Brenda Takes Care of Her Sick Baby! (part 2)
February 11, 2024Brenda Lactates For Her Baby!
February 15, 2024Brianna had always been dominant, and Jeremy knew that too well. He loved her for it, one of the many things that had drawn him to her. But sometimes, her dominance could be a bit much, especially regarding his adult baby lifestyle. He loved being a baby, wearing diapers, and being cared for by Brianna. She was the perfect Mommy to his little side. But sometimes, he couldn’t help but push her limits, testing to see just how far he could go before she would snap. And last night, he had gone too far! As she slipped into bed beside him, her soft curves pressing against his body, he couldn’t help but snuggle into her warmth. He loved these midnight cuddle sessions, where they could forget about the world and be together. But as she wrapped her arm around him, she immediately noticed something was off. “Jeremy, what’s this?” she asked, her voice laced with a hint of anger. He froze, his memory returning in a horrified rush about what she was talking about. Earlier that night, he had slipped out of his diaper and put on a pair of his old underwear. He felt rebellious and wanted to see if he could get away with it. But now, as Brianna turned him over and saw the evidence for herself, he felt a pang of guilt. “I-I don’t know why I…,” he stammered, trying to devise some excuse. She wasn’t having it, no, no. Brianna quickly yanked him over to the edge of the bed, arranging him so that his feet were flat on the floor. He tried to protest, but she ignored his sleepy questions and snapped his underwear against his skin. “What are these doing on you instead of a diaper?” she demanded, her voice laced with disappointment. Jeremy could feel the blood rising in his cheeks as he tried to explain himself. But before he could get a word out, her Mommy’s wide hand came down hard on his bottom, delivering a punishing smack.
“OOOUCH!” He yelped in surprise and pain, his eyes expanding as she continued to spank him, each blow harder and more stinging than the last. He tried to squirm away, but she held onto him firmly, ensuring he couldn’t escape the punishment! “This is what happens when you disobey and act like a big boy!” she scolded him. “You know I expect you to wear your diaper at all times. You’re lucky I didn’t slip into a wet bed.” Jeremy could feel the tears starting to prick at the angles of his eyes as she continued to spank him over and over, her words sinking in and making him feel even more guilty for his actions. He knew he had messed up and was now paying the price. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, she stopped and pulled him onto the bed. He was practically in tears by this point, his bottom throbbing pink from the onslaught of spanks. But his Mommy wasn’t done yet. “Now, let’s get you back into a diaper,” she said, her tone firm but not unkind. She helped him to his feet and guided him to the changing table, where she cleaned him up and put a fresh diaper on him. As she did, she lectured him about the importance of following rules and being responsible. “Remember, Jeremy, you’re my baby. And as your Mommy, it’s my job to take care of you and ensure you stay safe and healthy. That means always wearing your diapers and not trying to be a big boy when you know you’re not ready for it.”
Jeremy nodded, feeling thoroughly scolded and ashamed of his actions. He knew he had let his rebellious side get the best of him, and he regretted it now. “M-Mommy, I’m sorry,” he whispered, his voice thick with emotion. Brianna’s expression softened as she finished dressing him for the day and helped him off the changing table. She pulled him into a hug, rubbing his back soothingly. “It won’t happen again, will it?”
“N-No.” Jeremy nodded again, feeling grateful for her forgiveness but also determined to make sure he never disappointed her like this again. After that morning, things went back to normal between them. Brianna continued to be the loving and caring Mommy he knew and loved, and Jeremy was more careful about following her rules and staying in his diaper. But he couldn’t help but feel a twinge of fear every time he thought about that morning, knowing he would face the consequences if he dared disobey again.
Naughty Brianna