk there to save getting a taxi. PJ smiled as he logged of and got ready for the evening.

Scarlet had been waiting for the Englishman to arrive and had already contacted the others. The Circle had been set up by Scarlet several months ago and from it she was not only having fun but was making money as well. He new internet site was doing well from women wanting to watch men humiliated into diapers and forced to live as babies. She was also thinking of branching out and selling them to rich females wanting their very own Adultbaby.

Scarlet checked her purse before she left and ensured that she had what she needed. The tissues and chloroform were readily available as well as her baby bag having extra tissues ties and diapers. As she locked her door she made one final phone call to initiate her plan.

To Be Continued
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Post by TheSitterStacie »

I received the call from Scarlet at about 10 p.m. that night. She told me to be ready that she already had a potential 'client' for us to meet. She didn't say much about attire to wear for this first meeting so I decided on something elegant and sophisticated. After all, I was the lure. I decided on a simple black dress, one that draped my body and clung in all the right places. It hung mid way down my thighs giving just the barest hint of what may lay beneath if I were to tilt forward. Stocking in black with a seam going up the back, and 4 inch heels. A lovely yet unassuming strand of pearls around my neck, pearl earrings to match, hair up, and make up applied. I smiled at myself in the mirror before picking up my clutch purse and heading out the door.

I arrived at the Hotel in time to catch Scarlet just exiting her vehicle. She looked lovely, crushed crimson velvet dress, silver dangling between her breasts from the lovely Tiffany necklace she wore. Her make up and stance was impeccable. She made a very striking figure, she always did, her red tresses dangling down around her neck inviting the onlooker to follow the strands down to her well shaped back and bosom. I had a feel that many a man had fallen under her spell just because of the way she held herself along with her looks.

We walked into the Hotel together and went straight to the bar. We found a table in the back so we could have a clear view of the door and the many patrons who were coming and going so we would not miss our 'mark'. She pulled out a picture and simply said, "That's him Stacie." I took a sip of my drink and watched the clock. "Shouldn't he be coming back to the Hotel soon? That little goose chase you sent him on must have him fairly well pissed off by now you know." I grinned at her when I spoke the last part, fore I knew just how devious Scarlet could be. Both her and I had always gotten along well. We were inducted into 'The Circle' together and had been friends ever since. Scarlet soon took over and revamped the whole organization, making it the way she wanted.

She was about to answer when he walked in. He didn't look all too happy either. Frustration was evident, anger was near the surface as well. Scarlet giggled, kissed me on the cheek, slid out of the booth, leaned toward me and whispered, "I'll get the car, do what you do best Stacie."

I waited for a few moments, took a deep breath, put a plastic smile on my face and approached our 'special guest'..........
“And the National Rifle Association says that, "Guns don't kill people, people do,” but I think the gun helps, you know? I think it helps. I just think just standing there going, "Bang!" That's not going to kill too many people, is it?"
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Post by Janey »

Wow what a story you guys!!! That was soo sool. I can't wait to hear more. I think when I watch the babies for mama, I'm gonna read that one to them. They will love. And i'm good at reading stories.
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Post by babybrendan »

can't wait to hear the rest of it. hope it comes soon
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Post by TheSitterStacie »

I think it's Scarlet's turn to write, I wanna see what happens next too LOL.

“And the National Rifle Association says that, "Guns don't kill people, people do,” but I think the gun helps, you know? I think it helps. I just think just standing there going, "Bang!" That's not going to kill too many people, is it?"
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Post by DommyMommyScarlet »

Yes, I will get to this story soon. I love what you all have written so far.
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Post by MommyJosie »

awww come on give us just a taste
"Out of 2 evils, I always go with the one I haven't tried" ~Mae west
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Post by chlorobaby »

Loving it - sorry been away for a break so have not seen this until now - nice work stacie!!! loving the work so far please lets keep this going - looking forward to the next part xx chlorobaby
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Post by MommyJosie »

