The Cirlce

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Post by chlorobaby »

I had no idea how much time had passed when I woke from the drug induced sleep. I was alone in the room, so I tested my bonds straight away but found them still doing their job.

My mouth was filled with a feeding gag that was slowly dripping milk into my mouth. There must have been a sensor that had released it - I was forced to drink the liquid.

Nearly an hour had passed when the milk finally stopped flowing. I was so full, and my bladder wasnt going to last forever. I had to get out of here - but I could see no way of doing that - for the moment at least! My eyes started to fill up - Stop it I thought to myself as tears rolled down my eyes. I heard movement from beyond the door, I looked at the covered tray beside the cot and the tissues next to it. I sniffed as the door opened and tried to compose myself but tears were still visable.
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Post by MommyJosie »

I walked into the room and over to the crib..."aww poor lil man, shhhh now don't cry everything is gonna be fine" I said as I looked down on him. I tucked one finger into his diaper by his groin to see if he was wet. "Your gonna have to go sometime mister, it's not good for you to hold it this long. Just realx and let go". He squirmed against the bonds as I laughed. Stacie came in behind me and looked at PJ and pointed to the camera, "Remember, all your potential new mommys are watching, let's not disappoint them baby boy".
"Out of 2 evils, I always go with the one I haven't tried" ~Mae west
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Post by chlorobaby »

I moaned into the feeder gag as i felt the first spray hit the diaper. I couldnt believe that i was wetting myself even though it was being forced upon me it felt so humiliating. The floodgates opened as i uncontrolably released the rest of my wee into the diapoer. I had tears in my eyes as i looked up at my captors and screamed at them through my gag.
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Post by DommyMommyScarlet »

I had Mandy zoom the camera over to his tear stained face. "Listen potential mommies." I said "He will eventually acceot what is happening and greet you with open arms."
I looked over at PJ "Yes that's right hims will be gewad to see his nwe Mommy!"
For now though we were going to have to change him. Janey helped me get him from his crib to the changing table. He wiggled and graoned as we laid him back on the soft table and got ready to change him.
He cried from the humiliation of being changed out of a wet diaper in front of an un known number of people.
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Post by Janey »

He was squirming so much during his changing that my Mommy Scarlet asked me forthe chloroform and tissues. I started to put some on the tissues but mommy said "Oh no Janey, let mommy do that". So I handed it over. She applied a small amount as I held PJ down. She held the tissues to his face for just a second. She did not want to knock him all the way out, but just to subdue him a little. His vision became blurred and he felt as if he were in a dream. I assisted mommy in his diaper change as the camera zoomed in. We put him in a nice fresh diaper with lots of powder. I picked out some footed pajamas for him to wear. Mommy kept applying the tissues to his face just enough to keep him woozy and slighty limp so we could dress him without a fight.
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Post by chlorobaby »

I could do nothing but allow my kidnappers to change me. The feeder gag was removed but was replaced by the lightly laced chlorofom paper handkerchiefs. I tried to turn my head away from them but failed. Before the diaper was secured it was fully padded out with tissues sorrounding my naughty bits and this added to its bulkimess.

The Pajamas were pulled up and secured in place. I was very groggy and did not have any strength. I would have to make my escape another time. The tissues in my Diaper felt so good - but i still knew that this was wrong.
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Post by MommyJosie »

I assisted Scarlet with getting him back into the crib and placed the restraints backon his wrists and ankles. Very groggy from all the chloroform, PJ fell asleep. I placed a pacifier in his mouth and adjusted the cameras.
Two of the wealthiest ladies on our list for the auctions requested to see him in person. They wanted to inspect their potential new baby up close and personal.
Luckily they arrived while he was still sleeping so we did not have to sedate him again. Quietly I showed them into the nusery. They were very pleased, "why he's the cutest one you have had yet" whispered Amber Cromwell, a hotel heiress. She reached down and slid her fingers across his cheek. "I just have to have him", Annabelle Fitzgerald eyed her and whispered "remember you are not the only one biding for this little lovely".
She reached down and squeezed his padded diaper, at this PJ began to squirm and open his eyes. He looked up at us blurry eyed. Then with realization dawning he began to struggle against the restraints. He spit out the paci and pleaded with the ladies, "please you have to help me". Amber and Annabelle just giggled. "As you can see we still have alot of work to do" I grabbed the feeder gag and placed it in his mouth just as he started to yell. I escorted the ladies out of the room "don't worry, we will have him completely dependant soon."
"Out of 2 evils, I always go with the one I haven't tried" ~Mae west
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Post by chlorobaby »

As I opened my eyes I realised that The two new women were different some how perhaps they would help me "please you have to help me," I said. They giggled as one of my kidnappers spoke "As you can see we still have alot of work to do" sje then quickly inserted the feeder gag and strapped it into place. I moaned as she escorted the women out of the room. I could just hear her say "don't worry, we will have him completely dependant soon." before the door was shout.

