The New Addition

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The New Addition

Post by chlorobaby »

- Chlorobaby ( [email protected] )

Amber and Nicole were made for each other. Their life was perfect having a large house and plenty of money, they wanted for nothing. Amber and Nicole met while they were both former private nurses and had been left a fortune by a wealthy gentleman they had looked after before his passing. They had enjoyed in their roles as both carer and effectively parents to him. He needed looking after and they forced him (for his own good) to let them look after him.

Some time had passed and their relationship blossomed into something special. Amber was very maternal but Nicole was not being the more dominant and even sadistic at times of the two. They had discussed Ambers feelings for many months before they hit on an idea that they felt would not only bring them even closer but also fulfil both their needs. The plan was to take a grown man and turn him into their baby. Nicole was counting on it being by force and Amber also wanted her baby to know his place.

Several months passed as they prepared for the new addition to their family. The cellar was completely transformed from a storage room into a nursery come medical room. The room was completely refurbished it contained a treatment table complete with straps, an adult sized high chair and crib again with straps and a treatment trolley and matching storage cupboard. Now they looked for their target.

PJ was a young man living a fun single life. He had few friends and no family but he was enjoying life. Had had cash and was living off of his inheritance. Amber and Nicole had been watching him for weeks and had even spoken to him in a bar to pump him for the information they needed.

The day had arrived for the women to kidnap their baby. They were prepared having acquired chloroform from their contacts and lots of tissues available. The van was also ready, from the inside it looked more like a private ambulance. They parked out side the bar that PJ drank at this day every week they had been watching him. Regular as clock work PJ exited the bar and started to walk towards the van. This was it! Amber and Nicloe were so excited they looked at each other kissed one another they then both exited the vehicle. The road was very secluded, leading to a park which PJ used to take a short cut home.

PJ approached the can and noticed the two women get out of either side and walk towards the rear of the van. He was a little tipsy but was very aware of his surroundings. PJ reached the rear of the vehicle as the women did; they were both dressed in nurses’ uniforms and gorgeous. “You don’t remember us do you PJ,” said Nicole with a seductive smile. “No, sorry I don’t, should I?” he said. “We met you at that bar a couple of weeks ago at that bar over their, I’m Nicole and this is Amber – remember?” “Oh Yes I do” said PJ “how can I help you lovely ladies?” Amber giggled – how easy she thought to herself. “We have just finished work and were wondering whether you would like to join us for a drink at our local” she said as she opened the rear of the van and motioned PJ into the van. PJ couldn’t believe his luck and jumped at the chance to go out with what he saw were a couple of fit nurses.

PJ stepped into the van and the ladies quickly followed closing the door behind them. “I’m afraid your have to lie in the bed as there are no seats back here, we don’t want you to get hurt do we?” Said Nicole as she motioned PJ to lie down and Amber bent down to retrieve some items from the cupboard. As PJ lay down Nicole started to passionately kiss him. He responded loving every second. This gave Amber the opportunity to pour some chloroform from a bottle into a prepared thick wad of white paper handkerchiefs. Nicole sat on top of PJ continuing to kiss him; he never suspected a thing until it was too late. Nicole sat up above him holding his wrists with the whole of her body while Amber calmly applied the chloroform laced tissues over his mouth and nose. PJ was in complete shock as the paper handkerchiefs gagged him. “Mmmpphh” was the only escape of sound to leave the gag. “Hold still” Nicole ordered as she attempted to hold PJ down. “Mmmmm” PJ mumbled hopelessly into the tissues as the sweet smelling fumes invaded his lungs. “Hush now little one Mommy and Auntie are going to take good care of you. That’s right be a good boy breathe for Mommy! Go on, good boy” PJ breathed in the vapours and he was again hit with the full effect from the chloroform. PJ slowed his struggle as there was not a lot of fight left in him, he looked up at Amber as she stroked his hair “You are such a lucky boy, were going to look after you. You wont have to think for yourself ever again.” PJ tried to shake his head but the hand clamping the thick white tissues in place simply followed his movements. PJ groaned into the gag as he started to feel woosey. “Don’t worry your in safe hands now! goodnight sweetheart” She said as his eyes started to flutter, she smiled at her new captive as he lost consciousness.

Please give your feedback and story development ideas [email protected]
Part 2 coming soon.
Chloroform me with tissues and im yours
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Post by StepSisterMandy »

That was a very good story. I liked the part where they comforted you as they were applying the tissues. It sounded so soothing. You're a very good writer. :)

Tattletale : motivated by selfish reasons, seeking attention, she may sadistically enjoy the punishment or embarrassment of others, or “telling” may be a convenient way of getting rid of obstacles.
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Post by DommyMommyScarlet »

Thank you for sharing another great story chlorobaby. :)
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Post by chlorobaby »

Thank you for your kind words - more to come soon - i hope.
Chloroform me with tissues and im yours
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Post by pleasechlorome »

Yeah, awesome awsome story. I love the idea of being kidnapped and chloroformed, specially be a couple of fit nurses in the back of their van! mmmmmmm! May have to get a story commissioned about that...
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