Back at the house I eagerly awaited Scarletts call. It came just after 10pm. 'It won't be long now, make sure evrything is in order and gather the others" she purred on the other end of the line. I quickly hung up the phone and put in the call to the other mommies. I am the newest member of the circle and very eager to show them that they didn't go wrong entrusting me with such an important part of the plan. After calling the last lady on the list I stepped into the room. I looked around and made a mental checklist. Everything seemed to be in order. The room is a beautiful nursery, everything in it handpicked by Stacie with some help from the others. Scarlett was very pleased upon veiwing it for the first time. Everything in it was just how she envisioned it when she gave the instructions to the ladies on how to construct it. A lovely hancrafted crib, made of oak, stood in the middle of the room. The walls painted a soft yellow. The windows had beautiful white lace curtains. Their was a border around the room, midway down the wall with babyblocks painted in soft pastel colors. A changing table and rocking chair, also crafted from oak had been added just yesterday. I crossed the room to the changing table and bent to check the shelves. They were stocked with diapers of all sizes, wipes, powder, vaseline, rash cream were all there. In the dresser, next to the table were all sorts of adult baby clothes hand sewn by one of the mommies. I opened the top drawer. Inside were several bottles of chloroform, boxes of tissues and the restraints. I took the restraints out and placed them on a small in table by the door. There were two sets, one for his hands and one for feet. Hopefully we would not have to use them for too long. Stacie and Scarlett very familiar with the use of chloroform, I hoped to learn much from them once they arrived with our victim. I took one last look around the room. Absolute perfection, I thought as I begin to feel the stirrings of butterflies in my stomach. This is the first time I had been invited to join in preparing the victim upon arrival. The doorbell rang and I rushed to let the first of the other arriving mommies in.
"Out of 2 evils, I always go with the one I haven't tried" ~Mae west
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Post by chlorobaby »

I was very angry to say the least - as I got out of the cab and made my way into the Hotel. I did have other things planned for my trip state side but one of the main reasons I decided to come to this location was to meet the females I had spoken to online - and now I find that I have been stood up. And after waiting a couple of hours for them I didnt expect to see them now. I walked through the hotel doors and headed straight for the bar.
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Post by Janey »

My turn, my turn!
I smiled a big smile for Josie as she answered the door. She was one of the newest inductees into the circle and I knew she was nervous about getting everything just right. I stepped into the nursery. It was great! Josie smiled happily as I told her this. I set my bag down and took out the list of all the rich ladies who would be coming by in a few days time to play with the newest baby in the collection and place their bids. Usually we had a little more time to get the babies ready for auction. but Scarlett and Stacie insisted we get this one done quickly, I wasn't exactly sure why though...
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Post by chlorobaby »

This is going fantastic please lets keep it going! xxxxxxxxxx
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Post by MommyJosie »

All the mommies had now arrived. All we were waiting for was Stacie and Scarlett to arrive with the catch. We did not have to wait long, 10 minutes after the last mommy arrived, Stacie poked her head in the front door and called me to come help her and Scarlett. I walked outside to the car. Stacie was standing by the drivers side back door with a sly smile. She opened the door and there he was passed out in the back seat our newest baby boy. How sweet he looked just laying there, not knowing what was happening. I crawled in and shoved my hands underneath him and started to pull him out. He groaned, stirred and his eyes started to flutter. I called Stacies name and she was right there with the tissues soaked in chloroform. She gently cupped the tissues over his mouth and nose, letting him breathe in those lovely fumes. In just seconds he was out again. I gently pulled him out of the car. Stacie and Scarlett each grabbed a leg and we brought him into the house. Janey got the door for us and followed us into the nursey. We placed him in the specially made crib while we decided on which outfit to put him in...
"Out of 2 evils, I always go with the one I haven't tried" ~Mae west
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Post by StepSisterMandy »

I walked, masked, over to the crib where my step-brother was now being strapped in by the other mommies. I wore the mask in case he stirred, just as a precaution. He would never expect sweet little Mandy to be in on this, though. No one would.

Stacie introduced me to Scarlet one night when I was helping her "babysit" what must have been another victim. As I was changing a diaper, I overheard them talking about needing a "new one" to auction off on their new site. They had their heads bowed looking over some photographs when I re-entered the room. Scarlet and Stacie were going through them, somewhat disappointed with what they were seeing. With a wicked feeling overcoming me, I got a picture from my purse and asked, "what about this man"? I saw their eyes light up.

I fed them information on PJ for months, telling them his screen name and what sort of women he liked. Armed with this information, he was easily lured into their seductive lair.

