October 16, 200810 Things That You Shouldn’t Give At Halloween
October 22, 2008Well my sweeties, I finally did it! I figured out the perfect costume not only for me, but really for any of us. Baby Huey of course! Yes, I am sure some of you may have done it in the past, and you probably did it dress like the guy in the blue suit holding the rubber ducky. I think we did it wrong if it was done that way…we need to dress more like the cartoon character in order to actually pull it off. I am going to wear the little blue hat, little blue shirt, the diaper {of }, but I am gonna cover the diaper with a pair of matching blue pants that look like rubber pants, then I am gonna find a ducks beak and some kind of duck like shoes, This way I LOOK like the cartoon character, not the other guy, and I will be able to pull it off and get away with wearing a diaper in public. What better time of year to get away with the most outrageous things than at Halloween. It will be the one day out of all the rest I can dress this way and any of you as well and no one will ever be any the wiser. We are all simply just wearing our Halloween costumes. It’s no different than when a man dresses in drag that day or any other outrageous thing that people get away with. It is a day we are all safe. Personally, I think we would look pretty darn cute as the Baby Huey the cartoon character. I can’t wait. Let me know if anyone else decides to do it, or what some of you came up with for costumes.