Miss Diane's Upstairs Changing Table

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Pamper Crinkles
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Miss Diane's Upstairs Changing Table

Post by Pamper Crinkles »

Standing just outside the doorway, in your Sesame Street T-shirt, you watched her in the guest room, bent over the changing table, happily cooing to one of the daycare babies. Her name was Miss Diane, and your mommy had started leaving you in the care of her home daycare for about two weeks now. It wasn’t the first time you had sneaked a peek of this sight. You knew the other kids would make fun of you, but as far as they knew, you had went inside to go potty. They had no idea that you had managed to sneak upstairs and stand right outside the guest room where Miss Diane changed the babies.

At the age of two, your mommy had begun potty training you. She had wanted you to be finished with potty training before she went back to work so you would be one of the “big kidsâ€￾ at daycare. You had no idea what any of that meant, but mommy made it sound like a good thing so you tried for her. At first, you were doing very well, telling your mommy when you had to go potty and trying to hold it to get to the potty. You even made it to the potty and did all your business in the little plastic seat on the bathroom floor and got shiny stickers!

Mommy had thought you were all potty trained when she went back to work and left you with Miss Diane. All the other kids seemed to agree that diapers were for babies, and you couldn’t play with kids your age if they thought you were a baby. You really committed yourself to making sure you got to the potty whenever you needed to so you could be a big kid.

But then came the day when something changed.

There was nothing special about that day, only that your timing couldn’t have been more perfect. You had to go potty and Miss Diane’s eldest child, Ryan, said it was okay to go by yourself if you could handle it. Even though you still needed help wiping from time to time, it was just pee and you couldn’t believe you were being trusted to do something so grown-up!

As you walked into the house, you knew that the potty was the first door on the left. You went in, did your business, and were ready to go out when you heard it… a soft singing voice coming from up the staircase. You knew you weren’t allowed upstairs. That was off-limits, but it sounded so sweet, so kind and loving, like a nursery rhyme but the words were different somehow.

Carefully, you tiptoed up the stairs, not making a peep as you made it to the shadowy second floor. Pale sunlight was pouring in from an open room. Carefully, so carefully, you tiptoed to the open door and peeked your little head into the door and you saw something wonderful.

Miss Diane, the home daycare lady, was changing Annie, one of the daycare babies getting her diaper changed. Being so small, you couldn’t really get a good view, but it wasn’t the view that had entranced you, it was that voice, coming from Miss Diane, as she sang to Annie:

Hush little Annie, don’t you fret
Miss Diane sees that your pamper’s wet
I’m sure baby Annie will smile for me
If I get her into a clean diapey

It was the “Hush Little Babyâ€￾ lullaby, but Miss Diane had turned it into a diaper changing song, and she sang it in the sweetest silkiest voice imaginable. It was nothing like the exasperated but patient tone she took with you when you had an accident in your training pants. It seemed as though she enjoyed wiping the baby’s bottom.

As she was powdering and taping a new diaper on Annie, you knew you were risking getting caught so you toddled away from the door, a little faster and a little less careful. There were a few creaks on the stairs but you didn’t think you’d be noticed. When you got back outside, Miss Diane came out shortly after with Annie. You kept your eye on her, but she didn’t seem suspicious of you one bit.

So you did it again, and again… you watched Miss Diane so closely and always decided you had to go potty shortly after Miss Diane had said she needed to change one of the babies. No one guessed you were really going to spy on the diaper change, rapt with curiosity and enamored with Miss Diane’s special diaper change nursery rhymes.

Soon after, you realized you wanted to be on that changing table, looking up at Miss Diane as she smiled and sang sweetly down on your while she peeled back a wet or messy accident in your pants, without any judgment and nothing but love… but you were almost a big boy. Mommy had stopped buying pull-ups a few days ago, saying she was so proud of you and you would get your first big boy pants if you could go one more week without any daytime accidents. You really did want those cool Paw Patrol undies, and if you messed yourself at Miss Diane’s, you knew she would tell your mommy. She might even tell the big kids too and then they wouldn’t want to be friends with you! What was a little boy to do?

It was Friday, and if you made it through the whole day, your mommy was going to buy you the Paw Patrol underwear you really wanted and you’d be a big kid for real and forever and ever… and that scared you a little. You had been watching Miss Diane change the babies. You knew if you wore big kid underwear that would never be you on that table, so you made a choice and decided to be brave.

When it was nap time and all the bigger kids were outside playing and you were laying down on the blankets on the floor, you pretended to sleep. With a tummy full of hot dog and macaroni for lunch, it didn’t take too long for you to feel the need to go potty, but this time as you got up and told Miss Diane what you were doing up, you went to the potty, looked at the little plastic seat, and frowned.

You didn’t want to be a big boy at that moment, not without knowing that special kind of love and tender care that you had seen Miss Diane giving the daycare babies. Squatting down in the powder room, you squeezed and grunted and turned super duper red until you felt the slightly unfamiliar feeling of a big mess in your training pants.

