Unnamed AB Story

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Unnamed AB Story

Post by wannabe_baby »

I’ve been thinking about writing this story for a while (and, in fact, it was one of the reasons I finally decided to join the forums here) but only recently decided to start. As a summary, I kind of wanted to write an AB story that was a cross between Harry Potter and typical high school movies (with AB versions of jocks & nerds, prom, etc). I expect there are a few stories with similar concepts although I really wanted to try my own. :) You’ll probably notice some similarities immediately but some will be more subtle than others.

Bit of a warning though; I tend to write very long stories . . .

EDIT: I'm actually not too pleased with this so far. I rushed it a bit to get to the more babyish segments and they're still written yet. I hope I can improve it a bit. :?


‘You can’t be serious,’ said Ben, staring at his sister in disbelief. All he had done was lean over and accidentally knock a vase off a table and now she was giving him the third degree.
‘I’m very serious Ben,’ she said, her arms folded and tapping one foot on the floor, ‘this really has been long overdue. It’ll be good for you.’
Ben was almost close to begging; what his big sister was telling him couldn’t possibly be true, but he already had a college picked out he wanted to go to. ‘Please Sarah,’ he said calmly, ‘you have to reconsider. I mean, you’re not seriously sending me to a … a …’
An adult baby school,’ interjected Sarah.
‘Yes, a … whatever, look, just please think reasonably,’ Ben continued, ‘I mean, I know you’ve been saying this for a while now but places like that don’t exist. There is nowhere in the world that takes adults and trains them to be babies. It just doesn’t happen.’
‘Well if you’re that confident, Ben, you shouldn’t have any problem with climbing on the train that’ll take you there,’ said Sarah, ‘if you really believe it doesn’t exist, it won’t matter where it takes you, will it?’ Ben looked defeated. Standing in the centre of the room, surrounded by bits of broken vase and being talked down to like he was a child. Sarah clearly sympathized with him though; she and her little brother were very close. ‘Really, Ben, I’m doing this for your own good,’ she said, ‘trust me. I’m sending you somewhere you’ll end up enjoying. It might take a while but it’s really for the best.’

Ben didn’t get a wink of sleep that night. Since Sarah first mentioned the school, he hadn’t been sleeping easily. Despite being deliberately vague with the details, which Ben guessed was because the place was entirely fictional, Sarah had given the basic outline of the school, in that it would teach him how to be a baby “to a certain extent”. It left a lot for Ben to think about, to his disappointment. Even so, he was steadfast that a school like that didn’t exist. It just couldn’t. Logically speaking, Ben would’ve heard about a place like that. He was eighteen years old and, spending most of his time watching television and on his computer, was reasonably “nerdy”. He had short brown hair and a reasonably handsome face, although he was far from being a hit with women. He was slightly chubby and the college he had picked out to go to was perfect for him. Wherever his sister was sending him, whether an adult baby school or not, it was bound to be worse than any college where he didn’t have to go on a train to get there.

Weeks later, Ben and Sarah were at the train station, Ben ready to leave for whatever crazy second-rate college Sarah had decided to send him on. He still refused to believe that he was going to be taught how to be a baby, although that didn’t stop the very thought of himself in a diaper making him cringe. The station platform was far from packed, with only a few dozen people boarding the train. Ben was carrying a suitcase full of items that Sarah had packed, none of which Ben had taken a look at; Sarah had refused to let him look inside the suitcase.
Halfway to the door of the train, Ben stopped in his tracks and dropped his suitcase. Sarah turned to look at him, politely puzzled. ‘Ben? What’s wrong?’
Ben adopted a similar stance as Sarah had when he broke the vase; he folded his arms and tapped his foot. ‘Come on Sarah,’ he said, with a smile, ‘how long are you going to keep up this fantasy? Look, I’m here, you can tell me where I’m really going now, can’t you?’
Sarah grinned. ‘Ben, I’m sorry,’ she said, ‘but it’s not a fantasy. You don’t have to believe it if you don’t want to but it’s true.’
Ben rolled his eyes. ‘But it’s ridiculous!’
‘Yes! It is! Of course it is! It’s completely silly and outrageous but it’s also completely real. It could help though Ben. If it gets a bit much, you can laugh about it. You’re just going to have to accept it, aren’t you?’
Ben sulked and was almost in tears. Every fibre of his being was telling him that this couldn’t be a genuine school but Sarah spoke with such conviction … it was ridiculous yet almost believable. Who’d ever heard of an eighteen year old boy being packed off to learn how to be a baby?
‘Look Ben,’ said Sarah, walking over to him, ‘whatever your feelings are on this place, you will like it. Trust me. Either way, we’re not going to see each other until next summer. So please, can we just have a nice goodbye?’ She bent down and pulled Ben into a hug, kissing him on the cheek at the same time. With her comforting arms around him, Ben couldn’t resist hugging her too.

