Out of gas and into diapers.

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joe nubio
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Out of gas and into diapers.

Post by joe nubio »

I was driving down the Highway When I realized that I was out of gas I thought I would make to the next gas station but as luck would have it I ran out to Soon. MY car started sputtering I put it over to the side of the road. In the Distance I saw a small house just of the road. Decided that I should go and see if there was some one there that could help me. As I walk up to it, it seemed to be getting larger there was a gate over the driveway. As I walk through the gate I notice that the trees were all massive and as I cam to the door I look up it must have been twenty feet tall. I thought to my self who would need a door that large. Looking at the door I decided to knock… my knock seemed to echo. Then the door opened and a lady approached only this lady was as tall as the door I only came to her knees. She look down at me and said "could I help you dear" I stuttered and said " ye-yeah I ra-ran out of gas down the road could you help me? All I need is your phone to call a tow truck". "Come on in" she said with a warming voice" be right back I will call a tow truck for you". She then went down the hallway and disappeared. I was thinking some thing was not right. "I called the tow truck I he wont be able to make for about one and a half hours" she said as she came back from another room" won't you come in the living room. So I followed her in to the living room she stopped suddenly and I walk right into her calves the bottom of her skirt flopped over my head. She laughed and said " my my I am not used to have such little men in my housed, why don’t you grab a seat I looked up at the couch and with my best effort I tried to get on, but with not avail. She then picked me up and sat me on the couch and sat down beside… she told me her name was Marry and she has lived there for 10 years she was about 30 and she explain to me that she was a little bit taller then normal but nothing to fear she is very friendly.

We talked for about and hour when I suddenly need to used the bathroom I ask her were the bathroom was she smiled" my bathroom is out of order but you can used the portable toilet second door on the right". I climbed down off the couch Proceeded to walk down the hall door and when I opened the door I noticed a huge crib and change table under it was a stack of disposable diapers and baby pants there was also a dresser and rocking Chair it look like a nursery for a Baby that was my size. I stood there in shock" having trouble finding the portable toilet" she said as she stood behind me" yeah a little" I said in a confused tone "there alot of them right there" she said with a devious grin. She reached down and tried to pick me up but I manage to squirm out of her arms. I took of running down the hall.

I ran to the front door and tried to open it but I could not jump high enough to reach it and she was coming up to me fast. " It's not that bad not is it?" she said as ran away in to the kitchen. I then climbed into the cupboard hoping she would think that I ran out of the kitchen. I heard her footsteps as she enter the kitchen" I wonder where my little man is" she said with a half giggle. I tied to stay still as she opened the other cupboard doors hoping beyond hope that she would not find me. Suddenly my door opened and I saw her legs. I dove out but she was to Quick she caught me in mid air she carried me over to a chair and proceeded to undress me. I struggled with little or no effect. The next thing I know I am completely naked" you have been a naughty little man" she said as she turned me over her lap. Then the first slap hit me I winced in pain she spanked me 6 more times I was in tears at that point pleading her to let me go" you should have made sure you had a full tank." She said "and now you belong to me" she cheerfully cooed. She placed me on her chest and carried me to the nursery. When she arrived She laid me down on the change table and strapped me down" I will be back to get you ready for your bath. She left the room with me to wonder with my thoughts.

Mary came back with a huge washbasin filled with water and placed it on the floor. She then came over to me and from under the table she got out a tube of cream. She massaged the cream all over my legs chest and groin. To her I must have looked like the size of a baby in all respect her two fingers cover my entire groin area. She was very cute but I doubt I could please her sexually but some how I don't think that was what she had in mind. I felt the cream start to tingle. I started to cry again and She knew I was starting to break down " aww is my poor little guy upset? Don't worry I will have you all fixed up in a minute" she cooed with a devilish grin. She then undid the straps I tried to escape" oh no you don’t, I still have to bath you diaper you and put you in the cutest little out fit" she said again catching me in mid flight. She then lower me into the basin and proceed to lather me with soap she washed every little nook and cranny. When she rinsed me I looked down at my body and there was not a hair left on me. I then realized what the cream was for. She lifted me back onto the change table and laid me down on my back " don't put a diaper on me " I blubbered as she reach under the table and grabbed what look to be a very large disposable diaper" is wittle baby afraid of this" she said as she waive it in front of my face then placed it on my belly I tried to push the diaper off me "no please no" I whimpered. She grabbed both my hands with one hand and then pulled them over my head she then put them both in wrist straps. I was now completely helpless. She then got out some lotion and rubbed it all over my now hairless diaper area" What a cut little bum you have and look and the cutest little pee pee ". She giggled and grinned" oh and what this is some one enjoying there diapering. We better get that little monster covered up" She cooed as she noticed me growing from her rubbing. I was in complete humiliation I felt tears well up in my eyes. She then grabbed my ankles and lifted my bum up and slid the diaper underneath me I felt the cool padding of the fresh diaper as she lower me back down and spread my legs. She knew that I was not enjoying this and she pulled the diaper slowly between my legs making sure I felt every inch of the diaper as it touched my body and hear the crinkling sound as she pulls it snug into place. " There as safe and snug now you can pee" she said as she tapped up the diaper. She was right I needed to go pee badly but I was not going to pee in from to of her. But again this was not what she had in mind. She grabbed the baby pants and slid them down my leg and on to my bum. She then started to talked and walk her finger up and down my belly" you see you just the cutest and you my cutesy little man" she started to tickle my belly thighs and feet giggling, smiling and winking at me. I could not help but laugh and wiggle and tense up. The next thing I know my bladder let loose. And I could feel warm stream in my diaper. She stopped tickling me and started to pat and poke my diaper" did some one go pee pee, look at you filling you diaper like a good baby" she cooed again. I just started to cry I could not help it I was just over whelmed.

