Maternal Instinct

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joe nubio
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Maternal Instinct

Post by joe nubio »

(This is kind of a SCI FI Short story. it is not your typical ABDL story but I still hope you like.)

"Damn am I tired" you say to yourself as you approach the door of your apartment, its been a pretty hectic week, but thank God its Friday and you have some time to relax. Your boss has been riding you hard the past week forcing you to make impossible deadlines, and on top of that you just started about a month ago.

"Oh least now I just get a relaxing weekend, just Lauren and me." you tell yourself as you walk into your apartment and set down your briefcase.

"Hey was your day?" a voice comes from the bedroom...the voice belonging to Lauren.

"Oh it was okay, just happy the weekend is here,” you say smiling as she finishes up whatever she is doing.

You and Lauren have been together for three years, you still wonder how you ended up with a girl like her, she was beautiful, long blonde hair with full pouty lips, and what can only be described as the perfect body, her breasts were big, but not too big, and she had a somewhat big butt, but you loved it all the same. Just recently Lauren had been dropping hints about marriage and kids, she was OBSESSED with kids and talked all the time about she couldn't wait to have a baby of her own. Now even though you did love Lauren, this was a big step, you were a bit weary to even ask her to move in, and the thought of having kids made you a bit scared. But the past couple days she seemed to have dropped the kid issue.

"Wow, do I have a surprise for you!" Lauren said walking out of the bedroom in nothing but a tank top and small gym shorts that showed off her perfect ass.

"What is it hon?" you ask looking up at her with a big smile on her face.

"Well Mike, you know how I so badly want a little baby of my own,” she says giggling, as it’s apparent she's holding something behind her back.

"Geez, not again Lauren, I told you I’m not ready for that, I’m not ready to have a kid" you say having had this conversation with her many, many times.

"I know sweetie, that’s the thing, I have the perfect alternative, you won't have to worry about taking car of a little baby,” she says seeming to get happier by the moment

"Okay, well then what is it?" you ask a bit confused

"Look" she then pulls out some kind of remote control from behind her back. "This will solve all our problems."
"Well, what is it?"

"I snuck it out of the lab, it’s supposed to regress someone's age so that older people can feel young again, so I have the perfect solution" she says adjusting something on the dial

"Ha haa, some magic remote that changes you, I find that hard to believe, anyways, what did you plan on doing with it?" you ask laughing

"Well baby, I decided I could just make you my baby, since you don't want the responsibility, I guess I can just be your mommy" she says pointing the remote at you.

"What...Lauren are you craz..." you say before the remote shoots some sort of beam at you completely enveloping you, you begin to feel a bit dizzy when the beam retracts everything seems normal.

"Lauren what the hell are you thinking...for all you know that could have" you say when you notice the smile on her face get even bigger as you realize you are slowly beginning to shrink.

"Hehehe...oh wow I can't believe its working" she says giggling as she watches you get smaller.

You now look up at your smaller girlfriend that is now over twice your height. The fuzziness fades as you realize that you have shrunk. Lauren tries to pick you up but you instinctively duck out of the way and run for the bedroom. When you reach the bedroom you closed the door behind you and try to lock it but you quickly realize that the doorknob is too high for you to grab. Lauren pushes the door open only to knock you down in the process." aww did poor baby have trouble standing" she says as she picks you up and places you on her hip. " Let go" you demand as you try to get out of her grip. " Does my little man need a spanking? Or are you going to behave like a good little baby? Now its bath time for you" she says as she snuggles you tight to her breast. In the bath room you notice some new things (package of pampers, baby wipes, baby powder and baby shampoo. "Now before for we bath you my baby boyfriend, we should get some thing over with" she states. You then struggles even more “let me go I am not a baby". The next thing you know you flat on you belly across her knees (whack) her huge hand makes contact with your bottom. "OWWWW that hurts!!) You exclaim "well... you should have listen when I said stop struggling my little man" she stated as she gives you 5 more spanks. She then lifts you up and sits you on her lap and proceeds to strip you naked and you show little effort to get away feeling lucky she did not strip you first. She reached over and turned on the tub and placed you standing in the tub she then put a cream all over you legs pits and privates.” there we go this should make you all soft and smooth like a baby" She coos. You feel a tingling sensation from the cream as the tub fills up she forces you to sit down she then proceeds to wash you with a wash mitt shaped like a teddy bear smiling the whole time. You notice all your hair on your body rinsing off you and into the tub she then shampoos your hair. When she is done you are lifted out of the tub and dry off in a big fluffy towel. Lauren lays you on you back and reaches for a diaper. You jump up” please Lauren not that I don’t want to wear a diaper." you say I as you try to run by her. She snatched you back and lays you back down on the floor" hush little one your too small for adult cloths and you might fall in the toilet and I am not going to lift you up every time you have to pee. So a diaper is the best solution,” she states as she grabs you ankles and lifts you up and slides the diaper under you. She then proceeds to powder you and rub it into your bottom and crotch. All this attention to your groin gives and unwanted effect. Lauren starts to giggle as she slowly pulls the diaper between your legs" I thinks some one enjoys his diaper time” Lauren says with a devilish grin. You watch in horror as she tapes up the diaper.

Lauren picks you up and places on her hip and takes you into the bedroom where she has laid out a teddy bear sleeper for you. The next thing you know you are dress just like a baby. "Hmm I think some one might be hungry." she say as she takes off her shirt" she then picks you up off the bed and cradles you as you are carried over to a rocking chair. "Drink up" she says as she pulled the breast out of her bra and forces your lips to her nipple. You try to stop her but you end up getting smothered in her breast. To your surprise when you finally start to suckle milk actually comes out. You do this for a few minutes but fade off to sleep very quickly.
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Post by babybrendan »

awesome story
can't waith to read more of it.
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Post by MommyJosie »

I really liked that. Good story line.
"Out of 2 evils, I always go with the one I haven't tried" ~Mae west
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Post by mikey »

very nice :) more more more
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Post by TheSitterStacie »

Absolutely Cheetos!!! *claps* That was fantastic joe, I hope you post more.

“And the National Rifle Association says that, "Guns don't kill people, people do,” but I think the gun helps, you know? I think it helps. I just think just standing there going, "Bang!" That's not going to kill too many people, is it?"
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Post by Naughty Nanny Ella »

very nice :)

Call Nanny Ella when baby needs a sitter

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Post by larbear »

Good job, I would love to read more. :D

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joe nubio
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thank you

Post by joe nubio »

Thank you for all your kind replys . I will be adding a part two.. hopefully you will enjoy it as well..
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Post by TheSitterStacie »

*waits with a smile on my face*

“And the National Rifle Association says that, "Guns don't kill people, people do,” but I think the gun helps, you know? I think it helps. I just think just standing there going, "Bang!" That's not going to kill too many people, is it?"
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