Ten minutes later, after an emotional goodbye with his big sister, Ben was sitting on a train on its way, apparently, to a school where he would be taught to be a baby. He had no idea why he finally agreed to go, although he suspected Sarah would have got her way no matter what his decision. She always had a way of making him do what she wanted. Ben really didn’t know what to believe anymore, although that didn’t stop his imagination from thinking the worst, as it always inevitably does when entering the unknown. He had a nightmarish vision of crawling around on the floor in a diaper and sucking a pacifier when a roomful of beautiful girls laughed and cooed at him. The thought made Ben blush and, worse still, it could actually happen.
‘Excuse me,’ came a voice, making Ben jump. He turned around and saw a girl standing at the door to the compartment. She had a very cute face, with medium-length blond hair and a small frame. She was about the same height as Ben and, Ben guessed, was the same age too. ‘Do you mind if I sit there,’ the girl asked, pointing at the seat opposite Ben, ‘everywhere else is full.’
‘Um, yeah, go ahead,’ said Ben. The girl smiled sweetly and took a seat, putting her bag on the seat next to her. ‘What’s your name,’ asked Ben.
‘Marie,’ said the girl, ‘you?’
Ben nervously twitched his fingers. He really had to ask the all-important question. ‘Listen,’ he said, ‘is it true that this place is an … “adult baby school”?’
Marie nodded, confused. ‘Yeah,’ she said, ‘you didn’t know? Oh, you’re not someone who’s been sent there as punishment, are you?’
She tailed off slightly and Ben shrugged his shoulders. ‘What? No. Well no, not technically. I agreed,’ he said, ‘but I know nothing about this.’ Marie sighed.
‘Oh Ben, you have so much to learn,’ she said. She appeared very sympathetic to Ben’s clueless expression. ‘I really don’t know where to start. I don’t think there’s a suitable place I can start.’
Ben had to get more information before he arrived at the school. He didn’t want everybody else to know more than he did; it was one thing to not know things that other people did but it was far more urgent if the situation involved something as embarrassing as dressing up as a baby.
‘Come on, please try Marie,’ said Ben, ‘I have to know. I had no idea a place like this even existed. Or even why it exists. Tell me as much as you can. Am I … are we … really going to have to dress as babies?’
A big grin appeared on Marie’s face. ‘Yeah,’ she said, nodding, ‘isn’t it great?’ Ben looked mystified. ‘Wait,’ continued Marie, ‘you really don’t know anything about this?’
Ben shook his head. Marie took a deep breath. ‘Okay,’ she said, ‘well, this place we’re going to … sorry, I’m having trouble explaining this … it’s kind of like a boarding school where they’ll teach us how to be … well no, they’ll teach us a few things about being babies but we’ll basically be adults at the same time. Or teenagers, whatever. Most people who go there have heard about it, at the very least, unless they’re being punished by their Domme or partner or family member. You say you agreed to go but you didn’t know what it involved?’
Ben tilted his head from side-to-side as if to say “kind of”. ‘Basically,’ he replied, ‘my sister wanted me to go and eventually I relented. It’s easier than putting up a fight.’
Marie looked thoughtful. ‘Your sister,’ she repeated, ‘well, why don’t we see what she thought of the place; have you looked in your suitcase yet?’ She nodded her head at the heavy bag on the seat next to Ben. Ben shook his head.
‘I’m not sure if I dare,’ he said, ‘there might be something in there that I’m not sure I’m ready to see.’
Marie stood up and put a hand on his shoulder. ‘Trust me Ben, however you feel now, I’m sure you’ll end up enjoying it,’ she said, ‘think about it; you’re not going to be the only person there in an embarrassing situation and the odds are that we’re not even going to be doing real work. You could be stuck in some boring college, writing stuff. Just ease yourself into it and it’ll come to you. I’m going to be with you every step of the way.’ Ben was surprised by how comforting a thought that was.
‘Okay Benny, let’s open that case!’ Ben was startled by the sudden change in attitude.
‘No, wait, listen,’ he said, ‘what if it’s full of stuff that makes me … uncomfortable?’ Marie smiled sweetly.
‘If it is, then it’s best we open it,’ she said, ‘think about it; if a suitcase of this stuff makes you uncomfortable, imagine how an entire school of it will be. It’s definitely better that we start with your suitcase, so we can ease you into the whole idea of teenage babies.’ She smiled and swung open the suitcase before Ben could make another objection. Both Ben and Marie gasped when they saw what was inside. A couple of baby bottles and pacifiers, a stack of folded towels that Ben assumed were going to be his diapers, a bib with “Ben” stitched into it, baby powder and baby oil, pajamas with green, yellow and red vehicles all over them, some shoes with Velcro instead of laces, a few pairs of socks and a set of dungarees with shorts for the legs rather than trousers. ‘Wow,’ said Marie, ‘looks like your sister knew everything about this school.’