Mary took me out of the straps and lifted me to her chest and I rested my head on her shoulder still crying, she began to pat my bum and rubbed my back telling me that it's alright she's is going to take good care of me. She carried me over to the rocking chair and then took a shirt with a duck on the front out of the dresser sat down and put it on me. She then took a bottle that was sitting on the dresser and placed it in my mouth al I could do was just sit there cradled in her arms and take my bottle. " My Little one better get use to this" she said I cried saying I am not her baby. She just looked down at me and smiled." Yes my little one you are like it or not" she said pushing the bottle back into my mouth and I started to suck to bottle. I slowly drifted to sleep as she rocked and hummed a lullaby.

End of part one.

Part Two

It seemed to be dark as I slowly awoke from my nightmare only to notice I was not in my bed but what look to be a large crib. I then felt the diaper between my legs it looked really big and saturated it was so thick I couldn't close my legs and touch my knees together. This is crazy I thought to my self, this could not be real. It was too long before I slip the diaper off and began climbing out of the crib. As it was still dark in the room except for a nightlight I had to feel my way around to find the door. Lucky for me the door was slightly opened and I manage to open the door enough to get out. I walked as quietly as I could down the hall and past the living room. As I past I notice that Mary was asleep on the couch. So I crept past to the front door. I then realized that last time I could not reach it and decided to look for another exit, But as I past the living room again I notice that she was not on the couch any more my heart started to pound. I ran past and headed into the kitchen I notice there was a stool near the back door. I thought here's my chance I made sure my coast was clear and scurried over to the door and push the stool close enough to reach the door knob. I climbed up the stool, stood up, reached for the doorknob and began to turn it. " Going some where?" I heard Mary say when I turned around I was looking right at her lower belly. Once again I foolishly tried to escape only to be once again scooped up a carried over to a chair. She put me over her knee and started rubbing my naked upturned bottom" where you diaper little one? Did I give you permission to take it off?" she question not expecting me to answer" and you left your crib, naughty baby…. For that you need disciplined" she said as her rubbing turned into spanking. This time she gave me ten spankings my butt stung so much that I was a blubbering mess. Marry carried me into the nursery laid me on the change table and strapped wrist down. She went over and then reach in and retrieved the diaper from the cribbed." Wow you really Soaked this one it I good thing I have lots more where this came from" she said as she place the diaper into the diaper pale. Marry produce what looked to be and over sized baby wipe and proceeded to cleaned my diaper area she grabbed my ankles and lifted me to wipe my back side.
She got out some lotion and rubbed it in. once again I started to get an erection but this time she rubbed me longer just smiling down at me. I felt like I was about to explode any second then she stopped grabbed my ankles and slide a clean diaper under me and pulled it up snug between my legs taped it up. Next I was released from the table and carried out into the living room on her hip.

" I have to go to a meeting tonight so I am going to drop you off at a friends house." She said as she pulled out what look to be and infant carrier. She then buckled me into the seat. Trapped with out any chance of escape in this infantile Device I thought how wonder full. The whole world moved around as I was carried out the door of Mary's house. She seemed to have no troubles carrying me as I swung at her side. She walked for about 15 minutes and came up to another huge house. She knock on the door and a minute later I saw the door Open and another giantess stepped out bending over to look at Mary's new catch." He's so cute" she chirped." Thank you for doing this Jessica, I will be back at ten" marry spoke." No problem" Jessica said and took me into her house and into her living room. Jessica smiled down at me and took me out of the baby carrier and place me o the floor the diaper was so thick on me that I had to waddle when I walked. When I sped up a little I lost my balance and fell down. Jessica picked me back up and playfully spanked my bum" careful baby try to get hurt," she said as she left the room. A minute late she came back with a baby bottle filled with milk. " Lets get you fed" scooped me up and cradle me in her arms placing the bottle in my mouth. At this point I resigned to being treated this way and I drank the bottle. Soon after I peed my self again this time I just let it know full well I was not going to have used of a bathroom anytime soon. When I finished the bottle she laid me down on the floor she took a diaper bag from the side of the couch took out a diaper and wipes and proceeded to change my bum, she pulled the new diaper snugly between my legs and tapped it tightly on" all done she declared an patted my diapered crotch. At this point I was starting to tent from all her attention, but still no release.
Jessica picked me up and placed me in another baby seat only this was a baby swing. " You better get some rest" she declared " we will have some fun later" she winked and started the swing. Not long after drifted off to sleep.

Post by babymarty »

Excelent story! :D

It sort of reminded me of an old twlight zone episode back in the 1950's, and also that old movie "The Shrinking Man".

Great job, I'd like to see part 2. :wink:
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Location: The changing table

Post by larbear »

Great story, I hope to read more soon!!!

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Post by Janey »

More, more!
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