I struggled with all my strength agaist the restraints that held me in this nursery prison. I was not going to give in I had to fight what was happening to me - What was happening to me I had been kidnapped and diapered to be a baby - Why me i didnt understand - again a tear rolled down my face. As I heard the door handle turn.
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Post by DommyMommyScarlet »

Janey sat with PJ while Josie,Stacie and I talked things over with Amber and Annabelle. Pj could hear bits and pieces of what we were saying.He heard" His step sister actually set him up for us." .
"I am prepared to make a purchase today if at all possible" Amber said Annabelle glared at her. PJ was shaking in his crib hearing those words. He realized now the ladies would not help him.
"We want to continue with the auction as planned I am prety sure." replied Stacie. Scarlet and Josie nodded. "You all are welcome to stay around and spend some more time with him if you'd like" she told them.
Josie,Scarlet,Stacie andhe prospective Mommies walked back into the nursery. "Just think one of these ladies might be your new Mommy, you want to be on your best behavior" Scarlet told him.
Pj struggled and groaned around his pacifier. The ladies looked at Scarlet. "Don't worry he will have a change of attitude" she promised them.
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Post by Janey »

I jumped up and down and clapped my hands til my mommy put her hand on my shoulder. "Now calm down Janey" she said gently. I smiled at her, "yes mommy". I looked the two ladies over in their designer dresses and exspensive jewlery. I walk over to PJ's crib "oh PJ your so lucky, are'nt they beautiful". At this PJ started to cry. He knew now that there was little hope of escape. How could she do this to him, his own step sister. He did tease and torment her when they were kids but thats what kids do right? He just treated her like any brother does his little sister, even a stepsister. He certainly had not done anythig to deserve this. And what is wrong with these women? How many men had they done this too? He could not believe this, no, it must be a dream. At this thought he closed his eyes and tried to sleep hopeing he would wake up in his hotel room with two lovely ladies sleeping soundly beside him after a night of fun.
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Post by chlorobaby »

“May I” asked one of the perspective mommies as she opened her handbag and pulled out a thick paper hankie. “Of course,” said Mommy Scarlet – as she then proceeded to wipe my tears with it. “Hush now little one” she said as I closed my eyes and pondered on the revelations of my kidnap.

How could my own sister set me up like this? I had always treated her well – almost always anyway. I suppose I had been horrible when we were younger! But that was normal and this situation certainly was not! I drifted of to sleep somehow and rested – I would need all the energy I could get.

Some time later I awoke from my sleep. I slowly opened my eyes and realised that I was not alone. My gag had been removed and in front of me stood my kidnappers. One of them had a large baby’s bag lying on top of me. She gave a wicked smile as her hand delved into the bag.
Chloroform me with tissues and im yours
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Post by chlorobaby »

THANK YOU to all mommies, nannies, babysitters etc who helped put this story together!

I would like to write the second chapter - but can not until this chapter is finsihed.

If any of mommies, nannies, babysitters etc have a little time to post and help finish thus part and givetheir take on the end of this tale i would be very greatful
Chloroform me with tissues and im yours
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Post by chlorobaby »

"It is nearly Time for the auction sweeetie" said one of the beautiful women who had kidnapped me. It is time for you to get ready for the main event! she said as she removed some tissues and a bottle clearly labeled choroform. Her slender jand again reached into the bag I was scared as I knew that I could do nothing!
Chloroform me with tissues and im yours
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Post by chlorobaby »

Hello mommies, sitters and nannies x it's been a while since I was last here due to personal issues but am very happy to say that I'm back. This was a great combined story a few years back. Would any of you be interested in continuing it ? Please feel free to add - as will I if we have interest x love as always chlorobaby x
Chloroform me with tissues and im yours
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