This place just for my special babies to come and let loose.
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Post by thehigh »

(A sequel to this story(http://www.phoneamommy.com/Board/viewtopic.php?t=1434), told from Mommy’s POV. If any of the Mommys would be interested in turning this into an audio-file, let me know here.)

Silly boy; did you REALLY think a night in diapers would change my wicked ways? You thought I’d let you spank and diaper me like a baby… and let you get away with it? You were so smug—watching me make a messy diaper before you teasingly changed me like a helpless, squirming baby. Did you really think any of that would stop a woman like me? Now you’re in for some payback, baby… and like they say… payback’s a bitch.

After you so successfully seduced and took advantage of me, did you even consider that I could do the same to you? You’re going to regret your arrogance, baby boy… by the time I’m finished, you’re going to regret many things.

Because I’ve put something special in your wine tonight… something I cooked up especially to thank you for your “hospitality” on the night we met. I bet you thought it was funny, watching me blush and pout in my massive, messy pampers. Even I laughed about it— how silly Mommy must have looked in her stinky, poopy diapers! I’ve got a very good sense of humor about myself, darling—do you? I think we’re about to find out.

Because it isn’t just a little laxative I’ve slipped you. It’s something better—and far more devious. You see, once it’s in your system, you’re not going to have any control at all. Messy diapers are just the beginning for you bucko—you’re not going to be able to walk, talk, or do anything more complicated than crawl around in your loaded diapers for my amusement!

I planned it perfectly--- at least you can go to bed in your crib tonight knowing that you never really had a chance. I measured every drop out into your glass so that I could pour both our drinks from the same bottle. A gold trimmed glass for me, a blue trimmed one for you (get it? Gold for sexy, mature women, blue for stupid boys!) You didn’t suspect a thing, did you?

You’ll start feeling a bit funny—hot, dizzy, maybe even queasy! You’ll struggle to your feet, your knees already rubbery. You gasp, realizing something’s very wrong. But it’s too late—you’ve pooped your pants! The bowels are always the first to go with this formula, and there’s nothing you can do! You’ll stand there sniveling as your bladder lets loose and you soak that expensive suit of yours. Maybe you’ll try to escape—but you’re legs are so weak they just give out on you-- wouldn’t it be funny if you fell backwards onto your poopy bottom?

But don’t worry baby—I’ll give you exactly the same treatment you gave me. I’ll diaper you lovingly and dress you up all fancy… for the whole weekend! That’s right baby boy—I aim to pay you back in spades! How does a full two days of baby treatment sound, mister? By Monday you won’t ever be able to think of yourself as a man again! And it’s a good thing too—because that special formula? It’s still got a few side effects, sweetheart: See, you’ll be able to walk and talk again by Monday—might even be able to pass yourself off as what we laughingly refer to as a “big boy”…

…. But I don’t think you’re going to feel like much of a big boy with diapers under your pants! You see, the effects on the nervous system wear off after two days—speech returns, as does mobility and fine motor skills…

But your bowels and bladder—well honey, those take a little longer. I hope you like diapers, buddy—because you’re going to be in them for the next six months! That’s right—for the next six months, every lunch hour, every evening after work, and every weekend, you’re going to come crawling to me begging for a dirty diaper change! If you don’t, I might just have to spill your secret—what do you think your neighbors, co-workers and friends would say if they knew you were a weekend diaper baby?

What’s that? What are you trying to babble, you stupid boy? Better spit it out while you still can!

What about the glasses? Are you simple? I just told you a second ago: Gold for sexy, mature women, blue for stupid…

Wait—why does your glass have gold trim? Why does mine have—

Blue?! Oh no!! I got so wrapped up in my evil master plan—I must’ve gotten mixed up!

OK, stay calm—I don’t feel anything yet. Maybe that batch was a dud—although… isn’t it kind of hot in here? I want to undo a button on my blouse… but I can’t get my stupid fingers to work right!

My head is spinning now, and dinner has been forgotten-- actually, I’m a little sick to my stomach. I huff and puff, trying to get my breath, craving fresh air.

