10 Year Veteran of P-A-M Returns

Come in and introduce yourself to our group. I want you to feel comfortable and hopefully make this your group as well, Welcome!
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Busy Britches
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10 Year Veteran of P-A-M Returns

Post by Busy Britches »

Well, I'm back. :wink:

And believe it or not, I first joined this site and started calling mommies 10 years ago, Nov. 2006.

When I first joined in Nov. 2006, I used the name, "babymarty".

Then I briefly left, and returned in Jan. 2008 as, "Little Stinky Britches."

Then sometime this year 2016, I left again. I was (and still am) having serious personal issues in my life and I just stopped calling mommies and posting on this board. Funny thing though, even with all of my issues that I am having, this need I feel to hear a mommy's voice, is so powerful and deep-seated, that it transcends all else. So I have returned as "Busy Britches." :D

Why the name, "Busy Britches"? :roll:

When I was growing up, my mom often used that term to describe poopy diapers or babies who were "busy" pooping their pants. :oops:

It always struck me as a very discreet, very motherly term to use when talking about very messy, very poopy diapers. I remember quite a few times at our house, my mom would see a baby turning red in the face and grunting, and she would say to someone in the room, "I think somebody's awful busy over there. When they're faces turn red, I know they're awful busy in their britches." :oops:

Anyway, I'm glad to be back, and I look forward to posting and calling the mommies like I used to. By the way, are there any other "10 year veterans" of Phone-A-Mommy out there? (I mean besides the owner Maddie.) 8)
"Uh, oh, Mommy smells something."
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Post by MommyStar »

Hey there Busy Britches! and Welcome back to our nursery! We hope to see you some time in the chat in your busy britches! hehe!
Talk to you soon! :D
Mommy Star
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Busy Britches
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Post by Busy Britches »

Thank you so much Mommy Star!

I'm glad to be back. :D

Oh, and I'm ALWAYS BUSY in my britches. :oops:
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Post by sweetmommyJaney »

Hi Baby britches I am so very glad your back! I am sorry about your personal issues honey! It will get better soon sweet pea :) and like mommy star said I look forward to seeing you in chat hopefully soon cutie!! and just remember when your busy in your britches your going to need an mommy to change you with love and care :)!

Love mommy Janey <3
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Busy Britches
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Post by Busy Britches »

Thank you so much Sweet Mommy Janey! :D

And you are so right! :wink:

When babies have been "busy" in their britches,
they need their mommies to change them. :oops:
"Uh, oh, Mommy smells something."

Post by Crissy »

Welcome Back Busy Britches AKA Baby Marty :) I have missed your awesome stories! I hope to be reading some new stuff from you soon. Peeewwww I smell something did you toot in your diaper? tehehehehe
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Post by DommyMommyAva »

Welcome Home Busy Britches! I remember you as Baby Marty :) You have the best stories about baby Marty and his Mommy Buelah. I agree with Crissy, will you be posting more of your great stories?
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Busy Britches
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Post by Busy Britches »

Thank you both Mommy Crissy and Mommy Ava! :D

I am very flattered and humbled that you enjoy my stories.
I am very grateful for your high praise. :D

YES! I will be writing more stories. :wink:

It's kinda funny. It's almost in my "DNA" to write and talk about my mom, cloth diapers, rubber pants, and "filling my britches" at my Mother's house, way back in 1950s and 1960s. :oops:

Scientists say that we remember things, not as they actually happened, but how we wish to remember them. To some extent I agree with that. In my stories I seek to evoke a simple, more wholesome, more loving time in America, that I remember being a product of the 1950s and 1960s.

It's true that my Mother Beulah and her friends were not "June Clever." And we were not the "Father Knows Best" family. Nor did our neighborhood look anything like the ones you see on those 1950s TV shows. But that being said, I will tell you that my mom and our family had a lot in common with those 1950 TV shows that you see. And that is what I seek to evoke and replicate in my stories. 8)

I remember EVERY backyard clothesline had dozens and dozens of cloth diapers and plastic baby panties (rubber pants) hanging on them outside drying in the sun.

My Mother did not work outside the home, but stayed home and changed LOTS AND LOTS OF DIAPERS. There were 4 of us kids, and my mom always babysat multiples of babies at our house, so my Mother was always changing diapers. In fact, my strongest memory of my Mother, is her on the living room floor or on the couch changing someone's pants. Our house always smelled like poop and baby powder in those days. :wink:

Thank you again Mommy Crissy and Mommy Ava! 8)
I hope to write a new story this week. :D
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Post by babysuzy »

Hi Busy Britches

Welcome back. I also enjoy your stories. I was also a 50s baby so I do remember the softness of the Curity 21x40 flat fold diapers and the scent of baby powder and plastic pants.

I am not quite a ten year veteran, only 9.5.

Hope life's bumps smooth out for you. Kinda like the lumps in your diaper when momma picks you up and plants you on her ample hip for a trip to the changing table. Then it gets better for a while.

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Post by Busy Britches »

Thank you so much Baby Suzy! :D

You know, it's a "Generational Thing" that most other babies and mommies know nothing about: Curity 21x40 Flat Fold diapers. :wink:

And that is sad. :(

Because if you grew up in our era, the 1950s and 1960s, Curity flat fold diapers were everywhere! They hung from every backyard clothesline, and snuggled every baby's bottom. :D

My Mother loved them because she could either diaper a newborn, or a large chubby toddler, just by folding and doubling them a certain way. And you are correct: the softness was unparalleled and unduplicated. They were easily the softest diapers ever made. :D

The new generations of mommies and babies have no idea what they are missing. (If they only knew about the softness of Curity diapers!) But we do. :wink:
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Post by Tawny »

Welcome back baby Marty, so sorry to hear about your troubles! I know it's hard to have personal issues as well as the struggle in the everyday ups and downs of life. Here is to hoping that your return will fill you up with love, nice mommies and lots of diaperings! I am certain it will make you fill better just to be back in the nursery here and sharing your stories with the new mommies and babies. I too remember those old, big square curity diapers. They were the best, for lots of things!
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Post by Busy Britches »

Thank you so much Mommy Tawny! :D

I feel better already. 8)

You are so right about everything. And here is something that most people don't really thing about: The world of a baby, the fantasy world that we here at Phone-A-Mommy long to return to, is a world WITHOUT hate, violence, heartache, tragedy, or pain. :D

The world of the Nursery, and everything in a nursery is so soft, gentle, fragrant, and inviting.

In fact, the nursery itself is a reflection of Mommy: loving, soft, sweet, kind, nurturing, understanding and accepting. :D

Why would anyone want to be potty-trained and out of diapers? :lol:

Thank you so much Mommy Tawny! :D
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Post by NannyBrenda »

Busy Britches, I truly hope that you've found this site to be as interesting and as welcoming as you found it in the past. All the mommies here love to talk to our little ones!
I do love to put little naughty babies in their place!
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Post by Pamper Crinkles »

Welcome back, Busy Britches! I hope you're doing well in life enough now that you've come back :) I still re-read your stories all the time and I really hope you write more in the future if you ever feel like it :D
Love is a fresh baby wipe, a crinkly diaper, a sprinkling of powder, and a big kiss on the cheek!
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Post by Busy Britches »

Thank you very much Pamper Crinkles! :D

I am planning some more stories (and calls to mommies) very soon! 8)
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Re: 10 Year Veteran of P-A-M Returns

Post by MommyJackie13 »

Welcome Back and Happy Phone A Mommyiversary ;) 10 years and still just a baby, how cute! I look forward to reading more of your stories too!
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