When you were done, only then did you realize what you did. There was no way to hide it either, not without Miss Diane finding out, but that didn’t stop you from trying to think of a way out. Soon enough, you heard a knock on the bathroom door and Miss Diane opened it, looking down at you, your face all red and eyes all watery and ready to cry.

“Sweetie, what’s wrong?â€￾ Miss Diane said as she knelt down. As she came closer to your messy bottom, she could smell it. Wincing just the slightest, she realized what you had done. “Did you have an accident? You were doing so well. Wait here and we’ll clean you up.â€￾

“No!â€￾ you shouted, almost instinctively, before covering your mouth because it was quite loud with the bathroom echo and almost woke up the other napping toddlers. Miss Diane seemed perplexed for a moment as she turned back around, looking down at you.

“No?â€￾ she repeated. “Well, you’re not staying in messy pants. We’re getting you changed.â€￾

“On the tahba…â€￾ you whispered softly, almost feeling guilty for knowing about it when you wouldn’t have if you hadn’t gone upstairs against Miss Diane’s rules in the first place. “On the tahba upstawes.â€￾

Now, Miss Diane had had her suspicions that someone had been watching her change diapers upstairs for a few days now. She had no idea it was you, but she didn’t even question that matter. The look of shame and humiliation on your face showed her you weren’t proud of yourself for having broken the rules, and she knew rubbing in your misbehavior would have just made you feel worse, and nothing could be worse than scolding a child for his or her curiosity.

Instead, she knelt down to your eye level. “The table upstairs is for changing babies,â€￾ she stated. “You’re not a baby, are you?â€￾

“No,â€￾ you sniffled. “Buh… buh can I pwetend to be a baby?â€￾

Miss Diane smiled, empathetic. You were still so little, all things considered, and maybe it wouldn’t hurt to baby you, just a little bit. You had shown Miss Diane since you came to her home daycare that you really were becoming a big boy, but she could see now how hard that was for you, realizing what you were leaving behind. Spreading her arms out, she beckoned you into her embrace, where she lifted you up and patted you on the seat of your training pants, just like a baby. “Alright, sweetie. Let’s go get you changed, just like a baby.â€￾

It was like this was a dream as she carried you up the stairs, your bottom bouncing, squishing in her arms. As she passed the cubbies where the mommies and daddy dropped off your clothes, she took out a clean pull-up from your bag and carried you and it upstairs to the guest room, the baby changing room.

It smelled nice and sweet and very familiar inside the softly-lit room. For the first time you could see the changing table exactly as it was. The little vinyl mat with pictures of teddy bears. It crinkled as she lay you down. You realized that you were a little bigger than the babies you had seen being changed, and it was a tight - though still comfortable - fit.

“My, what a big baby,â€￾ Miss Diane teased as she tickled you under your chin. You babbled, playing your part, and even drooled a little as she took off your sneakers and pants. Setting them on the rocking chair across from the changing table, she examined your pull-up carefully, feeling it for the tell-tale bulge of a poopy mess, pressing her nose to it and confirming it smelled like a mess, and peeking inside the leg gusset to see that there was definitely a mess!

“Peeeeuuuuuu!â€￾ she exclaimed playfully, fanning her nose and tickling your side. “Big babies make big baby messes, yes they do!â€￾

You giggled again and, without a moment’s hesitation, she parted her ruby-red lips and begin to coo softly, her cooing turning to beautiful music as she began to sing, just for you, the baby on the daycare changing table:

The baby on the table needs a diaper change, diaper change, diaper change
The baby on the table needs a diaper change upstairs with Miss Diane

You knew this song! It was “The Wheels on the Busâ€￾. You grinned ear to ear, showing Miss Diane how happy you were that she was singing just to you as she put her fingers around the seams of the pull-up and began to tear them open, revealing what a big mess you made!

The baby’s poopy diaper goes rip, rip, rip! Rip, rip, rip! Rip, rip, rip!
The baby’s poopy diaper goes rip, rip, rip! Upstairs with Miss Diane

You could smell your mess now very clearly, and the smell of baby powder did little to mask it. You covered your nose playfully as Miss Diane lifted up your legs and pulled the front of the well-used pull-up down. She could see that your whole bottom was covered with a thick layer of soft brown mess. Wasting no time, she reached under the shelf of the diaper table and opened a tub of Huggies baby wipes, taking out quiet a few and warming them up in her hand and she held you up by your ankles and brought the soft warm wipes gently across your bottom.

The warm baby wipes go wipe, wipe, wipe! Wipe, wipe, wipe! Wipe, wipe, wipe!
The warm baby wipes go wipe, wipe, wipe! Upstairs with Miss Diane

As the soft moist wipes ran down your bottom, you closed your eyes, not having felt so content, so loved and cared for, in quite a while. It wasn’t as though you were neglected, but you had forgot how special being cared for as a baby could be. You thought maybe it wouldn’t be so bad to be a big boy if it meant you could be a baby every once in a while too.

Once you were all clean, Miss Diane removed the poopy pull-up and dirty wipes, rolled them up and tossed them away. Since you were going to be put into a pull-up so none of the other kids would be the wiser, Miss Diane knew that next was to powder you. She reached for a big bottle of Johnson’s Baby Powder, smelling so sweet as she squeezed a small portion into her hands, just enough to make sure you were all clean and sweet, but not enough that the other kids would think you smelled like a baby.