I smiled a wicked smile at him in his chloroformed state and backed away, out of view, while I watched the rest of the Mommies make their preparations. Sweet dreams, step-brother.


Tattletale : motivated by selfish reasons, seeking attention, she may sadistically enjoy the punishment or embarrassment of others, or “telling” may be a convenient way of getting rid of obstacles.
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Post by chlorobaby »

Thankyou all for adding to the story - I cant wait to see what happens next x chlorobaby x
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Post by DommyMommyScarlet »

I started looking through the clothes we had gotten looking for something perfect for our new baby boy. Janey said “How about this onsie Mommy” She held up a white onsie with little nursery prints all over it. Pictures of rocking horses, and teddy bears, it was adorable.
“Perfect” I told her with a smile. Josie and Mandy worked to undress him as he lay perfectly still in his new crib. Once he was undressed Stacie took out a disposable diaper and diapered the new boy. I helped her get the onsie on him and just as we were getting it snapped he began to stir around.
Stacie quickly turned on the camera that was aimed at the crib. We had made an announcement on our site that we had a new arrival today that everyone of our members would enjoy seeing. Mandy sat over by the computer monitor in her mask. “Put the mic by the crib Janey” she said Janey moved the mic and clipped it to the side of the crib.
As PJ stirred around sleepily I began to talk. “This is Baby PJ. He just joined our nursery today. He will be one of the first adult babies up for auction so watch closely at his progress; he just might be the perfect AB for you.”
“Where am I?” he cried
“In your nursery, where every good baby needs to be” I answered
“I am not a baby” he protested
We all looked at one another and giggled.
“Oh, but you, you are a big diapered baby” said Stacie teasingly. “Look at his cute wittle diapered tushy” she said laughing. We all poked and prodded at the new boy and looked him over while hovering over him outside of the crib. He stood up, but we quickly got him restrained and in place.
“Babies must not stand up in their cribs, you could have fallen down” Josie cooed. “Now you won’t fall, and you won’t leave either.” We all laughed at that remark and he looked around the room. Mandy used the zoom on the camera in to show the look of horror on his face. I put a little stuffed lamb in the crib next to his cheek.
“Baby PJ, smile for the camera, you are the star of our website today. Lots of people are at their desks right now watching you” I told him. He started to fuss and Stacie slipped a pacifier in his mouth. An instant message box popped up on the screen. Mandy relayed the message. It was Mommy Star, she wanted to come play with the new baby boy.
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Post by chlorobaby »

I struggled against me bonds and these women told me that I was now a baby for them to do with as they pleased. I looked down at my now strapped body not quite believing that I was wearing an onsie and diaper. How could this be? Why me? I was not going to let this happen without a fight and immediately tested my bonds. They held firm but I was not going to just lay here and be there baby - I was no baby im a grown man! I spat out the pacifier and shouted "LET ME GO!" "HELP" I shouted with all of the sound I could create! While testing my bonds one more time.
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Post by Janey »

I jumped behind Mommy Scarlett when the new baby started yelling. She put a hand on my shoulder and told me not to be scared. Stacie grabbed some tissues from the changing table that she had already doused with more chloroform. She came up to the side of the crib and said "no hush little baby, dont be all fussy and get yourself worked up for nothig". Josie also walked up to the crib and put one hand on the new babys forehead and held his head down while Stacie applied the tissues to his mouth and nose. "Sssh now little one, thats a good boy" Josie said as he closed his eyes agian. I stepped in front of the camera, giggled, looked at Mommy Scarlett and said "oh mommy can I?". Mommy Scarlett smiled at me and gave me the go ahead. "Hi everybody! we will have the camera on our nice new baby 24/7 for all you nice ladies to veiw until he is ready for the auction.". I gave another big smile for the camera and went on "all the mommys here will take very good care of him and they will have him ready to be one lucky ladies sweet AB in no time so check back often to see his progress". I hopped out of the way and looked at Mommy Scarlett, she smiled and mouthed the words 'very good'.
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Post by babybrendan »

hhey i wanna be kidnapped to. PJ's so lucky tohave all of the best mommies taken care of him
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Post by DommyMommyScarlet »

Aww thank you Brendan. I don't think he is too happy about the situation right now though. :D
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