Random Thoughts 11

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Random Thoughts 11

Post by Demon »

She returned with some clothes and released me from my bonds. She reached down and unsnapped the onesie and pulled it over my head. She sat me on my mess and then pushed me on my back. Grabbing the diaper bag she rummaged through it and pulled out a cloth diaper and some pins. She ripped open my disposable diaper and pulled it out from under me warning me to keep my dirty ass off the floor. She dumped the poop out of the disposable on to the cloth diaper and slid it back under me. Pushing me back onto my load she pulled the cloth up between my legs and pinned it snuggly. She got me to my feet and picked up a khaki pair of pants and holding them up to me said, “These look to be the right size.” She held them out for me to step into them and I said, “Are there plastic pants in the diaper bag?’ She laughed and said, “How will every one know when your wet silly?” and she put the pants on over my dirty cloth diaper. She pulled a shirt on me and had me slide into my loafers bare foot. She attached a collar to me and hooked a leash to that and led me outside to the street. We walked down the block and around the corner to a bar that had an open outdoor courtyard. She found us a table and though I got some looks from the other patrons, not as many as I thought I would. Elizabeth must be a regular with her clientele in tow. The Tables were tall with wrought iron bar stools. Elizabeth seated herself and pulled me around to stand next to her. A sexy waitress came over and said, “Hi Liz, working I see.” “Yes, could you bring a towel along with my usual, this one wets.” The waitress laughed and went to the bar. She returned with a cosmo martini and a bar towel. She dropped it at my feet and said, ‘Spread that out under you and stand on it. If you piss on the floor, I’ll spank you myself.” I did as I was told. I could feel the front of my pants getting wet but I refused to look down at myself. My face flushed and I knew it was only going to get worse.

I noticed that people were looking at my crotch and some laughed. A few just looked disgusted and a few actually looked sympathetic. The waitress came back to refresh Elizabeth’s drink and said, “Do you want anything for Peter Pisspants here?” “Yes, some water, but bring it in a bowl.” The waitress laughed and walked away to get our order. A very attractive girl walked up and said to Elizabeth, “Maybe you should put a diaper on him,’ with a laugh. “Oh he is wearing a diaper, but it’s cloth so he leaks,” Elizabeth responded casually. “Well why diaper him at all then?” the girl asked and Elizabeth yanked the leash, turning me around and pointing to my bulging ass said, “Oh, he poops in his pants too and this keeps the mess off the floor.” The woman burst out laughing and returned to her friends to share the joke. I heard more laughing as the waitress returned with a martini and a bowl of water. It was placed on the stool and I was told to lap out of it. I bent to drink and started to soil myself again. The waitress saw my pants expand further and said, “He shits himself too, my god what a baby,” and walked away. Two of the girl’s friends came over to see for themselves. My ass was toward them as they approached and they started to laugh. Elizabeth spun me around to face them and the darkness on the front of my pants had spread down to my knees.

“So, what’s the deal with this guy, our friend says he’s got a cloth diaper on, can we see it?’ I just wanted to die. Elizabeth reached around me and opened my pants and pulled them down a bit exposing my sodden diaper. These two were a bit drunk and burst out laughing. Elizabeth spun me around and the girls laughed harder. One of them pulled the back of my diaper away and looked inside. “Just as we thought, shit himself,” laughing all the way back to their table. Elizabeth refastened my pants. She finished her drink and turned me so she could look at me. I was wet to the bottom of my pant legs. She decided it was time to leave. I heard some snide remarks as we were leaving. We were stopped at the exit by the waitress. “What did I tell you about pissing on the floor?” She said, not really meaning it as a question. She, with Elizabeth’s help, bent me over a stool and started to spank my ass with her bare hand. She did little more than flatten out the load in my pants against my ass, but it was humiliating beyond belief. We took our leave and headed down the block, back towards Elizabeth’s house.