The powder on the bottom goes puff, puff, puff! Puff, puff, puff! Puff, puff, puff!
The powder on the bottom goes puff, puff, puff! Upstairs with Miss Diane

She squeezed the new pull-up which crinkles a little as she slid your legs inside as you cooperated, helping her get it up under your bottom, all snug and cuddly around your “diaperâ€￾ area.

The diaper on the baby goes crinkle, crinkle, crinkle! Crinkle, crinkle, crinkle! Crinkle, crinkle, crinkle!
The diaper on the baby goes crinkle, crinkle, crinkle! Upstairs with Miss Diane

When you were all clean, Miss Diane blew a gentle raspberry on your tummy, making you giggle wildly.

The happy clean baby goes tee hee hee! Tee hee hee! Tee hee hee!
The happy clean baby goes tee hee hee! Upstairs with Miss Diane!

All fresh and clean again, she put your shorts and sneakers back on and lifted you up off the changing table. As she took you downstairs again and made sure you were all comfy and ready for your nap now, she went upstairs and texted your mother at work:


She wrote, and told your mother all about how much you still enjoy being a baby. Your mother blushed in her office a little bit, and the thought of her little boy still being her baby boy sometimes tugged at her heartstrings a little. She’d buy you some more pull-ups, wipes, and powder and maybe some actual baby diapers on the way home. After all, there was no reason you had to be in such a hurry to grow up. Not at home with Mommy, and maybe even you’d get to go back up again on Miss Diane’s upstairs changing table too!
Love is a fresh baby wipe, a crinkly diaper, a sprinkling of powder, and a big kiss on the cheek!
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Little Stinky Britches
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Post by Little Stinky Britches »

Awesome story Pamper Crinkles! :D

You and I share a lot in common when it comes to Mommies (daycare workers) and poopy diapers. :oops:

I love the story and Miss Diane! 8)

Phew! Somebody needs a changing.
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Little Stinky Britches
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Post by Little Stinky Britches »

A few more thoughts Pamper Crinkles.....

I wanted to encourage you to write more stories and post more of your thoughts on Mothering and loving mommies who change poopy diapers. 8)

You are a gifted writer Pamper Crinkles, and you always have something thoughtful and meaningful to say on this forum.

I enjoy your thoughts, insights and stories. You are a valued member of this diaper community Pamper Crinkles. :D

By the way, have you talked with Mommy Susan yet?

I highly suggest that you do! 8)

Mommy Susan is AMAZING!!!! :D

Soft, sweet, motherly, mommyish, loving, caring, understanding, and playful. I still can't get her voice out of my head. (But then, why would I want to? :lol: )


And I know you will too. :wink:

Phew! Somebody needs a changing.
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Pamper Crinkles
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Post by Pamper Crinkles »

You're too kind, Little Stinky Btiches :oops:

Finances got very tight near the end of the year for me so I haven't called a mommy here since October. I feel I probably should try to treat myself here though, and I'll make a call either tomorrow or Monday. Thank you for recommending Susan to me as I have been interested in talking with her, as well as Candy, and your favorite who I've seen you praise to heaven and back, Lily :)

Today though, I have some errands to run, but tonight I'm hoping to write another new story I had the idea for this morning (while reading one of your stories no less ;) ). Thank you again for your encouragement :D
Love is a fresh baby wipe, a crinkly diaper, a sprinkling of powder, and a big kiss on the cheek!
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Little Stinky Britches
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Post by Little Stinky Britches »

You are very welcome Pamper Crinkles! :wink:

Yes, Mommy Candy is an awesome Mommy! Sweet and soft: just like baby powder. :D

Over the years I have had a few calls with Mommy Candy, and I loved each one! I highly recommend Mommy Candy! 8)

Yes, I miss Lily. :cry:

I regret not calling her more often when I had the chance. There was a real Mommy/Baby connection that I had with her, which is difficult to replace.

Which brings me to Mommy Susan. :D

Susan is not Lily: they are very different Mommies.

However, they are both similar when it comes to giggles, baby-talk, and that special "inflection" that moms use with their diapered infants. Growing up around real moms changing real poopy diapers, on real babies, I have a trained ear that picks up on those "motherly inflections/sing-song voice/baby-talk" way of speaking to, or talking about babies and their dirty diapers.

This is hard to fake or fabricate. Phone Mommies who are good at "baby-talking" usually have a lot of real-life experience with real babies pooping their pants. Either you are comfortable talking that way, or you're not. Both Lily and Susan are experts when it comes to that special motherly inflection when talking to a baby. And both Susan and Lily seem comfortable with and enjoy talking about poopy diapers. :oops:

Phew! Somebody needs a changing.
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Post by NannyEllaMadison »

Oh this really was a fantastic story! It was so vivid and sweet. I think my favorite parts were the singing...I love to sing, and love to make up silly words to songs. I'd love to hear more of your little songs :)
Nanny Ella
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Post by DommyMommyAva »

Another awesome story!
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