So many fantasies

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So many fantasies

Post by pinkluvs »

I have so many diaper fantasies going back to at least when I was four years old.

Everyone says they're going to write a book so it it seems, so I figured why not? I would focus on being a DL, and the fantasies associated with being a DL.

Who knows, it might be popular. I'm sure any psychology major would find it a good read at the very least! :P
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Post by pinkluvs »

I think I would like to focus on theories as to why we are as we are. This is a subject that is taboo, but is harmless. We just like diapers, being made to wear them, etc. Maybe I'm onto something. Who knows, maybe someday I'll find my book in places like "Good Vibrations" in San Francisco.
They're aware of the DL/AB scene, and would stock a tastefully and informatively written book. I even saw a book when I was there that touched upon the subject written for the BSDM people. It (diaper fetishism) certainly comes into play!

I think it's time for something real and informative and coming from experience. Yay! :)
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Post by MommieSara »

We could have a great book if we got everyone together and gathered all our stories. There are theories as to why we like diapers and like to be regressed, but mostly by psychologist But I think we are better at determining the reasons.
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Post by MommyShirley »

Go for it pinkluvs, I am sure a lot of people will love to read your stories and experiences. I know I would.
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I agree

Post by pinkluvs »

MommieSara, you are right about psychologists. They only know the "academics" of who and what we are, not the true feelings and experiences.

MommieShirley, I think I will start getting my thoughts together. As a long time DL, I think I should know something a bit about this subject.
I will need to research more of the AB aspect. It's not like I'm unfamiliar after so many years, it's just not what I have been into.

The AB lifestyle needs to be described though especially since it is a large part of the community. Not to mention there are AB/DLs--a combination of both aspects.

I want to write in a very caring and understanding manner.

I know very well we can't be "outed". I sure wouldn't want that even though there are those who know--in real life and here.

I will have to write from experience "in general" if I do this.

I think I would like to write a sort of "user's manual" to the AB/DL lifestyle. I think it would be informative and let people know we a re just like others in the "left side" of sexuality.
Hey, we just like diapers, and like me, I like to be "mommied" I just love the thought of being taken care of and diapered.
I sure don't mind a little "spanking" for wearing "boy" underwear either ;-)
And so on!
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I'm working on it

Post by pinkluvs »

I have been researching the history of it all. Believe me, this is not easy going. Most of the topics are recent, and some are clinical in the nature of psychology from many years ago.

I suppose I will have to do with my own experiences. That shouldn't be a problem :)
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Post by Lexus »

You are going to write a great book, I just know it. Since it is difficult to find much about it before recent things online maybe you could do an online interview or questionnaire with those who have been involved with it for some time.
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Great idea!

Post by pinkluvs »

That is a fantastic idea, MommyLexus. Poll sites are plentiful, and I'm sure that I can get some ideas and information from there.

I always knew I had a few purposes in life, this is one of them. I want others to know to not be ashamed. There is also the aspect of binge and purge that has happened to so many, including me up to a point. Then there are those who would actually hurt themselves because they can't be "normal". This unfortunately includes suicide.

I sure don't want any out there to harm themselves, and I hope to provide some understanding in that this is something that isn't wrong. It's just different. Why anyone would persecute someone who likes to wear diapers is beyond my comprehension.
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I have read of people....

Post by pinkluvs »

I have read of people who have had diaper fetishes since the 1930s. I wonder what it was like for them back then.

I'm sure the same desires were there, but how diapers and plastic pants have changed along with the social norms. I have read somewhere that in the 1950s and 1960s, this could have had you win a one way ticket to a mental hospital. Here comes "Big Nurse, look out!"

That must have been a bummer in the truest sense of things. People thinking you're all crazy and stuff. But then, it's still like that now in terms of "straight" (and I don't mean hetero versus non-hetero). I just think of acceptance of a diaper fetish, or being an AB or AB/DL. Most people don't get it or are repulsed.

Why should people be repulsed? We like diapers, and/or being treated gently like a baby or toddler. Some of us like to be their current age, and etc.

Sheesh. Even a "family values" US Senator is into this.

"Oy Vey" as my grandma used to say :)
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Post by powderbaby1981 »

another fantasy I have is an idea I got from Tom & Jerry episode "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Mouse"

I get confronted by my girlfriend after I have an affair with another girl which she finds out about, she has a glass of milk "from curves, a brand I never heard of", then she grows some muscles and start beating me up until her muscles wear off, she goes for another drink and grows muscles again and beats me up some more, after her muscles wear off again, I run for her milk and end up drinking it as I began to grow muscles and outgrow my shirt and pants, and then my muscles wear off quick and I end up smaller than her, I began to run as she picks me up by my underwear, and tells me that Curves Milk only works on women not on little boys like me, she then lets go of my underwear as I fall to the floor and I shrink even smaller, I'm now half her size and too little for my underwear, she then grabs me by my ----- and yanks it as I shrink even smaller to the size of a baby :cry: , she then puts a diaper on me and puts me in a play-pen and a pacifier in my mouth, the other girl knocks on the door as my girlfriend answers it and tells her about me cheating on her with her, and she shows her me as a baby in my diaper and pacifier :oops: as I am now there baby forever
may I have some milk
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Post by MommyMaggy »

So how is the research going Pink? you haven't posted in a while and i was just wondering if you were able to get some feedback on some polls. Ya know, Diaperspace has a poll feature - you might want to try there, is you haven't tried there yet.

Keep us posted!

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Post by pinkluvs »

Sorry it took a while to reply. The research is slow through the usual channels. I first looked at many, many polls, and came to the conclusion that the respondents were fantasizing about half the time. I know I shouldn't make judgements, but as they say: "it takes one to know one".

The best way, I figure, would be to create a poll that has some sort of provision about this being a poll designed for research purposes. I know the wording would take much of the fun out it all, and of course there would still be those who stretch the truth a bit, but I think I could get better results than from what I've seen so far.

This is a bigger project than I could have realized at first, but not impossible. With so little real information out there about the ab/dl culture, I still think it's worthwhile. There are also rights about publishing experiences among other things. This falls in the legal department. I sure wouldn't want someone mad at me in that way.

I just want an informative guide to who and what we are for not only those "into it", but for others as well. We're not fiends, nor is this an illness. There are many "accepted" fetishes out there such as bondage. We just have a different twist on things.

There is also a link to a wonderful podcast I found. I'm not sure of posting links here, but to say the least, it was one of the best interviews I have ever heard on the subject. All real and quite open on the matter of being a DL, and how it all began. Maybe you already know of this?

Always more to come :)
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