new baby

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new baby

Post by wkoldnewbornbabyboy »

chapter 1 guy has a crush on a girl in his class

timmy is a college senior majoring in early childhood education and he notices a girl named kristin in his class they have been working together in groups every so often in their infant and toddler curriculum class. All though Timmy knows how much he likes kristin he just doesn't know how he will go about talking to kristin about going out on a date. Kristin is a junior and she also has a crush on Timmy but she's playing shy. Kristin keeps thinking that at some point she would like to have a baby and she wants timmy to be the father. She thought to herself "i would love to have a baby with timmy" she told a friend of hers that timmy is so cute and says that she wants to be with him.

Chapter 2 the date

After a few days both kristin and timmy get the guts to ask each other out on a date. as they continue dating kristin comes up with a plan to make timmy a baby since she wants a baby really really bad. She how ever waits til Timmy graduates from college. Timmy has no idea whats going on and pays no attention to it.

chapter 3 the regression process

At this point both kristin and timmy are moved in together they talk about having a family they go out and look at cribs, changing tables, newborn clothes as well as other baby items what timmy doesn't realize they were looking at stuff for him. the next morning kristin slips in some regression pills into timmy's coffee to make him younger and changes in his body. (timmy is 26 years old as an adult) he takes a sip of his coffee and notices some changes in his body and he is starting to get younger. Kristin comes back into the kitchen and sees timmy at the age of 8 years old noticing that his clothes don't fit him anymore she finds some of her brothers clothes so that he can put them on. Timmy feels strange and asks whats going on ? kristin says that she doesn't know (trying to play it off as she doesn't know whats going on) you must be dreaming you can go out and play if you want in the yard. he goes out and shoots baskets in the drive way til lunch he comes back in for lunch at this point kristin slips another regression pill into his milk as he finishes his lunch he takes a drink of milk he starts to regress again Kristin comes back in to check on him after he's done eating she notices that he's starting to get even younger.

chapter 4 regression continued

after lunch and after he took the second regression pill he's now 2 years old at this point he doesn't think like an adult but as a toddler he tries to say kristin but can only say kistin kristin says yes hun we have to get you cleaned up it's time for nappy nap time does timmy need to use the potty he nods yes she takes him to the potty. She helps him change his clothes she brings him to the bedroom she lays him down on the bed kisses his forehead and says you can call me mommy okay timmy looks confused but then says otay mommy he drifts off to sleep snuggling with his teddy bear kristin gave him.

chapter 5 : the final stage

An hour later timmy wakes up instead of yelling out to kristin he's only able to cry to alert her at this point he has regressed to 4 months old kristn comes in " aww whats the matter sweetie did you just wake up " lets get you changed and all cleaned up she puts timmy into a diaper and a onsie and carries him out into the living room where she has infant toys and other age appropriate items for a 4 month old. He plays for a little bit then it's time for his second nap for the afternoon she gives him a baba with formula slips another pill into it letting it dissolve before giving it to him an hour later kristin comes into the room to check on her little one at this point she notices that he is now a few days old she thinks to herself " now i have my own baby timmy would be so happy to know that they have a baby" (of course timmy is the new baby she's talking about) she says "ooh whats that smell did my lil man go poo in his lil diapy " timmy cries and continues to make newborn sounds to communicate with his new mommy.

chapter 6 Timmy now a newborn baby boy

Kristin calls up a few of her friends to see if they want to come and see the new baby (of course they all knew about what was going on with Kristin changing Timmy into a baby) her friend Sara says that she will be over (she did the same thing with her boyfriend Jason as well) Kristin gets her new lil newborn baby Timmy ready for when guests come putting him in a onsie that says mommy's lil prince she breasts feeds him gets him down for a lil nap before as well shortly after Timmy wakes up Sara and Jason come Kristin carries her lil bundle of joy to the door to welcome Sara and Jason. Kristin says Jason looks so cute in his lil outfit Sara says Timmy does as well. Both Sara and Kristin talk as they hold their newborn sons Timmy and Jason both make newborn sounds as if to talk to each other saying " i guess we both know that we are with two hot mama's "

let me know what you think of the story
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mommy rebecca
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Post by mommy rebecca »

Great job little one!
Mommy Rebecca

“You don't appreciate a lot of stuff in school until you get older. Little things like being spanked every day by a middle aged woman: Stuff you pay good money for in later life.”Emo Philips
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Post by wkoldnewbornbabyboy »

tank goo mommy becca i tried to do the best
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Post by PhoneMomSue »

Super job sweetheart! I loved it!

If I forgot to kiss you its definitely a bad day!
Cum play with me.