We turned the corner in the direction of her house but stopped at a brownstone a few doors down. She led me up the steps and rang the bell. The door was opened by an Amazonian goddess. She had to be 6’2” at least with long blond hair tied into a pony. She was pretty, but not overwhelmingly so. She was wearing jeans and a t-shirt and was barefoot. In a pair of heals she would tower over me like I was a little boy. “Just what have we here?” she said with a smirk. “I’m babysitting tonight, could you watch him while I go get a change of clothes,” Elizabeth said handing the leash to the woman. She stepped out on the landing and said, “Sure thing doll, but he’s not setting foot inside, dripping like he is. We’ll wait for you here.” Elizabeth started to remove my pants saying, “I need to throw these in the wash, you be a good boy for Lexi and I will bring a new diaper for you too.” She finished pulling my pants off and headed back towards her place. Lexi turned me around to have a look at me, “You are a mess,” she said as I stood there on her front porch in just a wet and dirty cloth diaper and a t-shirt. She had me sit on the steps and she sat next to me. “Are you a paying customer or a friend of Liz’s?” she asked. “Neither,” I said, “I was dropped off here so she could humiliate me because, well, it’s a really long story.” “If I know Elizabeth, she is going to be a while, go ahead.” So I told her the whole story starting with my accident at fifteen, my diapered life that followed. How I met Sandy, About Dolly and Mandy and that night in the hotel room. How Mona had arrived and has been trying to break me. I told her everything. It felt good to get it all out. She listened patiently, asked questions here and there, and took it all in. “That is some story,” she said, ”you should right it all down.”

Elizabeth returned with some short alls and a disposable diaper and wipes. She proceeded to change me right there in the open, thank god it was dark out. Lexi aided by holding my ankles in the air while Elizabeth wiped my bottom. I was glad to have a diaper put back on followed by the short alls. Then Lexi reached down around me, grabbed me ass and put me on her hip just like a toddler and carried me into her house with Elizabeth following. This was, for reasons I can not explain, the most humiliating thing ever to happen to me. Lexi was amazingly strong. Inside her beautifully appointed home I was treated to another surprise. There was a lingerie party going on. A tall women’s lingerie party to be specific. There were a half dozen amazons in her living room all modeling different chic and sexy bedroom wear. And they all seemed very excited to see me. I felt like I walked onto the set of “Land of the Giants.” I looked around for Elizabeth but she had gone back outside to take care of the cloth diaper and wash the puddle away I had left beneath me on the steps. I was handed around from woman to woman like a new baby. They cooed at me and pinched my cheek. I felt so small. I ended up back in Lexi’s lap. The party continued and Elizabeth returned with a bottle for me, earning me some more cooing and aww’s. Lexi fed me the bottle cradled in her lap. I was starting to even feel comfortable when I started to fill my pants again. Lexi looked down at me with a knowing smile and I blushed. She asked if anyone would like to change the baby. A 6’5” raven haired beauty came over and picked me up, putting me on her hip like Lexi had done with a hand on my ass. “Oh, my he does have full pants,” She said patting my butt.

Elizabeth handed her the diaper bag with a cruel smile for me and we went into a bedroom. “My name is Lori, what’s yours baby?” she asked as she laid me down on a bed. I told her as she pulled at the snaps in the crotch. She pulled the tapes on my diaper and I sprung to attention. She smiled at me and said, “Hmm, don’t you wish,” and proceeded to change me like any other baby. She got me redressed and put me back on her hip. We returned to the living room to find Elizabeth talking to every one. She stopped when she saw us and said, “There’s the naughty boy.” “You’ve got that right, he had a boner the whole time,” Lori divulged and I cringed. “Well then, I guess a spanking is in order, but shall we wait until he dirties his diaper again?” There were some puzzled looks so Elizabeth enlightened them, “He fills his diaper about every forty five minutes.” There was some giggles at that revelation. I looked at Lexi who had a serious look on her face. Was there some sympathy there? If there were she didn’t show it as they decided that I would be spanked now and again when I pooped in my pants. I was passed around from one lap to the next and spanked quite soundly. I was in tears as I ended on Lexi’s lap. She was sympathetic as she was cupping her palm as she spanked me. It made a lot of noise but didn’t really hurt. This was a relationship I was going to cultivate. With her strength, I could enlist her to help me turn the tables on Mona.

She kept me across her lap, rubbing my ass as the conversation turned to other things. It was soothing and gave me a chance to think of a way to ask her for her phone number with out Elizabeth knowing. The time passed and eventually my bowels started to move again. Lexi continued to rub my butt like nothing had happened until some one actually asked her if it was time for more spanking. She acted like she didn’t even notice that I had filled my pants and started to smack my ass in the same way she did before. They each got a turn and Lexi picked me up off the last ones lap and put me on her hip again. We were far enough away from Elizabeth that I took my chance. I whispered in her ear that I needed her phone number. She patted my bulging ass twice in way of reply. As she carried me back toward Elizabeth, I felt her slid something into my pocket. I just hoped it was a business card with her number on it. She put me down next to Elizabeth who re-attached the leash to me. She had my shoes there by the door and said thanks and good bye. I looked at Lexi one last time and she winked at me.