A cramp squeezes my lower stomach, almost like an urgent need to pass gas. I gulp and sweat, my own words coming back to haunt me—“The bowels are always the first to go with this formula, and there’s nothing you can do.”

I throw back my chair and struggle to my feet, my legs wobbling drunkenly beneath me. It’s a mighty struggle, but I force myself upright, straightening my knees—

And start taking a noisy dump—right in the seat of my expensive silk panties.

I can’t even hide it for all the farting. All I can do is try to stop it... But it won’t stop. I close my eyes, I bite my bottom lip, and I poop my pants right there in front of you.

“Well well,” you chuckle fanning your face a bit. For the first time I notice the stench—to my utter humiliation, I realize it smells like an outhouse. “Look on the bright side, dear,” you say, rising and taking my hand. “Your plan was flawless—if you hadn’t gotten so wrapped up in your gloating, you might even have noticed me switching the glasses.”

I grunt and fart in response… moments later, my bladder erupts, dousing my panties, trailing down my legs, and splattering noisily into a puddle at my feet.

To the bathroom I’m pulled, my load squishing in my pants with every staggering step. I’m stripped—you wipe my poopy bottom clean, and quickly bath me… Soon I stand before you, clean and naked

“Diapers for you,” you decree, leading me to the room I had prepared as your nursery (how much did you know about my plan before you arrived?).

But I can’t walk anymore and I have to follow you on all fours, my bare tushy waggling in the air behind me. You lift me onto the changing table as though I’m weightless and lay me down on my back.
Embarrassment wells up inside me, and before I know it, I’m having a tantrum, pounding the table with my fists and kicking my legs in the air! “No! No fair! I’m the mommy, I should be putting the diapers on you! This is stupid! I don’t need diapers, I don’t!”

You hoist my ankles into the air and end my protests with a pair of swats on my jiggling bare bottom. “That’s not what you told me,” you remind me, powdering my bottom, and I sullenly realize your right—I’ve got six more months of embarrassing diaper changes ahead of me! I look at you pleadingly: You can’t let this happen! I’m sorry I was going to turn you into an Adult Baby—it was all a big joke, I promise! Help me, please! I don’t wanna wear diapers for six months!

But it’s too late—all I can manage now is a few goo-goo gaa-gaas. The diaper is taped up tight around my plump, womanly bottom. And just like that, I’ve been turned into a helpless Adult Baby… victim of my own naughty prank!

Suddenly, I feel my stomach cramping. Oh no—not again! Please, you have to do something! Can’t you help me?! Don’t let me poop my diaper again—I don’t want to mess myself!

But it’s too late. My buttocks part involuntarily. Before I know it, I’m letting out an audible, wet sounding fart. Warm, wet poop explodes into the seat of my diaper. I feel it as it spread out over my cheeks and squishes up my butt-crack.

I squeal and cry—It’s just not fair! You chide me, calling me a naughty girl. “Couldn’t you have done that before I changed your stinky pants?” you chuckle, tearing my diaper open and beginning the process all over again. I pout and sob and futilely try not to think about what the next few months are going to bring—and I know it’s going to be a long time before I can think of myself as a woman again.
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Post by MommyMaggy »

OMG! I LOVE it!!!

I would be honored to turn this into an audio sweetie :)


Mommy Maggy
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Post by Veronika »

This is a fantastic sequel,Maggie would make a very great audio that is for sure!
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Post by thehigh »

MommyMaggy wrote:OMG! I LOVE it!!!

I would be honored to turn this into an audio sweetie :)

That would be great! I'll do some revisions and send you an e-mail once I've go it streamlined a bit.
Veronika wrote: This is a fantastic sequel,Maggie would make a very great audio that is for sure!
Thanks Veronika-- maybe I could write something for you sometime?

I am a fan!!!!!!!

Post by Crissy »

You certainly have one heck of a gift for story telling! Fabulous!
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Re: I am a fan!!!!!!!

Post by thehigh »

Crissy wrote:You certainly have one heck of a gift for story telling! Fabulous!

Thanks Crissy! I would love to write something for you!
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Post by Veronika »

You have a dark mind I would love to make it darker :twisted:
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