Ben was speechless. He didn’t know why Sarah hadn’t just sat him down and told him everything. The two of them were close, he would’ve understood. Probably. He just stood, staring at the suitcase full of baby items. It was like a giant diaper bag. Marie reached into the case and pulled out a thick towel and the bib with Ben’s name stitched into it. ‘Ben,’ she said, ‘some of this stuff is … really cool.’
Ben maniacally shook his head. ‘No,’ he said, ‘no, I can’t do this. I’m not a baby. Seriously, I’m not bothered whether anyone else does it but I can’t. This is too much.’
‘Ben, come on,’ said Marie, ‘don’t you think it’s kind of cool? Your sister clearly cared about you enough to get you all of this stuff. It seems to me like she loves you a lot.’
‘Loves me a lot,’ repeated Ben, ‘if that was the case, she’d have let me go to a normal college. What’s going to happen to me?’ Marie put her hands on Ben’s shoulders and looked into his eyes.
‘Listen, you’re going to be fine,’ she said, ‘yes, it’s a lot to take in but it’s never as bad as you think. Just take a seat and breathe.’ She smiled and patted his chest. Ben did as she said, trying to keep his breathing steady. This is a dream, Ben thought, it has to be.
Marie took a seat and held the bib up in front of her, facing Ben, as though to picture what he would look like wearing it. Smiling to herself, she put it back in the suitcase and passed the thick white diaper from hand to hand. ‘Listen Ben,’ she said, ‘don’t freak out because I’m not going to force you to do anything you don’t want to but I think you should try this on.’ She bit her lip and gave Ben a very sweet and innocent look. Without saying anything, Ben shook his head. He felt as though he wouldn’t be able to speak for the rest of his life. Which might’ve helped, if he was going to be a baby anyway …
‘Okay,’ Marie said, ‘but you’ll have to sometime. Sorry. I don’t mean that to sound harsh but you will. I just thought you might want to get a feel for it early. One less thing you’ll have to worry about.’ Ben sat in silence. He was going to go through with being a baby, undoubtedly – he actually didn’t think he had much of a choice – but he made the conscious decision to do as little as he had to. He definitely wouldn’t willingly pin a diaper around his bottom. Marie said it would happen inevitably anyway but Ben decided to cross that bridge when he came to it.

The rolling landscape outside the window turned red as the sun set on the horizon. Ben hadn’t spoken since his panic over the items in his suitcase. They just kept flashing through his mind, as clearly as though he was reading them from a list … baby bottlespacifiersdiapers
‘Hey,’ Ben said eventually, ‘how come you aren’t wearing a diaper?’ Marie raised her eyebrows. ‘I mean, you said you were looking forward to going to this school, so I assume you’re interested. So why aren’t you wearing one.’ Marie smiled.
‘My girlfriend only makes me wear them occasionally,’ she answered, ‘she thinks it’s fun to variate between potty-training me and keeping me in my diapies.’ Marie blushed a lot at the last word but Ben was only vaguely listening; at the word “girlfriend”, a switch had flipped in his mind. He didn’t have anything against lesbianism or homosexuality in general but here was a perfectly attractive girl who he seemed to be getting along with and it turned out she wasn’t “his type”. It was the difference between being told that he couldn’t have the chocolate bar he wanted just yet and being told he could never have the chocolate bar.
Ben eventually plucked up the courage to ask another question. ‘So, since this is a school, what kind of stuff do they teach?’ Marie shrugged.
‘I don’t know,’ she said, ‘your guess is as good as mine. I don’t know what kind of lessons there’ll be. I’ve heard there’s something like “Conditioning” classes, as well as “Training”. I’ve no idea what the difference is, really. Like I said, your guess is as good as mine.’