Mom Sue
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Post by Jenna »

That was a lot of fun to read Great Job!!
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Post by dommymommylexus »

That was a great story sweetie, mommy loved it! I think your a wonderful story writer :)
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Post by wkoldnewbornbabyboy »

thank goo mommy lexus i try to do the best i can
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Post by wkoldnewbornbabyboy »

chapter 7: new baby continued: Baby sitter: Kristin sees a ad for someone looking to baby sit with a number to reach the person. The girls name was Jenna she was a 18 year old high school student looking to do some baby sitting during the summer before she goes off to college. Kristin calls Jenna about the possibility of her hiring Jenna as a baby sitter, Jenna says that she has baby sitting experience from any age range birth to 9 years old. Kristin asks her if it would be possible for her to come and visit during the day. Later that day Jenna comes over Kristin gets timmy ready putting him in a light blue onsie with booties. Knock on the door it's Jenna Kristin opens the door while holding timmy and welcomes jenna inside Jenna tells Kristin how cute lil timmy is. Kristin smiles and says yes he is he's my lil prince. Kristin lets Jenna hold timmy. Timmy makes newborn sounds as Jenna holds him. Jenna asks Kristin if there's anything else that she needs to know. Kristin says that there's nothing really except for that Timmy has had a little bit of a diaper rash. Kristin heads off to work before she leaves she kisses timmy on the forehead and says "mommy will be home later this afternoon" through out the day Jenna plays with timmy and gets him down for a nap and gets him fed . Timmy starts to cry after he wakes up from his Nap Jenna comes in to check on him " oooh wee whats that smell Uh oh does someone have a stinky diapy " she carries him to get him changed taking off the onsie and putting a t-shirt on leaving him in just a diapy and t-shirt. Kristin comes home from work and see's Jenna and timmy on the couch watching blues clues Kristin asks jenna how the lil guy was during the day and jenna says that he was a lil angel and that she would love to baby sit again. Kristin says that that could be arranged Jenna hands timmy to Kristin kisses him on the forehead and heads home. Kristin gets timmy ready for bed and bonds with him for a while before laying him down for the night.
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Little Stinky Britches
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Post by Little Stinky Britches »

Dear New Born Baby,

I love your stories, you are a great writer! :D

However, to answer your question that you asked me in another post...

No, I do not wish to write a story about a newborn.
Please do not take offence, your stories and fantasies are wonderful... for YOU, but not for ME.

Here is why:

If you notice, ALL of my stories involve me (or Grumpy Bear) being regressed to the age range of 6 TO 9 MONTHS-OLD.
Never younger then 6 months, and rarely older then 9 months.

Why? Because when I was growing up, my mom took care of a lot of babies ranging from newborns to toddlers. It was this age-group, 6 to 9 months old, that I related to the most. This age seems the most "babyish" to me, and to my mom.

As I watched my mom (and other moms) take care of babies and change their poopy diapers, I noticed a few things.

When a Newborn baby pooped their pants, it wasn't noticed as much, and did not really draw the attention and comments from my mom and the other moms in her circle.

When a toddler pooped his pants, he or she was usually in hiding, so my mom would usually catch it after the deed was done.

But when an infant, aged 6 to 9 months-old pooped their pants, it was usually in full view of my mom and her friends. Usually the baby was either in a playpen, a walker, a crib, a highchair, or playing on the floor.

Believe me, when a chubby 9 month-old pulls themselves up to a standing postion, turns red in the face and loudly grunts, it catches the attention of every mom in the room.

The other thing is the smell.
Newborn baby poop has almost no smell, or very little.
I NEVER saw my mom wrinkle up her nose when changing a Newborn's poopy diaper.

But an infant who is 6 to 9 months old, eats baby food and formula (or breast milk) and believe me, the smell will fill the room. Once a baby started eating sold foods, that's about the time I remember seeing my mom wrinkle up her nose and make playfull comments about the baby pooping their pants. Of course she did that with toddlers too, but NEVER with a Newborn.

Once my mom had this Newborn girl named Linda, who was babysat by my mom until she was a toddler. When Linda was a Newborn, my mom could not smell her poop, it was always a suprise when she changed her and saw that she was poopy. But then I remember vividly when Linda was around 6 or 7 months old, my mom started her on solid foods, and from that point on, when Linda filled her pants, her smell filled the house.

One time my mom was making me lunch in the kitchen and suddenly wrinkled up her nose, saying, "I think Linda just filled her britches." I couldn't smell anything, Linda was playing in her playpen in the living room. But when my mom checked her pants, she had filled them and our living room was very stinky. :oops:

Again, a big part of my fantasy is that my mom wrinkles up her nose, waves her hand to "shoo away" the smell, and makes a lot of playfull comments about me having "stinky pants."

So, I wish I could help you, but writing about Newborns is just not my "thing". However, you are a GREAT WRITER, so please, keep up the good work, and I am so sorry that I cannot write about Newborns.

Phew! Somebody needs a changing.
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