Elizabeth led me back to her place. Once inside I was taken to the punishment room and re-attached to the hanging straps and the manacles. We were joined by a young girl, maybe nineteen or twenty. She had short black hair and big eyes, a little funny looking, but kinda cute. “So this is the diaper boy,” she said as she circled around me. She stopped behind me and put both her hands on my butt. She massaged the load in my pants, playing with it like it was play dough, reforming it into a big ball. She gently patted my ass, resting her chin on my shoulder, she spoke to me, “Did you really think that challenging Mona was a good idea?” Great, I thought, another Mona devotee. “I mean, what did you hope to accomplish? Did you think you would change her mind,” she laughed, “Nothing can change that woman’s mind.” The gently patting was building to a full spanking now. “You should feel lucky to be worthy of her attention. She is very selective of the clients she takes on.” The spanking continued until my load was flattened against my ass again. Then she repeated the process of reshaping it. I was getting tired which led to my indiscretion, “Look, what ever your name is, you can worship the ground she walks on but to me, it’s just dirt.”

Oops. I found out, a cardinal rule in the S&M game is never insult another’s Mistress. The paddle came off the wall in a big hurry and my ass was blazing in no time. Elizabeth finally stopped her saying, “Misty, that is enough!” I was just short of sobbing, the tears streaming down my face.

Elizabeth dismissed her helper and then proceeded to change my diaper. She unhooked the straps of my short-alls and pulled them down to my knees. She removed the diaper and cleaned me up. She applied salve to may sore ass and then put another disposable on me. “You know, you really are a glutton for punishment. Do you really have no idea what the rules are?” I said, “Rules? What rules? I am at the mercy of a deranged Dominatrix who loves my wife and thinks if she can break me she will have her all to herself.” “If you are so unhappy about it, why are you playing?” she asked pointedly. I told her that this was a very good question and then I poured the whole story out for the second time tonight. When I finished she said, “So it is a little of both.” I must have registered my confusion on my face, she went on, “When you first arrived, I asked if you loved abuse or were stupid, and you said both.” I nodded remembering. She pulled my shorts back and as she did, Lexi’s card fell out of my pocket. I saw Elizabeth track its course to the floor. She stopped fastening the last strap on my shorts and bent to pick it up. She held it in front of her as though it was hot and looked me directly in the eye. I looked down at the floor but her hand was under my chin immediately and she drew my face up to look at her. “I am only going to ask this once and I will know if you are lying. Did you ask her for this or did she just give it to you?” I answered with out hesitation, “I asked for it.” “Why?” I took some time with this answer, “I liked some of the lingerie at the party, thought that Sandy, my wife would like it as a present.” This I said with out moving one eye muscle away from Elizabeth. She too kept her eyes locked on mine in a piercing stare. Slowly her look softened and she slid the card back in my pocket.

She called to Misty to bring some coffee. Not that I was gonna get much sleep in this position, but Elizabeth decided that I should be wired all night so I would crash in the morning. Misty entered with a tray that had a coffee pot and a baby bottle on it. She glared at me as she set it down and left the room. Elizabeth poured some coffee into the bottle and just like a mom, checked the temperature of the coffee on her wrist. She put the nipple in my mouth and said, “Drink it all up baby boy or we will go back out for a walk with no pants.” I suckled on the bottle and emptied it. She poured another, and another after that. I felt the short alls getting damp. The caffeine had me peeing almost constantly. Elizabeth removed the shackles long enough to remove the shorts and then secured them once again. She pulled out another disposable diaper and changed me just in time for me to fill it in the back. She made me finish the pot of coffee and then called for another one. I was already twitchy and wasn’t sure why I needed more. Once I had finished pot number two I was left alone. I was nearly shaking I was so wired. I continued to pee and poop at an almost continuous rate, but still no one returned. After the third hour of being alone, my diaper gave up and plopped on the floor between my legs. The sound must have alerted them and both Elizabeth and Misty returned to clean up the mess. Misty took care of the floor while Elizabeth scrubbed me. A cloth diaper was put on me, pinned very snuggly and then suspenders were put over my shoulders and attached front and back. A bucket was placed on a foot stool that straddled the bar between my legs and I was left again for a long time.