The sky had gone dark outside when the train finally pulled to a stop. Ben and Marie clambered to the door and exited the train alongside the other passengers. Standing on the platform alongside a hundred or so other students, Ben and Marie were confronted with an incredible sight. ‘No way,’ said Ben, staring in the direction of about fifty baby carriages. Slightly bigger than normal and each one was fitted with a motor, so they didn’t need anyone to push them. Looking around, Ben saw that a few of the students, including Marie, were excited about the prospect of being in the carriages. Others, like Ben, seemed remarkably nervous and Ben was pleased to see he wasn’t the only one embarrassed about having to be treated like a baby.
Amongst the carriages, a woman appeared carrying a torch. It was too dark to make out how she looked but everybody saw the light from her torch. ‘Excuse me everyone,’ she shouted, ‘over here! Two students to each carriage, all of them need to be full before we leave! Come on!’
Ben immediately grabbed Marie’s hand. ‘Please stay with me,’ he said, ‘I don’t know anybody else here and I can’t do this alone.’ Marie smiled at him and pulled him towards the baby carriages.
The two of them picked the nearest empty carriage, Ben avoiding everyone’s eyes as they stood there. ‘Well,’ started Marie, ‘go on. You first.’ With a sigh, Ben clumsily climbed into the baby carriage, messing up the baby blue blanket that covered the soft mattress underneath him. He noticed that the baby carriage wasn’t long enough for his legs to fit in without bending them. Marie quickly leapt in after him in a much more elegant fashion than Ben, leading him to believe that she had done it before. It was a bit cramped with the two of them so close but Marie didn’t seem to mind. Even though Ben was more nervous than he had ever been, Marie just seemed to think it was cute.
Marie picked up the blanket and threw it over the two of them. Ben became embarrassed and tried to push it off the two of them. ‘Please don’t,’ he said, ‘you know how uncomfortable I am with all this.’
Marie raised her eyebrows and laughed. ‘You may be uncomfortable but it’s freezing cold and I’m in a skirt,’ she said, ‘come on, it’ll keep you warm too.’
The two of them lay there for about five minutes, apparently just waiting until the carriages moved. The same woman they saw earlier eventually came into view, shining her torch into each of the carriages to check that they were full. She arrived at Ben and Marie’s carriage and looked inside. Ben was actually surprised by how young and attractive she was. Exactly the kind of girl he would’ve been trying to attract had he not been lying in a baby carriage. ‘Aww, aren’t you guys cute,’ she said in a sweet voice, making Ben blush and Marie smile, ‘we’ll be leaving in a minute so just be patient, okay babies?’ She smiled and disappeared from view again.
The baby carriages eventually started to move, making Ben feel as though he was a baby again. Despite not being able to remember what it was like, the smooth ride and smell of talcum powder on the blanket covering him gave Ben the feeling of being only a year old again. Only now he had a twin sister holding his hand in a futile attempt at making him less nervous.

The carriages eventually stopped and Ben and Marie climbed out from under the blanket. Jumping down from the carriages, all of the students found themselves on a wide stone pathway leading to an enormous castle. All of the students were open-mouthed, none of them believing what they were seeing. High above them, there were washing lines strung between the spires of the towers, wet diapers hanging on them. The distant jingle of nursery rhymes could occasionally be heard drifting from a few of the windows. All of a sudden, despite still being nervous and embarrassed, Ben’s opinion of the school had been raised a few notches.
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Post by Candy »

Are you sure this story isn't about Stacie? LMAO Sorry Stacie I couldn't resist. (Her being the sister, not Ben lol)

And I really like this story wannabe, I don't think you should not be pleased with this, it's well written and I for one enjoyed reading it :) .

XOXO~ Candy Kisses
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Post by wannabe_baby »

Lol, as great as Stacie is, it's definitely not her. :) I'm not going to use any of the Mommies for the story, just in case I mess up their personalities or make them big meanies or anything. I'm playing it safe.

Besides, when making the characters original, it gives me all the freedom of creating completely evil people. :twisted: And I'm sure none of the Mommies here are like that. Sugar 'n' spice and all things nice . . .

I'm writing the second part now. I like it a lot better than the first, even though I haven't done much so far.
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Post by DommyMommyScarlet »

Very nice story babyboy.Thank you for posting it. :wink:
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Post by TheSitterStacie »

Liz, not all stories that have a sister standing there demanding and being dominant is about me, yeeeeesh woman lol.

I love this story wannabe, keep writing hun, I think it's awesome!

“And the National Rifle Association says that, "Guns don't kill people, people do,” but I think the gun helps, you know? I think it helps. I just think just standing there going, "Bang!" That's not going to kill too many people, is it?"
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Post by wannabe_baby »

Thank you Stacie and Scarlet. I'm pleased you both like it so far. :)

But I need help; I can't think up a name for the school, as much as I try. So I'd like some suggestions and I'll just pick one out at random. Everything I come up with sounds cheesy or isn't cute enough.
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