LDS Moms

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Little Stinky Britches
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Location: In Diapers

LDS Moms

Post by Little Stinky Britches »

LDS Moms

As her baby's face reddened to the shade of a bright red, ripe tomato, Emily remembered what she fed her son that morning.

"Let's see..." She thought.

"He had two jars of peaches, some bananas, some prunes, sweet potatoes, a jar of applesauce, some cereal....
Yep, he's going to be awful busy in his britches this morning."

Her son Marty often dirtied his pants in the Morning Sacrament when Emily was in church on Sunday morning. Coming from a large LDS family, with a 9 month-old in diapers, Emily was very familiar with red faces, grunts, toots and the smell of poop.

There, on the last three church pews, Emily sat with a small group of young LDS moms who all had little ones in diapers.

This was so the moms with babies in diapers could quietly slip out of a church meeting to change someone's pants, without drawing too much attention to themselves, or their babies.

And it was a good thing that Emily was sitting on the back pew.

Her son Marty was "awful busy" in his britches that morning.
Emily smiled as she watched her son "doing his business."
All throughout the Sacrament Meeting, her 9 month-old was pushing and grunting his breakfast into the seat of his pants.

LDS moms love to watch babies dirty their diapers.

Another mom who was sitting in the front pew, kept looking back at Emily trying to figure out why she was so happy.

"Why are you smiling?" The other mom whispered.

She had been watching Emily smiling at giggling at her baby.

"Oh he's a little busy right now." Emily whispered back.

Her son's face now reddened again, as he pushed and grunted.
By now Emily could hear muffled tooting sounds in his pants.

"Oh my goodness!" She whispered. "He's not just a little busy."
"He's awful busy in his britches. He's busy grunting and tooting."

The other mom was now discreetly trying to crane her neck so she could get a look at the "busy" baby without alerting anyone.

LDS moms love to watch babies fill their pants.

Emily smiled as the other mom delighted in her son's red face.

"Yes, he's awful busy in his britches. And he stinks too."

The two LDS moms were trying to be discrete, as they giggled and whispered across church pews, talking about dirty diapers.

But there was nothing "discrete" about the smell of poop.

By the time 9 month-old Marty had finished his business,
the odor in his pants had wafted over the other church pews.

Emily could see the other LDS moms wrinkling up their noses.

"Shoooo!" They whispered to each other. "Somebody stinks."

There were motherly smiles all up and down the Church pews.

Emily giggled as she watched the other LDS moms,
checking their children's pants for the source of the smell.
No one suspected that the 9 month-old sitting behind them,
had just filled up his pants during the Sacrament Meeting.

"Somebody needs a diaper change." Whispered one mom.

"Amen." Emily thought, as she listened to the other moms whispering about the tattle-tale smell in her son's pants.

By now the Sacrament Meeting was over and all the LDS moms in her Ward were making their way back to the Church Nursery so they could change their babies who all had poopy diapers.

Marty wasn't the only baby who was "busy" that morning.

When Emily got to the Nursery, it was packed with LDS moms and their babies. All 4 changing tables were being used, and the smell of poopy bottoms and baby powder was everywhere.

Emily fanned her face when she walked into the Nursery,
smiling at one of the moms who was changing her baby.

"Shoooo-wee!" Emily said, fanning her nose and smiling.

"It smells like everybody's been busy this morning. Shooooo!"

The other mom smiled at Emily and said that her daughter Sarah had "filled her britches" during the Sacrament Meeting.

The other mom was curious about something.

Does Marty turn red like Sarah when he does his business?
Can you hear him grunting and tooting in the next room?
Sarah grunts and toots up a storm, her Mother said giggling.
Everyone in the house knows when Sarah's "awful busy."

"Oh yes!" Emily said giggling, patting her son's full diaper.

"He grunts. He toots up a storm. He turns all red in the face.
My mother-in-law likes to call him, Little Baby Busy Britches,
because Marty's always "busy" doing something in his pants.
And he ALWAYS does his business during the Sacrament!"

"My husband and I will get to Church, find an open pew,
and by the time we are all singing the opening hymn,
I'm either smelling something suspicious in his pants,
or he's turning bright red in the face. It never fails."

The two LDS moms smiled and giggled as they compared notes.

Now a changing table had come open and after waiting her turn,
Emily laid her son down and began removing his rubber pants,
and unpinning his poopy cloth diaper. Oh did he stink! Shoooo!

When Emily pulled his legs back, and his poopy bottom came into view, she couldn't help but smile and giggle at her son.
His chubby bottom was so poopy! The mess was soft and thick,
as Emily took a scented baby-wipe and wiped her son's bottom.

She had just finished powdering her son with baby powder,
and was in the middle of diapering him, when another mom came into the nursery looking for an open changing table.

The other mom was new to the Ward, and she was very surprised by how busy the Church Nursery was that morning.

"Oh yeah," Emily said, as she finished diapering her son, and was pulling on his rubber pants over his thick, double diapers.

"It's always busy in the nursery after Sacrament Meeting.
But of course the babies in our Ward are always busy too.
And that's why we're always here changing their britches."

The other mom smiled at her new friend.

It was an "awful busy" morning at Emily's Ward.
The nursery was full of moms changing their babies,
exchanging warm, motherly smiles with each other,
as they wiped and powdered some very poopy bottoms.

As Emily was leaving with her son, another mom was coming in.
That mom was beaming the biggest smile as she walked in.

"Guess who needs a changing?" The mom said to Emily.

The baby's mom fanned her face so Emily understood.

Yes, it was an "awful busy" morning in Emily's Ward.
And LDS moms wouldn't have it any other way. :wink:

Last edited by Little Stinky Britches on Tue Jan 19, 2016 8:11 pm, edited 16 times in total.

Phew! Somebody needs a changing.
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Pamper Crinkles
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Post by Pamper Crinkles »

Congratulations for finishing another story full of sweet mommies and the loving care they put in towards changing their babies' poopy diapers!

I really love the way the mommies in your stories exchange smiles and whisper to one another about their babies' diaper activities, like their babies' stinky diapers are something special they share that no one else in the world could, and really I think that's true. I don't think anyone is more receptive or welcoming of the smell of a poopy diaper like a mommy :)

Also, I really like that you did another story where the poopy diaper and change took place at church again. It's been a while since you did one of those, and I think they are your best. I always get a very loving feeling of a diaper change taking place in such a pure and wholesome location where only love and tenderness reside. This was a wonderful read, Little Stinky Britches! Thank you as always for sharing! :D
Love is a fresh baby wipe, a crinkly diaper, a sprinkling of powder, and a big kiss on the cheek!
Posts: 72
Joined: Wed Nov 04, 2015 9:05 am

Post by NannyEllaMadison »

I loved this story! Thank you for sharing it with us :) I agree with Crinkles that the dialogue between the mommies, whispering back and forth, makes it extra special and helps to really transport you to that time and place and feeling. I can't wait to read another!
Nanny Ella
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